King's Business - 1913-07




NO. 7


THE BIBLE INSTITUTE BUILDING Now in Process of Construction on Hope St„ between Fifth and Sixth

Published Once a Month by the Utble .¿Institute of £na Angeles LOS ANGELES, CAL.


MOTTO: “I the Lord do keep it. I will water it every moment lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.”—Is. 27:3 THE KING’S BUSINESS R. A. TORREY, Editor J. H. SAMMIS, T. C. HORTON, J. H. HUNTER, Associate Editors Entered as Second-Class matter November 17, 1910, at the postoffice at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Organ of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles [Inc.]i Auditorium Building, Cor. Fifth and Olive, Los Angeles, California.


Lyman Stewart, President. T. C. Horton,Superintendent.

Rev. A. B. Prichard, Vice-President.

J. M. Irvine, Secretary-Treasurer.

R. A. Torrey, Dean Giles Kellogg. Robert Watchorn. William Thorn.

H. A. Getz. E. A. K. Hackett. S. I. Merrill.

DOCTRINAL STATEMENT. We hold to the Historic Faith of the Church as expressed in the Common Creed of Evangelical Christendom and including: The Trinity of the Godhead. The Deity of the Christ. The Maintenance of Good Works. The Second Coming of Christ. The Immortality of the Soul. The Resurrection of the Body.

The Personality of the Holy Ghost. The Supernatural and Plenary au­ thority of the Holy Scriptures. The Unity in Diversity of the Church, which is the Body and Bride of Christ, The Substitutionary Atonement. The Necessity of the New Birth.

Thé Life Everlasting of Believers. The Endless Punishment of the Im­ penitent. The Reality and Personality of Satan.


Pur DOSC The Institute trains, free of “ c cost, accredited men and women, in the knowledge and use of the Bible. Departments The, I.Il s,tl.1tute r Classes held daily ex­ cept Saturdays and Sundays. (2) Extension work. Classes and con­ ferences held in neighboring cities and towns. (3) Evangelistic. Meetings conducted by our evangelists.

(4) Spanish Mission. Meetings every night. (5) Shop Work. Regular services in shops and factories. (6) Jewish Evangelism. rPersonal work among the Hebrews. (7) Bible Women. House-to-house and neighborhood classes. (8) Oil.Fields. A mission to men on the oil fields. (9> Books and Tracts. Sale and dis­ tribution of selected books and tracts.

The King’s Business V o i. 4 JULY , 1913 N o . 7 Table of Contents. Editorials: Welcome, Endeavorers! •— Working for Christ in Summer,............................................. .....................• • • ■• • ■• 315 Advertising a City Free from Its Vice. William T. E llis .. 316 Laying the Corner Stone— The President’s Address—Lyman Stewart..................... 322 Report of the Ceremonies—T. C. H o r to n ..................... 326 The Corner S tone.............................................. .......... ............... 328 A Letter from Dr. Scofield........................................................ . 329 “Jesus” (Poem) John Newton......................... .................... 329 Studies in the Gospel According to John (continued). By R. A. Torrey................................................................... 330 The International Sunday School Lessons. J. H.. S............ 339 The Heart of the Lesson. T. C. Horton............... ,.............. 345 My Kind of a Preacher W. J. Bryan...................................... 347 Christian Endeavor Topics. Lapsley A. McAfee, D. D ... 348 Junior Endeavor Topics. J. H. S............................................ 349 “ A Little While” (Poem) Eustace R. C ond e r---- 351 At Home and Abroad............................. . . . . . . . . . 352 Hints and Helps........................................................................... 356 Questions and Answers (The Tongues Movement) R. A. Torrey ................... ........................................ . 360 The Bible Institute of Los Angeles.......................................... 363 ’ ' * SUBSCRIPTION RATES . . . F IFTY CENTS A YEAR Published by the Bible In s t itu te of Los A nge les Auditorium Building, Cor. Fifth & Olive Sts.

DO C TO R TORREY SAYS Every Christian Should Own These B E S T BOOKS Known as the Montrose Library No. 1—HOW TO BRING MEN TO CHRIST (121 pages), toy Dr. R. A. Torrey. A book regarded for years as a standard work on dealing with individuals of all classes. No. 2—THE DIVINE UNITY OF THE SCRIPTURES (304 pages), by Dr. Adolph Saphir. It is a great religious classic. No 3—CHRIST AND THE SCRIPTURES (142 pages), iby Dr. Adolph Saphir. A companion work to Dr. Saphir’s “The Divine Unity of the Scriptures." No. 4—THE HIDDEN LIFE (291 pages), 'by Dr. Adolph Saphir. One of the most helpful books in English literature. No. 5—THE WONDERS OF PROPHECY (231 pages), by John Urquhart. A val­ uable introduction to the study of pro­ phecy. No. 6—THE LORD FROM HEAVEN (134 pages), by Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. A great contribution to current discussions on the Diety of Jesus Christ.


