King's Business - 1913-07

DO C TO R TORREY SAYS Every Christian Should Own These B E S T BOOKS Known as the Montrose Library No. 1—HOW TO BRING MEN TO CHRIST (121 pages), toy Dr. R. A. Torrey. A book regarded for years as a standard work on dealing with individuals of all classes. No. 2—THE DIVINE UNITY OF THE SCRIPTURES (304 pages), by Dr. Adolph Saphir. It is a great religious classic. No 3—CHRIST AND THE SCRIPTURES (142 pages), iby Dr. Adolph Saphir. A companion work to Dr. Saphir’s “The Divine Unity of the Scriptures." No. 4—THE HIDDEN LIFE (291 pages), 'by Dr. Adolph Saphir. One of the most helpful books in English literature. No. 5—THE WONDERS OF PROPHECY (231 pages), by John Urquhart. A val­ uable introduction to the study of pro­ phecy. No. 6—THE LORD FROM HEAVEN (134 pages), by Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. A great contribution to current discussions on the Diety of Jesus Christ.


(183 pages), by Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. This is a standard work on the fundamental truths of Christ­ ianity. No. 8—A DOUBTER’S DOUBTS ABOUT SCIENCE AND RELIGION (144 pages), by Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. This book discusses the divine origin -of the Bible, evolution, and kindred themes. No. 9—THE GROWING CHURCH (130 pages), by Rev. Cleland B. Mc­ Afee, D.D. A study of the Epistle to the Ephesians by a most- gifted minister in the Presbyterian Church. No. 10—THE HIGHER CRITICISM AND THE NEW THEOLOGY (250 pages), Edited by Dr. R. A. Tor­ rey. A book containing contributions from most gifted, scholarly, and evan­ gelical men in England and America. No. 11—“SATAN”

(163 pages), by Lewis S. Chafer. This is the most thorough biblical study on Satan with which we are acquainted. THEY ARE THE VERY CHO ICEST O F ALL CH R IS T IAN L ITERATURE This Set of 11 Books paper bound now only costs you : 1 ^ C If ordered by mail include 32c extra for postage «P JL Address all orders to AUDITORIUM BUILDING Cor. 5th and Olive Sts., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Send and s e t a set of these BEST BOOKS and w hen you know how good they are if you think you can sell them to others, w rite us for A gents’ Term s. Agents Wanted

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