King's Business - 1957-01

Study Questions on Chapter 20 ( Continued) 1. Did Paul preach every truth revealed to him and needed by the people? (v. 20.) 2. What kind of a pastor was Paul as far as visitation was concerned? (v. 20.) 3. What was the heart of his mes­ sage? (v. 21.) 4. How is it apparent that the Holy Spirit was forewarning Paul of what to expect when he got to Jerusalem? (w . 22, 23.) Paul evidently had a feeling that he would never see these brethren again. 5. Was Paul frightened at the pros­ pect of additional suffering and pos­ sible death? (v. 24.) Study Questions on Chapter 20 (Continued) 1. What was Paul’s attitude toward himself? (v. 24.) Would the word “ expendable” be a good one? 2. What was the major motive and goal of Paul’s life and ministry? (v. 24.) 3. How is his sense of responsibil­ ity evidenced here? (v. 24; cf. Rom. 1:14-17.) 4. What does Paul mean by his statement recorded in verse 26? 5. How much of the Bible did Paul preach? (v. 27.) Study Questions on Chapter 20 (Continued) 1. What command does the apostle give to the elders assembled? (v. 28.) 2. What does this command indi­ cate regarding the chief task of the minister? 3. Who was it who actually called the elders to be elders? (v. 28.) 4. How is the deity of Christ brought out in verse 28? 5. Why does Paul so earnestly in­ struct the elders to teach the Word of God? (w . 29, 30; also 2 Tim. 4:1-6.) (To be continued next month.)

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Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.



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