(183 pages), by Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. This is a standard work on the fundamental truths of Christ­ ianity. No. 8—A DOUBTER’S DOUBTS ABOUT SCIENCE AND RELIGION (144 pages), by Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. This book discusses the divine origin -of the Bible, evolution, and kindred themes. No. 9—THE GROWING CHURCH (130 pages), by Rev. Cleland B. Mc­ Afee, D.D. A study of the Epistle to the Ephesians by a most- gifted minister in the Presbyterian Church. No. 10—THE HIGHER CRITICISM AND THE NEW THEOLOGY (250 pages), Edited by Dr. R. A. Tor­ rey. A book containing contributions from most gifted, scholarly, and evan­ gelical men in England and America. No. 11—“SATAN”

(163 pages), by Lewis S. Chafer. This is the most thorough biblical study on Satan with which we are acquainted. THEY ARE THE VERY CHO ICEST O F ALL CH R IS T IAN L ITERATURE This Set of 11 Books paper bound now only costs you : 1 ^ C If ordered by mail include 32c extra for postage «P JL Address all orders to AUDITORIUM BUILDING Cor. 5th and Olive Sts., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Send and s e t a set of these BEST BOOKS and w hen you know how good they are if you think you can sell them to others, w rite us for A gents’ Term s. Agents Wanted


Voi. 4

JULY, 1913

No. 7

WELCOME, ENDEAVORERS ! T HE K ing ’ s B usiness welcomes the C hristian E ndeavorers to Los Angeles and the Coast. Great is your opportunity, what"Tatent pos­ sibilities in your world-wide organization; your passage to and fro over seas and continents; your sojourn among us; and the far flow of your influence at the breaking up of your concourse and return to your homes and spheres of service. John, the Apostle, wrote, “I have written unto you young—because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you.” John’s confidence did not rest in the strength of youth, but youth quickened and sanctified by “the word of God.” May you honor the confidence placed in you by the disciple whom Jesus loved, and the Spirit of inspiration by whom he wrote. Let the Word, the Bible, reign supreme among you; only so can it be said, “Ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one” (1 John 2:14). There never was more need of young men and young women in whom the Word of God abides than now. Has not the Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor come into the king­ dom for such a time as this? Working for Christ in the Summer I N MOST places there is a letting down of Christian work in the summer months. Not only do Christian men and women with others take a vacation from their secular work but they also take a vacation from their work for their Lord. It is thought that the summer is a poor time for aggressive Christian work, though it is oftentimes necessary to conduct it along other lines than those pursued in the cooler or stormier months. It is difficult at this season of the year to get people into the churches and mission halls, but it is far easier to reach them in the open air and in tents than it is. any other season of the year. The beaches swarm with people and these can be reached by earnest Christian workers going among them and doing personal hand to hand work, which is'after all the most effective kind of work, and by having open air meetings in different places along the beach. People are out on their front porches and can be reached by wise workers holding open air meetings at some point near at hand or by going from porch to porch and speaking with individuals. Country churches, if they will just leave their hot, stuffy buildings and get into some grove near at hand can get ten times as many people to the services as they could in their church build­ ings. In many cities the school boards have started open air schools. Why may not the churches have open air church services and open air Sunday schools ? This would solve the problem of how to get a congregation in the summer and how to have a large attendance at the Sunday school in the summer. It is hoped that all the readers of T hr K inc ’ s B usiness instead of letting down their work this summer will make use of these days of unusual oppor­ tunity to push the work as they have never pushed it before.

Advertising a City Free from its Vice* How Atlanta’s Church Men Extinguished the “Red Light” District By WILLIAM T. ELLIS, Editor Afield of The Continent T HE MOST remarkable story known to me in the present re­ ligious life of North America

Straightaway these men began to look at Atlanta’s local conditions with new eyes. They discovered what may be found in almost every other large city in the country—a “red light” dis­ trict wherein the social evil was pro­ tected, or at least winked at, by city officials. The immensity of the task— if these men had the hardihood to accept it as a task—of healing this sore on the body politic was over­ whelming. Even a preliminary inves­ tigation revealed how the tentacles of the underworld reached out in many directions to centers of influence and power. Nevertheless, these southern men had not made their vows in vain. Announcing the Facts of the Social Evil Without taking the world into their confidence or boasting of what they meant to do, or calling in the counsel of any experts, these men blended the publicity message and the social serv­ ice message into one agency and be­ gan to advertise in all the city papers the facts of the social evil in Atlanta. They contracted for a large amount of advertising space in the daily papers to be paid for at regular rates. They entitled their advertisements, -“The Houses in Our Midst,” and called them “Men and Religion Bul­ letins.” They were numbered in con­ secutive order. No. 1, of course, im­ plied’ that No. 2 was to follow, and No. 10 called up in the minds of the friends of vice the dread possibility of a No. 20 or a No. 30. In truth, the bulletins have now numbered fifty, and there have been frequent extras, some­ times a whole page in extent. Ordi-

is Atlanta’s experience with the social evil. In a word, all the houses of professional vice in the city have been advertised out of existence by the churches. Involved in the record are the stories of two great laymen in a knightly service; of a solidified Chris­ tian sentiment in the city; of a ruler of the underworld who has become a matron of a new home for rescued girls; of a tense political battle wherein Christian men showed that strategy and the ability to win are the possession of the righteous; and of an adaptation of Men and Religion methods that alone justifies the griat congress of the Men and Religion Movement a year ago. Whether an entirely new method for the church’s use in dealing with city problems has been demonstrated remains to be seen. Atlanta had experienced a success­ ful Men and Religion campaign, and consequently sent a strong delegation to the Men and Religion congress in New York City last spring. There these representative men were caught up into a mount of vision of new serv­ ice by men for the kingdom. The social service message and the pub- . licity message especially took hold of them, as they did of most of the dele­ gates. These were new notes in Christian work. They were real mes­ sages to be brought out into service. With opened eyes and resolute hearts the delegates returned to Atlanta. The unforgettable address of Jane Addams echoed in their memories above all *From The Gontinent



