CCI Newsletter 2 - 2021-2022

well as current budget; information on insurance for the corporation; management services; minutes to the last Annual General Meeting; the most recent Reserve Fund Study. A review of the Ontario Condominium Buyers Guide will give potential new buyers, and even those who are repeat owners, up - to - date and key points that will help in the purchase process of a condominium, as owners and directors on the boards, and especially as new material becomes available. Insurance Owners should also review the condo corporation ’ s insurance coverage, limits and deductibles to make sure their own home insurance policy will cover that which they will be responsible for. It is important that owners be reminded that the corporation ’ s policy does not cover personal property and betterments within the unit. Consultation with an expert insurance provider is recommended. Records Request Process At any time an owner wishes to make a Request for Records, there is an official form which can be found on the website A description of Core and Non - core records can be found here. Something for owners to consider: These times have made it so that boards and managers are overwhelmed by the administrative tasks required each day to respond to the duties they have to adhere to the Condominium Act , responding to emails from owners, attending to maintenance issues where there is a shortage of supplies and contractors, and the list goes on. However, in this day of technology, it should be relatively straightforward to have the most sought after documents online for quick distribution to owners when requested. Owners should then maintain their own directory of all documents related to their unit and corporation. In order to make the process more manageable for owners, as well as for boards and managers, familiarity with the corporation ’ s documents, the CAT Process and retaining core records can be more than helpful for everyone. As the CAT jurisdiction over disputes expands, notice will be made on their website. Here is the link to review what disputes are currently covered. Check us out on Social Media We all should have a continuing appetite for education in condominiums, as owners, directors, managers and even as those who work within the condominium arena. The review of CAT cases can be illuminating. The chapter has been posting cases and their outcomes on social media on Mondays for your review. Check them out. The information therein will assist us all on how to respond, the analysis and the orders that the Tribunal can assert, including as it

relates to the costs and penalties that might be ordered. All of the process involved is important for boards and managers to be aware of.

“Education is one thing no one can take away from you.” — Elin Nordegren

CCI Review 2021/2022 —November 2021 - 21

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