Kappa Journal (Senior Kappas Edition)


Brother Williams retired as a computer systems designer. His career started with the development of a super computer for the forerunner of Unysis, Sperry Univac. Above is a mention in the March 26, 1959 issue of Jet Magazine ® as well as one of the pat- ent registrations he filed in the Library of Congress. At right, Tar- leton D. Williams Jr., Esq., a member of the Membership Status Review Commission with the elder Brother Williams, continuing the legacy of service to Kappa. Jet Magazine ® excerpt supplied by Brother Williams.

The Williams Family Tree and The Journal

Brother Williams recounted one day the fierce- ness of his eldest brother’s commitment to Kappa Alpha Psi. “He was very involved and made sure we were too,” stated Brother Wil- liams. The Story of Kappa Alpha Psi, Third Edition , provides an example. “An inventory of the interests and abilities of members was needed. It was decided that the May 1956 issue of the Kappa Alpha Psi Journal be dedicated to ‘His Excellency Mr. Kappa.’ It was to be a portrait and a story presentation of Kappamen in a manner to facilitate increased brotherhood, assist broad acquaintance, encourage reclama- tion, and project the fundamental purpose of achievement.” The Story at page 269. Brother John N. Williams contributed to print- ing more than 500 biographies of Kappamen leading to the largest single issue at that time. Brother Williams went on to become the First Elder Watson Diggs Awardee of Kappa Alpha Psi. “John was unparalleled in a family of four boys--all Kappas. He instilled there was no other choice. Most of my friends are all Kappas because of John. And he extended that love of Kappa through Guide Right as a pioneer with Elvin Strothers and others,” he recalled.

John N. Williams, above left, Journal contributor and First Elder Watson Diggs Awardee. In his Who's Who in Kappa Alpha Psi, he was able to feature his brothers: Clifton J., middle photo, Joseph N., top right photo, and Tarleton D. Excerpt on and photo of Tarleton D. Williams in the May 1956 Issue No. 2 of The Kappa Alpha Psi Journal .


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