narily the advertisements are two, three and four columns wide, extend­ ing the full length of a page. Of course the advertisements created a sensation. They were con­ spicuous, and yet they did not rely for their effect upon display type. The method plainly was to be the use of the artillery of facts and principles. Bald, hideous facts about the social evil in Atlanta were cited without qualification or circumlocution. Then to these conditions was applied the clear word of Scripture. No harm will be done to betray at this day the fact that one of the offi­ cials of the Men and Religion con­ gress said, when he saw the first copies of the Atlanta advertisements: “There! those Atlanta men have gone off at half-cock. They have queered the whole idea of Christian publicity. They have not followed the directions in the Book. The South will never stand for such a bald statement of social conditions as these men are printing. There will be a reaction against this that will injure the entire work of Christian publicity.” Therein the Men and Religion leader was not as expert as his title credited him with being. The Atlanta men knew their task and their method better than the man at headquarters. They were not taking orders or di­ rections from New York but were working out their own problem in their own way. Actually and officially, the Men and Religion Movement had gone out of existence with the adjournment of the congress. No so in Atlanta. To this day the advertise­ ments still appear with the name of the Men and Religion Forward Movement. Undisturbed by a n y criticisms from the metropolis, even if they so much as heard them, the Atlanta men kept serenely at their task, with a quiet patience that fore­

boded ill for the intrenched evil of the city. Advertisements Stir City and State. Week by week the advertisements grew stronger and stronger. The en­ tire city of Atlanta and, state of Georgia were set to humming with this sensation. Instead of revolting from the brutal truth, the cultivated and Christian people of the South rose to the emergency in soldier fashion. The executive committee of the Men and Religion Movement found behind them the united senti­ ment of the churches of Atlanta and the Christian people of the city. Their way- grew easier the farther they traveled it. The advertisements were marvels of effectiveness. Their logic was as straight as a running noose. The style was brilliant, epigrammatic, puncturing. At times it rose to the loftiest heights. These messages were literature. Hysteria and fanaticism never crept into the presentations. There were no muddled generalties. The-writer clearly had a knowledge of the world. He not only knew At­ lanta, but he gathered his ammunition from the capitals of Europe—Berlin, Madrid, London—and from the other great cities in America. He was quick to seize the news of the day and feather his barbs with it. With rare adroitness he took advantage of Jew­ ish and Roman Catholic pronounce­ ments and actions upon the subject to show the solidarity of moral attack upon the evil. Most remarkable of all, in this long succession of advertising, was the pertinent application of the words of Jesus. In the serene assurance that this was the court of last appeal, the gospel of Christ was quoted where it fitted. A better blending of the law and the gospel could not be imagined. The tone of the advertisements re-



the properties used for evil purposes in the city were owned by Christian men. The trails that were followed ran in directions that would have deterred less courageous or less pur­ poseful crusaders. Yet there seemed to be no power in all Atlanta that could balk or make to swerve aside this relentless crusade. As may be surmised, it was quickly found that it had been the part of wisdom to contract for advertising space. The newspapers of no city could be counted upon to follow editorially and disinterestedly such a path as the Men and Religion commit­ tee pursued. By the use of advertising space, the message was put in the con­ trol of the committee itself. It be­ longed absolutely to the men who had paid for it. Nobody could censor it. There was no newspaper owner with possible property interests to edit it and no big advertiser to influence it. This experiment revealed in strik­ ing fashion a new instrument of democracy — the paid statement, through advertising columns, of truth that should reach the people. The Men and Religion commitee might have conferred until its members were deaf and doddering with public offi­ cials and politicians, and not have ac­ complished one-half that was wrought by direct appeal to the consciences of the people. There was no way of answering, avoiding or diverting the tremendous truths told week by week in these display advertisements, which naturally came to be the first part of the paper to which thousands of read­ ers turned every day. Contrary to the prediction of the northern wiseacre, the southern peo­ ple did not revolt from this plain statement of truth. They were s t u n g by it and stirred and stimulated. They quickly revealed “a new conscience” upon “ancient evil,” as Jane Addams's happy phrase has it. The advertise-

vealed something of the serene assur­ ance of Scripture itself; they were un­ hurried and unannoyed. The calm confidence in which they were written was more terrifying than bluster. Evi­ dently the Christian forces of Atlanta, under the, direction of the Men and Religion Movement, had laid siege to the citadel of vice, and they possessed the needed guns and ammunition. Even the casual reader could see that there was, behind the written state­ ments, a legal mind and a soldier heart. Here was the Christian cru­ sader down to date. Each of the ad­ vertisements, until victory was as­ sured, ended with the confident words, “Atlanta should and will close the houses in our midst.” The men who used these advertise­ ments were speaking to the people of Georgia, with a power that no other series of messages had ever possessed, and they were plainly fearless. They went wherever the trail led them. It became necessary to point out the new and unstudied implications in the problem of the social evil. The wages of women workers were set forth in the advertising and a new duty laid upon the city’s Christian men. It is true that the world has been blunder­ ing along in chaotic fashion amid the new economic and social conditions. Now our prophets are facing the facts—all facts. The really startling appropriations of the Scripture quo­ tations used by the Atlanta men have stimulated many minds. Thus one ad­ vertisement bears the words of Nehe- miah, “Some of our daughters are brought into bondage already.” Social Conscience and Property Ownership A conspicuously Christian city, At­ lanta was yet shown to suffer from a sore lack of social conscience. Inves­ tigation showed that 50 per cent of



