A Look Back: The Need and the Challenge: “A New Headquarters Building”
T he Story of Kappa Alpha Psi , Fourth Edition recounts the 68 th Grand Chapter Meeting of Kappa Alpha Psi held in Dallas, X that there was discussion of a “New Headquarters Building” at 607. In a document entitled “The Need and the Challenge” the following information was shared with the delegates. In September 1953, Kappa Alpha Psi established the National Headquarters Office at 2320 North Broad Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during 15 th Grand Polemarch Dr. W. Henry Greene's tenure. During the administra- tion of 16 th Grand Polemarch C. Rodger Wilson, the National Headquarters facil- ity underwent its first major renovation converting it from a residential property
to a commercial use. During the admin- istration of 21 st Grand Polemarch Dr. El- bert E. Allen, the Fraternity undertook a program to acquire adjoining properties in the block with a view toward build- ing a major facility. In 1979 during the administration of 22 nd Grand Polemarch H.H. Holloway, alternative building designs were presented, and the Grand Chapter adopted a plan to construct a new National Headquarters facility on the existing site and the Grand Board of Directors was instructed to work out the details for financing the structure. In 1980 during the administration of 23 rd Grand Polemarch Dr. Oliver Gumbs, the Grand Chapter in session reaffirmed actions taken during the 1979 meeting. The Kappa Alpha Psi Housing and Economic Development Corpora-
tion proceeded to have the plans up- dated and completed. Various programs were implemented to raise funds, such as the “Brick” program, and the Head- quarters Endowment fund increased to approximately $86,000. At the 1986 Grand Chapter Meeting during the administration of 25 th Grand Polemarch Randall C. Bacon, there was a proposal for a joint-use facility to be shared with the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter and the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation. This proposal was rejected by Grand Chapter and the Board was instructed to con- sider other approaches as well as other sites. In 1987, after further study and evalu- ations, a National Headquarters Task Force recommended building on the existing site and the Grand Board of
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