King's Business - 1957-01

LESSON: Shoes tell us much about people. We know from these shoes that they belong to three ladies. They are standing still and neither moving toward “reward” nor “ ruin.” They are closer to “ruin” than to “ reward.” As I look at these shoes I am re­ minded of three women in the Bible. Their names are Naomi, Ruth and Or- pah. They lived in the land of Moab near “ ruin.” There came a time when Naomi, who had lived in Israel’s land, heard that again there was food at home and she decided to return to her native land. We will take a pair of shoes out of the circle and face them toward the signpost marked “ reward.” When she turned toward the land of Israel, she had a drawing power for both Ruth and Orpah start­ ed with her. They had not gone far until Naomi advised each to return to the home of her own mother. Or­ pah took the advice and returned. We will turn the shoes representing her toward the land of “ruin.” Ruth was much wiser than her sister-in-law. Let us remember that she and Naomi moved toward the land of “ reward.” We will move the shoes further away from the land of “ ruin” and closer to the land of “re­ ward.” Both Naomi and Ruth were re­ warded for leaving Moab and going

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to the land of Israel. Of Naomi we read, “And the women said unto Naomi, Blessed be the L ord , which hath not left thee this day without a kinsman, that his name may be famous in Israel. And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age: for thy daughter in law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons, hath bom him” (Ruth 4:14,15). Ruth was greatly rewarded for the decision she made. She gleaned in the fields of Boaz, married him and became the mother of Obed who be­ came the grandfather of David. A part of Ruth’s reward was in becom­ ing an ancestress of Jesus Christ who was a descendant of David. God rewards those today who ac­ cept Christ and turn their feet away from the land of “m in.” END.

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