King's Business - 1957-01

Out of the

Great Need!

Lab Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept, of Science, Biola Bible College

Pray for the evangelizing of Uruguay, little known and long neglected field. Our faith work has established an Indigenous Church and includes the first Bi­ ble School in the country training National workers; also Radio, Col- portage and unique Prison min­ istry, etc. Doors are Open

Rev. F.V. Dabold Founder-Director

Many hungry hearts waiting for the Word, little opposition. Splendid group of full time workers in the field. Hold up their hands— swell their number with your prayers and gifts. W rite fo r FR EE new s letter today EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. BO X 70-K r FR ESN O , C A LIFO R N IA À B e! SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORDS ffPffhi ntCOR°ScaP«»Üse c°** Bat S i'»"“ ook K of ® :n «"0 n m n 725 [. Colorado Blvd., Glendale, Calif. 65 Central Ave./Mound, Minn; SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS!

Is the Universe Eternal?

« ne does not have to read very far in his Bible to realize that it teaches that the universe had its origin with God. In fact, the very first verse (“ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” ) is concerned with establishing this fact. Now this is not an isolated refer­ ence for this theme runs all through the Scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments. This is one of the great foundational truths upon which the Christian faith rests. In fact, it is so basic that even most of the more liberal branches of the church still retain it. Now if one believes in a creator, then he is immediately com­ mitted to a certain v i e w o f th e universe. For if the universe as we know it was created, it cannot be eternal and it must therefore have had a beginning. The scientists today are divided on this very question of whether the universe as we know it is eternal or not. The debate that is going on in scientific circles over this question is of more than passing interest to the Christian, who as we have already seen, is committed to a view of the universe that requires a beginning. However, definite scientific evidence that distinguishes between an eternal universe and one with a beginning is difficult to find. This is why the scientific debate has lasted as long as it has. Hov^ever, within recent months new techniques have been developed that have enabled the astronomers to make observations which have significance as far as this question is concerned. One of the corollaries of an eternal universe is that it would look much the same no matter when you looked at it. Since this is not expected for a universe with a beginning, it has

provided a way of determining be­ tween these two possibilities. Now the astronomer has ways of looking back­ ward in time. With his telescope and other instruments he is able to study light or radio waves coming from stars far out in space. The waves from distant stars take longer to reach the earth than those from nearby stars. Thus the scientist is in reality looking backward in time as he studies the waves that have a more distant origin. Since some of these waves have taken an estimated 500 million years to reach us, the scientist, when he studies them, is actually “ seeing” that portion of the universe that pro­ duced them as it looked 500 million years ago. Studies of these more dis­ tant parts of our universe reveal that in its earlier stages it did not look exactly like it does today, but rather the material of the universe was packed muph closer together than we find now. Another corollary of the eternal universe is that the universe has been expanding at a uniform rate for the eternity past and will continue to do so for all eternity to come. However, recent evidence suggests that the ex­ pansion of the universe may actually be slowing down. These two lines of evidence are very significant to the Christian be­ cause they do not support the concept of an eternal universe but rather are in agreement with what might he expected if the universe had a creator. Thus it would appear t h a t the scientist in his research is unwittingly reaffirming the scriptural truth that “ . . . the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead . . .” (Rom. 1:20). END.

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The gospel is not a doctrine of the tongue, hut of life. It cannot be grasped by reason and memory only, but it is fully understood when it possesses the whole soul and penetrates to the inner recesses of the heart. Let nominal Christians cease from insulting God by boasting themselves to be what they are not, and let them show themselves disciples not unworthy of Christ, their Master. — John Calvin



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