King's Business - 1913-07



sary to help the victims of vice back to respectable life was freely pledged to them. Here comes the most shining chap­ ter in the long and beautiful story. More than 200 of the women accepted the committee’s offer and forsook the old life of shame. Some Remarkable Consequences of the Crusade There were striking consequences to this appeal. For example, one of the most notorious proprietresses of evil resorts in Atlanta, when the Christian workers first began to visit the district with their offers of help, scoffed and mocked: i Later, she broke down and gave her heart to the Master whom these friends represent­ ed. In a short time she brought to the committee her entire savings, amounting to about $2,500, and asked them to use it toward the maintenance of a home of refuge for rescued women. Then she gave herself to any Christian service in behalf of these women that the committee might choose to give her. She is today as­ sistant matron of the Martha rescue home. The campaign was a complete suc­ cess. Every disreputable house in the district was closed. A law on the statute books was made public where­ by any citizen could secure the clos­ ing of a house of evil resorF There is not today in all Atlanta a single one of these houses. Of course the wicked raged. The Men and Religion campaign developed a host of open and secret foes. Poli­ ticians tried .to divide the Christian forces. The Men and Religion com­ mittee practically held the political fu­ ture of men in its hands, but it stead­ fastly resisted all enticements to go into partisan politics and adhered resolutely to its one purpose’. The

weapon of publicity never left its hand. It was able to answer within twelve hours any movement of the allies of vice. Without party affilia­ tions, without alliances or compro­ mises, the Christian men continued single-handed in their one task of deal­ ing directly with the public. Astute politicians did their best to harass the chief of police and to compel the re­ moval of the Martha home, but not one of them could withstand the pres­ sure of publicity: Those all-potent ad­ vertisements, which had kept faith with the public, had but to appeal to the Christian conscience of Atlanta to effect their purposes. The advertisements are still appear­ ing. These men are of statesman stuff. They not only condemn the evil, but they praise the good. They have upheld the hands of Chief Beavers. They have warned the par­ ents of girls coming to the city. They have been counsel in preventive measures. In season and out they continue to speak directly to the peo­ ple the word of righteousness. The Personalities Behind the Great Campaign Now, every movement is but an­ other name for some man or men. Behind the anonymous signature, “Executive Committee of the Men and Religion Forward Movement,” there are personalities. The inner group of the executive commitee are a few laymen, chiefly Presbyterians. The heart of hearts of the campaign are two men, Marion Jackson and John J. Eagan. Without them the work would not have been done. Only their worldly wisdom, driven by a deep Christian passion, could have effected the extraordinary and unprecedented results which have been achieved in Atlanta. The story of these two men is ro­ mantic. They are David and Jonathan

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