ments reached all classes of people— gentlewomen with sisterly hearts who had been sheltered from the knowl­ edge of the sin-seamed side of life; business men with “no time” for sociological conferences or for ser­ mons had the living truth flung into their faces; into the houses where the cry arises, “No man cares for my soul,” was carried this message of brotherly solicitude. The underworld turned with a new and growing fear in its eyes to these pages which it knew the whole city was reading. Re­ sourceful and powerful beyond belief as are the cohorts of vice, they had literally no weapons with which to combat this new engine of publicity. The phrase, “Atlanta should and will close the houses in our midst,” began to haunt many persons. It penetrated into the innermost consciousness of men who had never been suspected of altruistic or Christian sentiments. Everybody knew that something would happen, and the city was on the qui vive to discover where and how the break would come. Chief of Police with Power and Will Acts The outcome was dramatic. The chief of police, by Atlanta’s system, has the power to close up all resorts of evil. He does not have to confer with any authorities higher up. Chief of Police Beavers of Atlanta was at heart a better man than the world with which he had dealings ever sus­ pected. He had fallen into a vicious custom. These advertisements “got him;” they found the real man Beavers. He resolved to stand by his parents, by his own early training and by the best life of Atlanta. He pub­ licly pledged the Men and Religion committee that he would close the houses. Of course he knew where they were. Every police department

in the world knows the evil resorts of its own city. These dens of vice could not survive a week without the friendly connivance of the police. When Beavers said he would close out all the houses of shame in Atlanta the public knew he could do it if he would. His statement revealed a man moved to the depths, and the Christian peo­ ple believed it. Their confidence was not misplaced. At once many persons who had shown no spark of solicitude for the fallen girls in their virtual slavery began to shed maudlin tears in public oyer their fate at being turned adrift without shelter. This ostentatious sympathy was short-lived, for the ad­ vertising campaign was part of a Christian movement. It was bigger and better than politics. Behind it burned the yearning, loving heart of Christ’s compassionate servants. The ensuing advertisements were directed to the women in the evil resorts. The word of the commitee was pledged that every one of them would be of­ fered shelter and help in a new life. All the arguments that the vested in­ terests of evil might offer to their vic­ tims were contravend by this clear, unequivocal statement which could not be kept from the eyes of anybody who read the daily papers, that there was a door of opportunity open to all who sought a better life. Ministers and their members went two by two through the “red light” district. Every fallen woman in Atlanta was personally offered a chance for a bet­ ter life. With this message of prac­ tical service went the gospel of Christ. The women were told that if ill they would be provided with medical care; if they needed training for a career of honest service, it would be sup­ plied; if there were dependent rela­ tives, they would be cared for; if shelter alone were wanted, that would be provided. Whatever was neces-



sary to help the victims of vice back to respectable life was freely pledged to them. Here comes the most shining chap­ ter in the long and beautiful story. More than 200 of the women accepted the committee’s offer and forsook the old life of shame. Some Remarkable Consequences of the Crusade There were striking consequences to this appeal. For example, one of the most notorious proprietresses of evil resorts in Atlanta, when the Christian workers first began to visit the district with their offers of help, scoffed and mocked: i Later, she broke down and gave her heart to the Master whom these friends represent­ ed. In a short time she brought to the committee her entire savings, amounting to about $2,500, and asked them to use it toward the maintenance of a home of refuge for rescued women. Then she gave herself to any Christian service in behalf of these women that the committee might choose to give her. She is today as­ sistant matron of the Martha rescue home. The campaign was a complete suc­ cess. Every disreputable house in the district was closed. A law on the statute books was made public where­ by any citizen could secure the clos­ ing of a house of evil resorF There is not today in all Atlanta a single one of these houses. Of course the wicked raged. The Men and Religion campaign developed a host of open and secret foes. Poli­ ticians tried .to divide the Christian forces. The Men and Religion com­ mittee practically held the political fu­ ture of men in its hands, but it stead­ fastly resisted all enticements to go into partisan politics and adhered resolutely to its one purpose’. The

weapon of publicity never left its hand. It was able to answer within twelve hours any movement of the allies of vice. Without party affilia­ tions, without alliances or compro­ mises, the Christian men continued single-handed in their one task of deal­ ing directly with the public. Astute politicians did their best to harass the chief of police and to compel the re­ moval of the Martha home, but not one of them could withstand the pres­ sure of publicity: Those all-potent ad­ vertisements, which had kept faith with the public, had but to appeal to the Christian conscience of Atlanta to effect their purposes. The advertisements are still appear­ ing. These men are of statesman stuff. They not only condemn the evil, but they praise the good. They have upheld the hands of Chief Beavers. They have warned the par­ ents of girls coming to the city. They have been counsel in preventive measures. In season and out they continue to speak directly to the peo­ ple the word of righteousness. The Personalities Behind the Great Campaign Now, every movement is but an­ other name for some man or men. Behind the anonymous signature, “Executive Committee of the Men and Religion Forward Movement,” there are personalities. The inner group of the executive commitee are a few laymen, chiefly Presbyterians. The heart of hearts of the campaign are two men, Marion Jackson and John J. Eagan. Without them the work would not have been done. Only their worldly wisdom, driven by a deep Christian passion, could have effected the extraordinary and unprecedented results which have been achieved in Atlanta. The story of these two men is ro­ mantic. They are David and Jonathan



