King's Business - 1957-01


Outline helps and questions for personal and group study

Searching the Scriptures

b y C h e s t e r J. P a d g e t t

Acts (continued)

Study Questions on Chapter 18 1. Look up background material on Corinth in your Bible dictionary. 2. What nationality were Aquila and Priscilla? (v. 2.) 3. How did they come to be in Corinth? (v. 2.) 4. What craft had Paul learned as a boy? (v. 3.) 5. Meditate on the meaning of the two words “ reasoned” and “ persuad­ ed” (v. 4). Study Questions on Chapter 18 (Continued) 1. What two groups made up Paul’s audience? (v. 4.) 2. Where did Paul usually preach? When? (v. 4.) 3. What two other Christian work­ ers joined Paul in Corinth? (v. 5.) 4. Why do you think Paul was “ pressed in the spirit” when these two men joined him? (v. 5.) 5. What did this “pressure” prompt the apostle to do? Do you ever have this urge? Note the burden of his message (v. 5). Study Questions on Chapter 18 ( Continued) 1. What was the response of the Jews to Paul’s message? (v. 6.) 2. What decision did the Jewish attitude force Paul to make? (v. 6; see also Rom. 11:11, 12.) 3. What was the effect of Paul’s preaching to the Gentiles? (w . 7, 8.) 4. Why do you think the Lord ap­ peared to Paul in Corinth? (w . 9, 10 .) 5. What encouragement did the Lord give the apostle? (w . 9, 10.) Study Questions on Chapter 18 (Continued) 1. How long did the apostle spend in Corinth? (v. 11.)

2. What charge did the Jews bring against Paul in Corinth? (w . 12, 13.) 3. How did the Jewish trouble­ makers impress the Roman deputy of Achaia? (w . 14-16.) 4. How did the Greek residents of Corinth feel toward the Jews? (v. 17.) 5. Did Paul immediately leave the city following the uprising of the Jews? (v. 18.) Study Questions on Chapter 18 (Continued) 1. Where did Paul go from Cor­ inth? (v. 18.) 2. Who did he take with him? (v. 18.) 3. Why did Paul shave his head in Cenchrea? (v. 18.) Study on vows in your Bible dictionary or in a com­ mentary on this passage or look the subject up in the International Stand­ ard Bible Encyclopedia. 4. In what place did Paul leave Aquila and Priscilla? (v. 19.) Why do you suppose he left them in that place? 5. What did Paul do during his brief visit in Ephesus? (v. 19.) Study Questions on Chapter 18 (Continued) 1. How is the fact that there was some Jewish interest in the gospel in Ephesus indicated? (v. 20.) 2. Why was Paul in such a hurry to get to Jerusalem? (v. 21.) Why do you think Paul wanted to “ keep this feast” ? Which feast? (See a commen­ tary on this passage.) 3. What was the first course of action usually taken by the apostle when he arrived in a new city on his travels? (v. 22.) 4. What activity engaged the apos­ tle’s time in his trip from Caesarea to Jerusalem? (v. 23.) 5. What other servant of the Lord visited Ephesus following Paul’s stop there? (v. 24.) CONTINUED



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