Curriculum information Autumn 2020

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 1 2020-21 - Autumn term For specific class information see For dates see

Maths Time will be spent ensuring that the children have a secure knowledge and understanding of numbers within 10. We want the children to have flexibility in working with numbers to 10, allowing them to quickly apply this knowledge to larger numbers in the future. We will explore addition and subtraction within 10 and look at the different ways in which numbers can be partitioned, developing fluency in number bonds for all numbers up to 10. In all lessons the children will be encouraged to use equipment to support their learning such as Numicon, part, part whole models, 10 frames and number lines. We will also be building on learning from Reception, mastering basic 2D and 3D shape terminology and exploring patterns. Music In music, we will be looking at ‘Old School Hip Hop’. We will listen to and appraise a range of songs that use this style of music. The children will have the opportunity to identify the different types of musical instruments that are used within the song. We will also learn about how pulse and rhythm work together to create music which will help the children when composing their own rap.

English Our ‘Talk for Writing’ will kick off with the children learning and reciting a short piece entitled ‘Summer Holidays’. This should lead them nicely into writing their own piece of writing based on their recent summer holiday experiences. We will also be looking at the features of traditional tales such as ‘The Little Red Hen’ and will even try our hand at Christmas poetry writing as well! Throughout, we will be teaching the children the importance of finger spaces, capital letters, full stops and the use of adjectives in their writing. Our trip to the

Our topic is The Victorians.

Black Country Museum will provide us with an opportunity for some cross-curricular writing.

Although our main topic this term will be The Victorians, to help ease the children back into school life we will spend the first few weeks on a mini topic entitled ‘All About Me’. This will enable us to really get to know the children and to create a safe and happy environment. Through this topic we will be linking our History, Art, Design and Technology. This topic is about comparing our present lives with those of the Victorians, looking at schools, work and homes. We will be using drama, books, the Internet, a Victorian dress-up day and a visit to The Black Country Living Museum to learn more about the topic and to explore the Victorian way of life. Our educational visit will be to The Black Country Living Museum – a great place for the children to develop their historical language, knowledge of the Victorians and their curiosity to find out more. (COVID-19 dependent)

Computing The children will be learning to understand that devices respond to commands and to understand that they can programme a simple sequence of commands into a programmable toy to send it on a route. They will also explore an on-screen turtle/Bee-Bot, navigating it around a course or grid, and will be encouraged to predict what will happen once the next command is entered. We will be discussing our SMART message on a regular basis so that the children become increasingly aware of how to use technology safely and respectfully. Science The children’s knowledge and skills will be developed through our unit of work on materials. It will provide opportunities to learn to identify a range of different materials, to differentiate between an object and what it is made from and to use appropriate vocabulary to describe what a material is like. Throughout the year, we will also be observing seasonal changes by tracking the life cycle of a tree and a bulb, over the four seasons.

History Through our topic of The Victorians the children will be developing an awareness of the past, using words and phrases related to the passing of time. Through looking at a range of sources, they will identify and discuss similarities and differences between the Victorian times and our way of life today. Aspects covered will include homes, school life, jobs and the way that people dressed. The children will be involved in a Victorian Dress-up day and our classrooms will take a trip back to the Victorian times.

PE Within our P.E lessons, the children are going to practise and master their basic movements. Some of these include running, jumping, throwing and catching. They will also be developing their balance, agility and co- ordination skills and begin to apply these within a range of activities. Additionally, the children will participate in team games where they will be able to develop simple tactics for attacking and defending. This will also allow the children to develop their team building skills as well as taking on leadership roles.

Geography Children will be introduced to different types of maps and why people use them. We will focus on identifying simple objects from a birds-eye view, and the children will then use practical resources to plot out a map of their own classroom. This will serve to develop their understanding of maps from a birds-eye view.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences

Life Skills Knowing my full name Know when my birthday is Dressing/undressing, fastening buttons Knowing my left and right Bucket List Visit Black Country Museum Soft Skills Communication Accepting Responsibility Teamwork Creativity Leadership

Art & Design

Design Technology

Religious Education

This term we will be looking at developing our mark making skills. We will be looking at different grades of pencils and the effects that can be created using them. The children will also experiment with making marks using media other than pencil, such as crayons, biros and felt tip pens. We will be looking at some of the work of LS Lowry and using charcoal to recreate a Victorian townscape.

As we are learning about the Victorians, our DT lessons will be based around this topic. The children will explore and experiment with a variety of materials in order to create their own spoon doll. The children will begin with planning a mock of their design and label all the key features of their spoon doll. This will give the children to build upon their vocabulary as well as their knowledge on why spoon dolls were used and how they were created.

During Autumn 1, Year 1 will be discussing what people believe God is like, how they show their love for God and listening to parables from the New Testament. In Autumn 2 we will explore why Christmas matters to Christians and how and why we celebrate special times.

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