Presbyterian. This Atlanta campaign has thus far cost over $12,000, $6,500 of which was for advertising bills. One does not have to be much of a guesser to surmise where the money came from. We may be sure, though, that the giver has had a “run for His money,” in the phrase of the street. Judged by any standards, the Atlanta campaign has been more fun-than can be got out of a fleet of aeroplanes or a garage full of racing automobflés. A Business Man and an Apostle In this Men and Religion Movement he has come to be dominated by ; a great idea, of which he is the apostle among his fellow business men. That is that business is a ministry, that a man should serve the world by his business. The rights and welfare pf his employees and of the larger world which they represent should be the first consideration of business, taking precedence even of dividends, i I chanced to sit at luncheon one dky with a group of men of whom Eagan was one, and another wan a large em­ ployer of labor. When the talk fell on social service the manufacturer vis­ ibly shied. He thought he had been trapped into a company of social re­ formers, mere impractical theorists, who knew nothing about the weighty problems of the business man. He did not happen to know that Eagan could have bought him out two or three times and then have had. money enough left to start him in business again. I shall not soon forget thè sweet patience of Eagan as he elabo­ rated his darling idea of service through business, and tactfully let ouir friend know that he also is an em­ ployer. What these two laymen have done, with the full and efficient co-operation of the church men of their city, isr a revelation and a foregleam of the new era of efficient Christian patriotism.

in their friendship. Young men of the same age, born and bred in At­ lanta, they once were peculiarly anti­ pathetic; but when Jackson became a Christian in the Torrey meetings * the two found themselves drawn together by the great tie of Christian fellow­ ship. It does not take a psychologist to explain this. The men held the great essentials in common, They were in unity in life’s deepest purpose. Marion Jackson is a study in the un­ expected consequences of vital re­ ligion. He was a born aristocrat, aij aristocrat to his finger tips, by birth, tradition and aptitude; but when, in Dr, Torrey’s prea)ching,* the gospel gripped him he became a democrat. He now has a New Testament pas­ sion for people. The simplicities of the Christian brotherhood shine out in his life and actions. Marion Jackson is a lawyer, and a good one. That explains why the method of the Men and Religion com- mitee has been bombproof and water­ tight. The advertisements were all written by him. Of course there was not money enough in Atlanta to hire professional brains that could write such advertisements as these. They had to be born of a trained mind and a flaming heart. Nobody ever thought of Marion Jackson as a man to write advertisements. Yet today if he cared to abandon his legal practice he could take those advertisements in his hand and secure employment with any ad­ vertising agency in the land. Hand in hand with Marion Jackson has gone John J. Eagan, whom the books write down as a capitalist. A quiet young man who inherited a for­ tune from his uncle, he had gone on his simple way as in the day when he did not possess wealth. The money that came to him he invested in securi­ ties that were in consonance with his Christian beliefs, for he is an earnest 'italics are mine.—Associate Editor.

The Laying of the Corner Stone of the Bible Institute Building

Lyman Stewart, President, Delivering the Address

The President’s Address

O UR Bible Institute, conceived in prayer, ■founded by faith, and established through sacri­ fice, has, through the good providence of God, came to the third red-letter day in the history of its efforts to provide a permanent home for its several departments of service. The first was when it succeeded in secur­ ing this ideal location, and the second when formal possession was taken for the Lord by the breaking of ground. We have sought to have buildings planned on a scale somewhat com­

mensurate with the commercial value of this site, the magnitude of the field, and the probable future needs of the Institute’s many-sided work. These dormitories, while' a necessary ad­ junct to the Institute, will also par­ take of the character of an endow­ ment. The work of construction, however, can proceed only as the means for this purpose can be se­ cured ; but the phenomenal increase of our population, and the new problems to be solved when the Panama Canal is opened, impose increased responsi-



ble workers “furnished completely unto every good work.” Should the Institute ever depart from these truths, or allow any teach­ ing within these building? contrary to them, then this property is to re­ vert to the donors or to their heirs. As to the donors, allow me to say that it is greatly to be regretted that one of our daily papers yesterday morning, in its notice of this service, through a misapprehension of the facts, referred to Lyman Stewart as “the donor of the building.” This statement does great injustice to all the donors, and is also an injury to the Institute, as such statements neces­ sarily tend to prevent the successful financing of this great enterprise. I desire to state most emphatically that I am only one of a number of donors, and that I am not the donor of this or of any of these buildings. For the teaching of the truths for which the Institute stands, its doors are to be open every day in the year, and all people, without reference to race, color, class, creed, or previous condition, will ever be welcome to its privileges. Like the great apostle to' the Gen­ tiles, the Institute in its propaganda will have but one theme,—“Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” Its teach­ ing, therefore, from the standpoint of this world’s wisdom, will be narrow. It will also be intolerant of error, but will have a love for the souls of men as wide as the world. - It will fellow­ ship with, and bid God-speed to, all who love the truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. It is inter-denomi- national in its organization and char­ acter, and seeks to co-operate with and to assist all churches, Bible train­ ing schools, and other organizations which are endeavoring, in obedience to the command of our blessed Lord, to give His “Gospel to every crea­ ture,”

