Y7 Bulletin 24.01.25

Welcome to this week's news from Year 7.


24 JANUARY 2025




It has been wonderful to see the sports & extra curricular activities all back in swing after the holidays. We had great success last week with the Year 8/9 Basketball team who smashed their opponents in the final league game against Christ’s School last Monday. They played a splendid game,

GCSE MFL Speaking Mocks - w/c 24 January Year 10 Ski Trip Information evening - Tuesday 28 January


Year 13 PCM Meetings - Wednesday 29 January

convincingly beating their opponents 60-20 and have been named Richmond Borough Champions after an undefeated streak of games! We have welcomed a number of visiting speakers into the Sixth Form this week, James Peterson offered advice on how to stay mentally healthy, while Marion Clarke, Head of Forensic Social Work at West London NHS Trust and Broadmoor Hospital spoke to the students about social work and the intersection between mental health, criminal justice systems and the law. Today A-Level Musicians took part in a Choral Composition Masterclass led by Dr Nathan James Dearden from Royal Holloway. Today Mr Allen took a group of A-level Chemists for a lab visit to Southbank University where they will get to use some exciting high-tech competition. The judges were very impressed by the professional quality and presentation of the entries. A huge congratulations to all participants. This week’s winners were 9SAN with Matcha, Strawberry and Vanilla cupcakes. Closely followed by 9SSR with Lemon and Raspberry cupcakes and 9EFR with an Apple and Cinnamon combination. equipment only available in specialist research laboratories. This week has been Year 9’s turn to take part in the Bake Off

International Day of Education - 24 January National Storytelling Week - 25 January - 1 February Holocaust Memorial Day - 27 January HOLIDAYS & NATIONAL DAYS

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send us your achievement stories and photos to share by email to

~ Ms Tongue, Headteacher


info@waldegravesch.org STAY CONNECTED WITH US:

Next week is Thrive LDN’s Great Mental Health Day, which takes place annually on the final Friday of January. While you may have heard a lot about so-called ‘Blue Monday’ (allegedly the most depressing day of the year), Good Thinking, London’s digital wellbeing service, is trying to encourage us all to focus on what we can do to proactively improve our wellbeing. You can find out more about the Good Thinking website and resources here or book a place on the webinar on Friday 31 January 1-1.45pm. The Mental Health Support Team are delivering are number of parent workshops and webinars in the coming weeks: • ‘Helping teens with Self-harm and suicidal thoughts’: webinar is on 6th February. Book here. • ‘Changes in the Adolescent Brain’: webinar will take place on 7 Feb- ruary 9-10.15am. Book here. • Managing Exam Anxiety Workshop: this will take place in school on Thursday 27 February 6-7.30pm and will cover how parents can help their children manage exam stress. Register your interest. A series of further webinars are being hosted by the Anna Freud Centre.

A little help goes a long way... click below to see how you can support our school CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT


In tutor time this week we have been sharing information about our family histories ahead of our assembly which focused on Holocaust Memorial day. This remembrance day falls this coming Monday and the assembly served as a thought provoking reminder to honour the memory of those who have suffered and died for who they are. This memorial day encourages us to stand up against prejudice, hate and violence, and to educate ourselves to ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself. This week our Year 7 Basketball travelled to St Richard Reynolds for their first match of the league. The team worked hard throughout the game and improved as the match progressed. They won by a score of 10 points to 2. Very well done to the whole team Fatima B, Rose B, Shaleen C, Sio D, Edie D, Tabitha E, Maya F, Pamela L, Ettie M, Francesca M, Isla R and a special mention goes to players’ player: Shaleen C. We look forward to sharing more results and news throughout this term. Congratulations to Francesca M, 7PFO who recently achieved a 100 runs milestone with Parkrun (on Christmas Day!), managing to complete all of these in different locations. She is only the 98th Park Runner to have achieved this! This has taken commitment and resilience, she should be very proud. We look forward to hearing about some of the fantastic locations she has run in and reporting back when she achieves 150! This week I’m focusing on Epraise gained during the last 7 days; the Year 7 individual leaderboard: equal 1st place - Emma C 7PCO, Nethra G 7EEL and Eva M 7EEL. The form leaderboard for the last 7 days looks like this: 1st 7PFO, 2nd 7EEL and 3rd 7ESU. Well done to everyone earning Epraise points! Next week the Year 7 Netball team have another friendly fixture and we are planning another Year 7 Basketball match v Hampton High. Good luck to all those involved. Please can we ask parents to support us to ensure students arrive at school dressed in the correct uniform and are fully equipped for a day’s learning. Some students have started to forget their chromebooks and it is important that these are brought into school every day. We thank you for your ongoing support with this.



‘My name is Mina’ by David Almond

In the form of a journal, this book is a prequel for the book Skellig, and focuses on the character Mina before she has met Michael and Skellig. It focuses on her troubles with school and family and shines a light on her creativity. It is a fun, but serious book all at the same time and has many different forms of creativity like poetry and made-up stories. Overall, it’s a very personal and emotive tale, with lots of much needed honesty about school and the stories that are missed of kids who struggle in school. - Isabelle H, Y11

Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to KS3@waldegravesch.org Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 7 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS

FRIDAY MATHS PUZZLE Our learning focus for tutor time on Fridays this term is mathematics, with the maths department setting some thought provoking brain teasers each week for pupils to grapple with. Did you know that maths puzzles can boost mental maths skills? To solve a maths puzzle you must do simple maths in your head. At first you may need paper and a pen to work these out but with practice you will become more able to use memory and critical thinking skills to solves these in your head. Please have a go at this week’s problem, talk to your child about how they approached it and what the solutions were. We hope you enjoy these at home as much as the students have enjoyed them with their form!






Year 8/9 Basketball v Christ’s School

Won 60-20


Year 10/11 Rugby Tournament

Won 1 Lost 2

A Team lost 7-12 B Team won 12-7


Year 8/9 Basketball v SRR

Congratulations to the Year 8/9 Basketball team (pictured) who won their final league game against Christ’s School on Monday. They played a splendid game, convincingly beating their opponents 60-20! Well done! Despite a hard played tournament our Year 10/11 Rugby Team managed to only win one of their three matches on Tuesday. Well done to our try scorers Amelie B-A 11EAH, Eve H-P 10FGR and Neuza E-M 11SHO. With the Y7 Netball league beginning after Feb Half Term, we have begun friendly fixtures to get the ball rolling. On Thursday we took on Grey Court School. Having only played together twice during training both teams played extraordinarily well. Both games were extremely close, with some impressive netball knowledge displayed! Player of the match - A Team: Molly W. B Team: Sio D.

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