CCI Newsletter 2 - 2021-2022

company and your community. Perhaps someone is cutting corners and only budgeting one hour a week for weeding, when we know it ’ s five hours? Remember to be respectful during this process. If a contractor feels like they are being worked over the coals on their pricing, they will surely make it up somewhere during the length of the contract. This needs to be a win - win. Many us know that a win - lose mentality is not sustainable. Open dialogue both ways We ’ ve locked in our contractor of choice, now what? Don ’ t stop communicating. Like any partnership we are apt to become complacent with each other once the honeymoon phase is over. If the quality of work is slipping address it in a professional and constructive manner. If the work is on par or better, let the contractor know you appreciate what they are doing. Far too often the contractors are dumped on over and over. As someone who spent over a decade in the landscape maintenance, design and construction industry a simple “ thanks to the crew ” goes miles. And it ’ s remembered when the crew rolls in weekly to cut the lawn or plough the snow at 3:00am, I can assure you of that. We should remember that these contractors didn ’ t get into the industry to make a quick buck and leave. This is not Bitcoin. They want to build long term lasting relationships with their clients and grow their company and brand. Usually, they will have a point person for the Board and/or manager to communicate with instead of the crew who is sent in there to do the job in a timely and effective manner. Use this touch point person to your full advantage. Meet onsite monthly for 20 minutes to go over any issues or call each other every other week to check in. Whatever the method, keeping clear communication going as this will be the key to a successful business relationship. In closing … Before severing a relationship or going to market, understand your community. Be clear with everyone involved to the best of your abilities. Do we know what we are and what we want? Do we understand the costs? Are we looking for champagne taste on a beer budget? The better educated we are on the subject matter and the process the better for

everyone involved. Listen to the owners who share eyes on the property. And remember ….. this must always be a partnership based on a win - win mentality. Its that simple!

- SE

CCI Review 2021/2022 —November 2021 - 16

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