bilities, and render haste imperative. Our friends, therefore, need to earn­ estly pray the Lord to send the means to continue this work of construction unto completion. While ftius seeking to provide for the future needs of the Institute, we trust that none of its friends will yield to the temptation to exploit the possi­ ble commercial value of its property, nor to compare its prospective build­ ings with those of like institutions elsewhere.. For, however commodious, buildings cannot make a Bible Insti­ tu te , nor even constitute its chief asset. The great, and commercially unap- praisable, assets of our Institute are its Organization, its teachers, its stu­ dents, its evangelists, its Bible women, its Fishermen boys, its Lyceum girls, its missions, its Bible classes, and its faithful praying constituency. These constitute the nuclei from which the Institute, under the continued bless­ ing of our loving Lord, is to grow; and these buildings will simply so, house these agencies for service as to promote their growth and develop­ ment, and thereby increase their effi­ ciency. 'We trust to see the workers in them so greatly multiplied that this entire coast shall feel their beneficent and uplifting influence. It should also be understood that these buildings are not to be a monu­ ment to any man, nor to any set of men, but are to forever stand solely for the promulgation of the eternal truths of God’s Holy Word. Over its portals, and running across the front of this central building, will stand the inspired declaration, “For ever,'0 Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven.” This divinely inspired Word will ever be the source of truth which will inspire all of the Institute’s activ­ ities, furnishing from its exhaustless resources, the instruction which is to enable the Institute to send forth Bi­



L. F. Peckham Leading the Song

It will ever be its purpose in such co-operation to have the Gospel, as far as possible, brought to every home in our State. With the Gospel given to all the people, there will be laid the only foundation which can possibly make the prospective great empire of the Pacific Coast permanent. For where the Gospel of the grace of God in Christ is faithfully preached, there the propaganda of hate, selfishness and lawlessness cannot dominate the com­ munity. Through the transforming power of the Gospel of Christ men are being constantly transferred from that class which is a menace to so­ ciety, to that which upbuilds and sup­ ports it. Permanent good govern­ ment and civic righteousness are only possible through the faithful preach­ ing and teaching of the Word of God. Enduring work must ever be built

“upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner-stone.” The Institute’s missionary work will not be confined to our own coast, but a steady stream of Bible-trained men and women will, with increasing volume, be steadily flowing into the dark places of the earth, carrying the glad tidings of salvation. About seventy-five of its young people have already volunteered for this glorious work, and the vanguard of these in­ vading hosts is even now in South America, Africa and China. It is hoped that in due time our Institute will have branch Bible training schools in all of these countries. For many months we have watched with great interest from day to day the preparations for, and the laying of, these physical foundations. They are laid deep and strong’ in, ipiperish-



able cement, strongly reinforced with bars of steel. Humanly speaking, they should endure as long as the granite mountains which look down upon our city. But the work of our Institute stands upon an infinitely more enduring foundation than that of these buildings, even upon the eter­ nal truth of God’s Holy Word,—a sure foundation, which can never be shaken nor removed. Upon this foundation it has been building and will continue to build, with the in­ spired assurance that its word shall “abide.” The. inscription upon this corner­ stone, “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood,” will ever tell to the casual passer-by the sweet, life-giving mes­ sage of the blood, and remind the be­ liever in Christ of God’s great salva­

tion which His infinite wisdom and love devised and provided, as set forth in the wonderful doctrine o f . the blood,—that “the life* * * is in the blood,” and that “it is the blood thqt maketh an atonement for the soul,” “the precious blood” of our Divinely appointed Substitute, upon Whom “the Lord hath laid * * * the iniquity of us all;” that “without the shedding of blood there is no remission” of sins, and that “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” This is the foundation on which we are building, for “other' foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” Therefore our watch­ word is and ever will be, “Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, * * * to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.”

T. C. Horton, Superintendent, Announcing the Contents of the Box

A Report of the Ceremonies at the Laying of the Stone By T. C. HORTON

T. C. Horton Depositing the Box

whose shed blood as a sacrifice for sin is forever to be the foundation of all the work undertaken within its walls. In these days when so many pro­ fessed Christians deny the Deity of Christ and so many cults and philoso­ phies reject the doctrine of the blood, it is a source of profound satisfaction to the true evangelical to find carved in indestructible granite, the words, “His own blood.” How can we doubt but on that Saturday afternoon there was joy in the heart of the Father over this public avowal of faith in the blood atonement of the eternal Son, and who can doubt that He will set His seal to an enterprise that has for its object the glorification of the L,ord Jesus Christ?

UNTO HIM THAT LOVED US AND WASHED US FROM OUR SINS IN HIS OWN BLOOD. R ev . 1:5. So reads the inscription upon the cornerstone of our new building, which was laid with simple and appro­ priate ceremonies on Saturday after­ noon, May 31st. The laying of the cornerstone of any building which is to be devoted to the interests of humanity is of mo­ ment, but in this instance there was something peculiarly impressive and sacred. In the very center of a great city with a world-wide reputation for enterprise and progress, a splendid structure in the process of construc­ tion was dedicated to the Son of God,



