King's Business - 1957-01

world mmm

Jomes O. Henry, M.A., Editor

Associate prof, of History, Biolo Bible College

Small Things in the News In the busy and troubled world in which we live it is so customary to overlook what, to some, would seem to be insignificant news. Among such items in recent news reports was the celebration of the 120th birthday of the invention of “ The H o u s e h o l d Match.” The household match was invented by a political prisoner, Ludwig Kam- merer, who was imprisoned in the dungeons of Hohenasperg Castle in Germany near the city of Karl­ sruhe. The prisoner spent his time in random chemical experiments and stumbled on the principle of the match by accident. Asian Constitutions A research project is under way at the University of Michigan to determine the nature and extent of the impact of the American consti­ tutional system on modem Asian constitutions with special reference to Pakistan, India and Japan. The research, which is expected to be completed sometime next year, will include the constitutions of 21 alien countries. Funds from the Ford Foundation are financing the research. The research is being done by Mohammed Samin Khan, a promi­ nent lawyer of Pakistan, who has been awa r d e d a University of Michigan fellowship for this pur­ pose. Mr. Khan, in connection with his research, said: “ The study of the constitutional influence of the United States on Asia has so far been neglected because of Anglo- French ascendancy in Asia . . . This study should help much in further promoting good will and understanding between the two great continents of America and Asia.” It might be added that such a study might be very helpful in stemming the tide of communism and its doctrine in the Far East by

Pupil's Behavior Worse “ Children are more impertinent and discourteous today than they were 10 years ago and the incidence of misbehavior is increasing rapid­ ly.” This serious problem, the result of a poll of 70 teachers in urban communities questioned by the National Educational Associa­ tion, was under study by the Los Angeles Board of Education. It was laid before the board by a committee of elementary, junior and high school teachers at a special meeting of the board, seated to dis­ cuss discipline. One of the speakers quoted f r om the National Poll which stated that children now use as much or more profane language than 10 years ago. “ Truancy is on the increase, according to 76 per­ cent of the teachers. . . . More than half of the instructors polled be­ lieved that children are not doing their homework as well. Approxi­ mately 50 percent of the teachers agree that destruction of school property is becoming more acute.” Another t e a c h e r - s p e a k e r was Herbert Cadwell, president of the Elementary Administrative Asso­ ciation who listed the causes of the students’ misbehavior, in part, as: “ 1) The increased mobility of our population. 2) T h e a bn o rma l growth in population in certain areas. 3) Lack of recreational facil­ ities for young people in the com­ munity in which they live. 4) Dis­ proportionate numbers of inexperi­ enced teachers in certain areas. 5) Effect of mass media of communi­ cations such as television, radio, movies and magazines, with partic­ ular reference to the effect of unde­ sirable programs and magazine articles.” It should be noted that in listing the causes of student misbehavior not one thing was said.about either the spiritual life or the home life of the pupils.

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