2024 4th Quarter Crime Report_rev

Assault Offenses

Aggravated Assault •

Approximately 33% were known to be domestic - related. 49% occurred within a residence, 24% on a highway, road, or in an alley, 11% in parking lot/garage, and 1% in a bar/nightclub. Approximately 58% were known to be domestic - related. 60% occurred within a residence, 9% on a highway, road, or in an alley, 7% in a parking lot/garage, and 3% in a bar/nightclub.

Decreased 4.9%

Decreased 4.7%

Simple Assaults •

Increased 5.6%

Intimidation To unlawfully place another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm through the use of threatening words and/or other conduct, but without displaying a weapon or an actual physical attack.

Simple Assaults An unlawful physical attack by one person upon another where neither the offender displays a weapon, nor the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury.

Aggravated Assault An unlawful attack by a person upon another person where the offender uses or displays a weapon in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury.

Kidnapping/Abduction There was a 30% increase in kidnapping/abduction offenses in Fourth Quarter 2024 with 65 offenses compared to 50 offenses in Fourth Quarter 2023.

Of the 65 kidnapping offenses this quarter, 53 were unlawful restraints, 8 were aggravated kidnappings, and 4 were kidnappings.

Please refer to Texas Penal Code Title 5, Chapter 20 for full definitions, below are abbreviated definitions of each: • Unlawful restraint: Intentionally or knowingly [restraining] another person. • Kidnapping : Intentionally or knowingly [abducting] another person … not coupled with intent to use or to threaten to use deadly force. • Aggravated Kidnapping : Intentionally or knowingly [abducting] another person with the intent [for example] to hold him for ransom or reward … use him as a shield or hostage...inflict bodily injury. • Unlawful Transport : For pecuniary benefit [transporting] an individual in a manner that is designed to conceal the individual from … law enforcement authorities … and [creating] a substan- tial likelihood that the individual will suffer serious bodily injury or death.

Victim Relationship



Knew the Suspect






Dating or Married





2024 4th Quarter Crime Report


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