King's Business - 1913-07

A Letter from Dr. C. I. Scofield Editor of the Scofield Bible, Author of the Scofield Bible Corres­ pondence Course, etc. One W h o K n ow s T h e W orld-W ide Situation

and triumphant faith and going out into these needed fields equipped to teach and preach the gospel. But I see in my vision also an even greater possibility. You at Los Angeles front the pagan world. Just across the sea from you lie the teeming millions of China and the other unevangelized sections of heathendom. The great cry is for trained soul-winners adapt­ ed to such a work and the opportunity is simply boundless in its scope; and then I think of the millions of Spanish speaking people lying to the south­ ward in Central and South America. Campbell Morgan calls this the “Continent of Opportunity,” and I be­ lieve he is right. The success of the Central American Mission alone gives assurance that these peoples are singu­ larly open to the Gospel. There are at least eight millions of aborigines as yet wholly unevangelized. What a field! And no other Bible Institute in the world is so strategically placed for training workers for these three great needs as yours. How much you need wisdom from above. How much you need of sympathy and the effective support of Christians all over this broad land. It is my hope and prayer that these will not be withheld. May God bless you in your great task.” I should, were He always thus nigh, Have nothing to wish or to fear; No mortal so happy as I— My summer would last all the year. Content with beholding His face, My all to His pleasure resigned, No changes of season or place Would make any change in my mind; While blest with a sense of His love, A palace a toy would appear; And prisons would palaces prove, If Jesus would dwell with me there. —John Newton

Since leaving Los Angeles I have been much in thought about my visit there' and I find that the thing that bulks largest in my mind is not the wonderful city which has sprung up on that coast as by magic, nor the great agricultural and commercial possibilities that center there, but rather the tremendous possibilities of Christian power and usefulness open to the Los Angeles Bible Institute. Back of you to the eastward and northward lies a great region as yet but slightly developed but certain to become in a very few years the home of teeming millions; there will very largely be emigrant; they will need evangelizing. All experience in the east as well as in the northwest proves that more vigorous means than those in use through the local church will be needed to bring these great1popula­ tions to Christ. Men must be trained on the ground; trained for rough work, hard work, unselfish work if the great victory for Christ is to be achieved. Here alone is a field bewil­ dering in its immensity and possibili­ ties. I see the vision of your great build­ ing filled with converted young men and young women breathing the at­ mosphere of consecration, high purity How tedious and tasteless the hours ■ When Jesus no longer I see! Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flowers, Have lost all their sweetness to me; The mid-summer sun shines but dim, The fields strive in vain to look gay, But when I am happy in Him, December’s as pleasant as May. His name yields the richest perfume, And sweeter than music His voice; His presence disperses my gloom, And makes all within me rejoice.


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