Leading Virtual Teams - Webinar: Top Tips


Leading Virtual Teams

Virtual teams often evolve rather than get planned that way. Whether you consciously decide to set up a virtual team or your virtual team has evolved, it's likely to be in response to the coronavirus pandemic, when governments imposed restrictions on travel and social interaction. As a leader and member of a virtual team, you can benefit from greater flexibility and freedom from many of the constraints of office working. On the flip side, you face the challenge of leading the team virtually. Like any conventional team, a virtual team consists of a group of people who interact to complete interdependent tasks and work towards a common goal. But instead of working in the same office, the team members work in different places, often at home, and in different time zones. You and your team members will face many challenges. Issues and difference can arise because of team members' different cultures and backgrounds. Each person has different expectations, different experience and different working styles. The team must work hard to ensure each person can contribute effectively and to ensure the team pulls together towards the common goal. Without the benefits of face-to-face communication and casual chat, leaders must actively and regularly communicate direction, ensure that team members know what they need to know, and that make sure that team members feel supported and appreciated. When managed effectively, your business and your team members will be able to enjoy the successes and benefits of working in a virtual team. Done properly, there can be huge advantages to virtual team work.

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