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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 ONTARIO BUDGET HEARINGS The provincial government is giving citizens a chance to provide comments on the draft for the next Ontario budget. A series of pre-budget public consultations are scheduled in January, one of them being in Ottawa on January 23. Anyone wishing to make a presentation in person during the hearing should submit his or her application by 5 p.m., January 8, to the Clerk of the Committee. The deadline for written submissions to the budget committee is 5 p.m., January 29. Applications go to Timothy Bryan, committee clerk, at Room 1405, Whitney Block, Queen’s Park, Toronto ON M7A 1A2, 416-325- 3505 (fax), or comm-financeaffairs@– Gregg Chamberlain

GREGG CHAMBERLAIN .10''&34)*4/&8:&"348*4)-*45 election mode” and preparing his campaign strategy now. First step involves scheduling meetings in January with all the mayors in the GPR to go over local and regional priorities.

It’s going to be an election year again this year and Glengarry-Prescott-Russell MP Francis Drouin wants to make sure both he and his riding are in the best shape possible when he hits the cam- paign trail. “More exercise,” said Drouin, with a smile, XIFOBTLFEXIBUIJTQFSTPOBM/FX:FBST resolution was for 2019. “And I am wishing for every citizen to have the best chance to succeed.” This year will be a federal election year BOEXIJMFUIFPGàDJBM&MFDUJPO8SJUIBTOPU dropped yet, Drouin said he is already “in

The labour needs of the riding is already POFPGUIFQSJPSJUZJUFNTPO%SPVJOT wish list for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. i8FOFFEUPàOEPVUIPXUPBUUSBDUOFX - comers, or Canadians from other parts of the country, here to work,” he said during a SFDFOUJOUFSWJFXi*UTOPUKVTUBAPOFUPXO solution. It requires all of us to work together. Business needs labour.” Drouin observed that the riding needs both skilled and unskilled workers to meet the needs of a growing economy. The skilled

Le député de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Francis Drouin, prévoit en faire plus cette année pour sa santé personnelle et celle de sa circonscription au début de la nouvelle année. Entre les préoccupations de la circonscription, le député commence sa campagne de réélection plus tôt que prévu et n’attend pas l’annonce officielle du jour des élections par le Parlement. —archives labour, he noted, is necessary for future HSPXUIJOUIFSFHJPOTJOEVTUSJBMBOEUFDI TFDUPSTi*WFIFBSEBMPUPGQFPQMFTBZ they need access to (trained) engineers, for example,” Drouin said. The agricultural sector, he added, has depended on migrant workers from Mexico and Guatemala to fill the unskilled labour needs at local farms, but that is a tempo- rary solution. If there is ever a shortage of migrant workers during harvest time or other seasons, local produce farmers could face problems. Drouin wants to see a reliable local pool of general labour developed in the region. &/#3&'r#3*&'4 NEW DISTRACTED DRIVING PENALTIES to $1000 on conviction, along with three demerit points and a three-day suspension of their driver’s license. A second conviction is worth a fine of between $500 to $2000, six demerit points, and a seven-day licence suspen- sion. A third conviction means a fine of between $500 to $3000, six demerit points, and 30-day suspension. .– Gregg Chamberlain SPECIAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE The Upper Canada District School Board appointed eight new members to its Special Education Advisory Committee. They include Kevin Brisson of Autism Ontario, Jane Holski of Community Living North Grenville, MacArthur Millen of Parents for Children’s Mental Health (Brockville chapter), Debbie Terrance as First Nations representative, and Kimberley Wright of the Brockville and District Association for Community Involvement. Members-at-large appointments include Michael Labonte, Anne Presley, and Deborah Wood. – Gregg Chamberlain As of January 1st, there are new penalties for distracted driving on Ontario roads. Anyone caught using a hand-held device like a cellphone while driving will face fines of between $500


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