Honors Geometry Companion Book, Volume 1

1.1.3 Measuring and Constructing Angles − Practice

1.  Classify ∠ OMN as acute, right, straight, or obtuse.

2.  Classify ∠ HIJ as acute, right, straight, or obtuse.

 TV bisects ∠ STU , m ∠ STV =

  

  

1 4

3.  D is in the interior of ∠ ABC , m ∠ ABD = 63°, and m ∠ DBC = 23°. Find m ∠ ABC .


+ 8 , and m ∠ UTV = ( x + 2)°. Find m ∠ STU . x

5.  Identify the protractor that shows the measure of ∠ XYZ as 60°.

6.  m ∠ DFG = (2 x + 6)° and m ∠ EFG = (3 x − 11)°. Find the value of x .


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