Elite Edge Transformation Center - December 2019

Keep Your Body Functioning at 100% THE BENEFITS OF A LIVER DETOX

The holidays are a time to celebrate togetherness with family, give presents to loved ones, and sit down for a big family dinner. However, it’s also the time of year when people tend to eat a little more food that, while tasty, isn’t healthy. While it might be okay to have a lapse once in a while, overloading your body with unhealthy food is not. Giving your body a chance to recover from this overload is essential to your well-being.

The year following her diagnosis, Brandy had to go through 16 rounds of chemotherapy, a double mastectomy, and five surgeries. It was an exhausting and difficult time for her, but Brandy pushed through each challenge as it faced her. “Without the extra strength and conditioning that I received here, the side effects would have been a lot worse.” All her efforts put toward strengthening and conditioning were beneficial in ways she never knew would help her, giving her the best chance for a tremendous recovery. Moving forward, Brandy is most looking forward to regaining her strength, getting her body composition back to where it was, and participating in a back-to-school challenge once again. As she puts it, “I’m going to get my abs back.” “[My family and I] just want to say thank you, again, to Elite Edge. We have had so much fun and enjoyed it so much, my husband and I, that we’ve recruited my daughter, Malory, to join us. We all look forward to a fun, fit life.” Inspiration

Bodies operate much like machines and, therefore, need to be maintained. Constant exposure to the toxins around you can gum up the inner workings of your body, which leads to a number of health problems. People who experience toxin backup may have symptoms such as forgetfulness, immune problems, poor digestion, fatigue, and headaches.

So, this begs two questions: How can we avoid buildup? How do we help our body fight back? The answer is simple: detox.

Some people may argue that the liver, which is charged with removing waste from your body, has this covered, but those people are forgetting a crucial step — the liver can become overworked. Every day, the liver works toward removing toxins, and it can be overwhelming, especially around the holidays when the temptation to consume harmful foods might often win against your will. Detoxing is essential for your body to clear out the impurities running amok. It gives your body the thorough cleaning it needs and ensures that your liver is in tiptop shape time and time again. Through a liver detox, your body’s natural filter is cleared of the toxins that have obstructed it. You no longer have to suffer from splitting headaches, aching joints, painful allergies, or weight gain. If you experience any of these symptoms, go to EliteEdgeGym.com and fill out our contact form. We can provide you the best methods to start your detox today.


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