Honors Geometry Companion Book, Volume 1

1.1.2 Measuring and Constructing Segments − Practice

1.  Y is between X and Z , XY = 5.8, and YZ = 12.4. Find XZ .

2.  PQ bisects ST at R . SR = 3 x + 3 and ST = 30. Find x .

3.  GH bisects LM at K . LK = 5 x + 2 and LM = 64. Find x .

4.  E is the midpoint of DF, DE = 6 x + 1 and EF = 7 x − 4. Find DE, EF, and DF .

5.  Tell whether this statement is sometimes, always, or never true. Draw a sketch to support your answer. If I is not the midpoint of HJ , then H , I , and J are collinear.

6.  Tell whether this statement is sometimes, always, or never true. Draw a sketch to support your answer. If B is a point between A and C , then AB + BC = AC .


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