dents, names of the architects, super­ intendent of building and assistant, a copy of the address given by the President, a copy of “What the Bible Teaches,” by Dr. R. A. Torrey, and a Scofield Bible. The address of the President, Lyman Stewart, and the Dean, Dr. R. A. Torrey, followed. The Institute Male Quartet, con­ sisting of Prof. L. F. Peckham, Franklin Huling, Harry Hill and George Hampton, furnished the mu­ sic. The students, workers and friends of the Institute united-in the service of song. The closing prayer was offered by Rev. A. B. Prichard, Vice-President. The occasion was one of real joy to the large gathering of interested people, and a volume of prayer is being offered for the speedy completion of this- practical plant which has for its purpose the giving of the Gospel to the whole world. “I have only one passion and that is to give Christ to men.”—Zinzen- dorf. “During nearly all my pastorate,” says a pastor, “I kept a reeord con­ cerning those who united with the church, of various things pertaining to the beginning of their religious life. Under one heading was the instru­ mentality through which they became of cases it was through personal in­ vitation or influence.” This is the kind of spirit that con­ secrated zeal produces in the hearts of all who are striving after the ideal Christian life. One day at a time! But one single day, Whatever its load, whatever its length; And there’s a bit of precious Scripture to say That according to each shall be our strength.—Helen Hunt Jackson.

The ceremonies were directed by Superintendent T. C. Horton, and the invocation was by Rev. J. H. Hunter, Secretary of the Faculty. Selected portions of Scripture were read by Giles Kellogg of the Board of Di­ rectors, closing with the following re­ sponsive reading : Leader.—Except the Lord build the house, Assembly.—They labor in vain that' build it. L.—Except the Lord keep the city, A.—The watchman waketh but in vain. L.—Thus saith the Lord God, “Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation : A.—He that believeth shall not make haste. L.—The Stone which the builders re­ fused. A.—Is become the head-stone of the cor­ ner. I..—This is. the Lord’s doing ; A.—It is marvellous in our eyes. , L.—For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, A.—Which is Jesus Christ. L.—Bless the Lord, O my soul ; A.—And all that is within me bless His holy name. Rev. E. P. Ryland, President of the Church Federation and a firm friend of the Institute, delivered an address in which he expressed for all churches congratulations upon the fact that this city is to have a great institution founded upon a firm belief in the im­ pregnable Word, of God. Superin­ tendent Horton read a-list of the con­ tents of the copper box, which was placed in the stonè. The list com­ prised the city newspapers of May •31st, copies of the Institute magazine, “T he K ing ' s B usiness ,” the State­ ment of Doctrine, a catalog and cir­ culars of the Institute, a list of the officers, Faculty, workers and stu­


DED ICATED Unto Him That Loved Us And Washed Us From Our Sins in His Own Blood. Rev. 1:5

A. D. 1913

“ The inscription upon this corner-stone will ever tell to to the casual passer-by the sweet, life- giving message of the blood .*’—Lyman Stewart .

A Letter from Dr. C. I. Scofield Editor of the Scofield Bible, Author of the Scofield Bible Corres­ pondence Course, etc. One W h o K n ow s T h e W orld-W ide Situation

and triumphant faith and going out into these needed fields equipped to teach and preach the gospel. But I see in my vision also an even greater possibility. You at Los Angeles front the pagan world. Just across the sea from you lie the teeming millions of China and the other unevangelized sections of heathendom. The great cry is for trained soul-winners adapt­ ed to such a work and the opportunity is simply boundless in its scope; and then I think of the millions of Spanish speaking people lying to the south­ ward in Central and South America. Campbell Morgan calls this the “Continent of Opportunity,” and I be­ lieve he is right. The success of the Central American Mission alone gives assurance that these peoples are singu­ larly open to the Gospel. There are at least eight millions of aborigines as yet wholly unevangelized. What a field! And no other Bible Institute in the world is so strategically placed for training workers for these three great needs as yours. How much you need wisdom from above. How much you need of sympathy and the effective support of Christians all over this broad land. It is my hope and prayer that these will not be withheld. May God bless you in your great task.” I should, were He always thus nigh, Have nothing to wish or to fear; No mortal so happy as I— My summer would last all the year. Content with beholding His face, My all to His pleasure resigned, No changes of season or place Would make any change in my mind; While blest with a sense of His love, A palace a toy would appear; And prisons would palaces prove, If Jesus would dwell with me there. —John Newton

Since leaving Los Angeles I have been much in thought about my visit there' and I find that the thing that bulks largest in my mind is not the wonderful city which has sprung up on that coast as by magic, nor the great agricultural and commercial possibilities that center there, but rather the tremendous possibilities of Christian power and usefulness open to the Los Angeles Bible Institute. Back of you to the eastward and northward lies a great region as yet but slightly developed but certain to become in a very few years the home of teeming millions; there will very largely be emigrant; they will need evangelizing. All experience in the east as well as in the northwest proves that more vigorous means than those in use through the local church will be needed to bring these great1popula­ tions to Christ. Men must be trained on the ground; trained for rough work, hard work, unselfish work if the great victory for Christ is to be achieved. Here alone is a field bewil­ dering in its immensity and possibili­ ties. I see the vision of your great build­ ing filled with converted young men and young women breathing the at­ mosphere of consecration, high purity How tedious and tasteless the hours ■ When Jesus no longer I see! Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flowers, Have lost all their sweetness to me; The mid-summer sun shines but dim, The fields strive in vain to look gay, But when I am happy in Him, December’s as pleasant as May. His name yields the richest perfume, And sweeter than music His voice; His presence disperses my gloom, And makes all within me rejoice.


Studies in the Gospel According to John* By R. A. TORREY [These Studies are for careful study, not rapid and heedless reading] II. The Public Ministry of Jesus Leading Those Who Were of the Truth to Believe in Him as the Christ, the Son of God. Ch. 1:19—12:50. (Continued.)

4. Jesus as the Son of God Cleansing His Father’s House— 2 : 12-22 (1) A brief visit to Capernaum, v . 12 . V. 12. “After this he went down to • Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued (rather, abode') there not many days.” This verse forms a transition be­ tween what precedes and what fol­ lows and really belongs in a para­ graph by itself. Though our Lord Jesus was just about to begin His public ministry (and in a sense it had begun in the passage just studied) nevertheless His family life was not yet broken. His mother and His brothers accompanied Him to Caper­ naum, which from this time on was His home, rather than Nazareth; so far as He had a home. His public ministry properly and fully begins at Jerusalem at the time of the Pass- over (v. 13). The new center was Capernaum (or Caphar-Nahum ac­ cording to the most ancient authori­ ties as to the Aramaic spelling). There are two opinions as to the site of Capernaum; some identify it with Tell Hum at the northwest of the Sea of Galilee £ others with Khan-Minyeh three miles further south at the north end of the plain of Gennesaret. The former opinion is probably the cor­ rect one. In any event, it was a con­ siderable city (Mark 1 :33) on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus

is said to have gone “down to Caper­ naum.” It would be a literal descent; for .the shores of the Sea of Galilee are 700 feet below sea level. Jesus’ brothers, as well as His mother, accompanied Him to this new home. There are those who would interpret the word “brothers” here in a broad sense as meaning step broth­ ers, that is sons of Joseph by a pre­ ceding marriage or even His cousins. But th is,position is untenable, they were really His “brothers,” sons of His mother Mary. The plain indi­ cation of various passages is that they were really His brothers, younger sons of His mother Mary. We are told in Luke 2 :7 that Mary brought Jesus forth as “her first born Son,” the clear implication of this is that she had other sons. In Matthew 1 :25, we are told that Joseph “knew her not until she had brought forth a Son and he called his name Jesus.” The clear implication is that after the birth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary had mar­ ital relations. In Matthew 12:46, we are told “His mother and his brethren stood without seeking to speak to him.” It is not probable that if they had been simply sons by a previous marriage, or cousins, that they would have been associated with His moth­ er at this time in this way. Indeed, there is no reason for supposing that they were not real brothers and that Mary did not have other children be­ side “Jesus, but only the monastic prejudice that fancies that there is something unhallowed in marital rela­ tions and in the conception of chil-

“Gopyright, 1913, by R. A. Torrey



were not of the truth, on the other hand. It was most fitting that our Lord’s public work should begin, not only in Judea but in the Holy City itself, and that at the time of the feast which was the center of the religious life of the Jews and which stood for the great foundation fact of re­ demption. Our Lord’s work also closed in Jerusalem, and at the time of the Passover. In what follows (vs. 13-22) our Lord offered Himself to the Jews as the Messiah in clear fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecy that He should suddenly come to His temple to cleanse it. (Mai. 3:1-3). His coming at this time was not understood, or rather was deliberately rejected, by those in authority and was not fully under­ stood even by His disciples at the time, though it was in a measure (v. 17), and was fully understood later (v. 22). Never again did He appear openly as the Messiah at Jerusalem until His final entry. Westcott well says, “It is impossible not to feel the change which at this point comes over the narrative. There is a change of place, of occasion, of manner of ac­ tion. Jerusalem and Cana, the Pass- over and the marriage feast, the stern reformer and the sympathizing guest. So too the spiritual lessons which the two signs convey are also comple­ mentary. The first represents the en­ nobling of common life, the second the purifying of Divine worship. Or, to put the truth in another light, the one is the revelation of the Son of Man, and the other the revelation of the Christ, the Fulfiller of the hope and purpose of Israel.” The record says that “Jesus went up to Jerusalem.” This is a literal statement of fact, Jerusalem being 2500 feet above the sea level and 3,- 200 feet above Capernaum. He went to Jerusalem at this time as a loyal son of the law, the Mosaic law re-

dren. It is said that “the committal of Mary to the keeping not to them but to the Apostle John” (ch. 19:26) indicates that these were not really her children, but there is no force in the argument; for the reason of Jesus’ committal of His mother to John rather than to these children of Mary is evident-enough, namely, that John was the disciple whom He loved and these brethren did not as yet be­ lieve in Jesus (John 7:5). No one would ever have thought of making the word “brothers” in this verse mean anything but brothers if it were not for the unbiblical disparagement of marriage and child-bearing men­ tioned above. Mary was a virgin at the time of the birth of Jesus, but she did not remain a virgin and she in no wise lowered herself by becoming a mother, and the Holy Spirit men­ tions the fact that Jesus had brothers, not as a matter that needed at all to be apologized for. God thus in a most impressive way places. His seal on the Divine ordinance of marriage, and on the purity and nobility of marriage relations and of child-bearing. Jesus’ present residence in Caper­ naum was brief, “not many days,” but afterwards Capernaum became His more or less permanent residence. (2). The first cleansing of the temple. Vs. 13-22. V. 13. “And the Jews’ Passover was at hand (rather, near), and Jesus went up to Jerusalem We here have the beginning of Christ’s ministry in its fullest sense. Beginning at Jerusalem at the time of the Passover (2:12—3:21), then extending to Judea ( 3 :22-26), then to Samaria (4:1-42), and then to Gali­ lee (4:43-54). As we follow this ministry we will find a development of faith, on the part of those who were of the truth, on the one hand; and of unbelief, on the part of those who

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