King's Business - 1913-07

At Home and Abroad

ple) in the territory acquired from Turkey through the late war. This is unfavor­ able, to the propagation of evangelical mis­ sions. “Pray ye the Lord of the harvest” that His Word may “have free course and be glorified.” A missionary of the American Board writes that the Balkan war has opened doors of opportunity of approach to the Mohammedans. “It will probably mean the opening of doors which have never been opened. The Mohammedan people are al­ ready looking to us, in our capacity as mis­ sionaries and representatives of a higher civilization which they recognize and long for.” The Mormon propaganda is making dis­ tinct headway in Hawaii, chiefly among na­ tive Hawaiians and the Oriental popula­ tion. This is perhaps the only point where this American Mohammedanism has got a grip on other than Aryan "populations. Rus­ sian and Portuguese plantation workers are also being influenced. Bishop Wells, of the Episcopal Church, believes that there is here a genuine menace to the life of the islands.. By the will of Atigeline E. Newman, a wealthy and philanthropic woman, a trust fund of $64,000 is set aside to establish and maintain a Christian church and school for the education and training of children near the city of Jerusalem. At the time of her death Miss Newman was engaged in build­ ing the school and chapel. In all probability the work will be car­ ried on under the supervision of the Board of Foreign Missions of the New Methodist Church, of which Miss Newman was a life­ long member. The new American vice-consul at Jeru­ salem, Mr. Samuel F.delman, who arrived a fortnight ago to take up his duties, is a co-religionist. This is the first instance, however, here of a professing Jew occupy­ ing the position of consul for a greater power. Mr. Edelman, who has worked at

The bombardment of the City of Mexico damaged the $80,000 Y. M. C. A. building to the extent of $40,000. Less than 10,000,000 of Russia’s. 163,000,- 000 have ever heard a so-called gospel ser­ mon .—Missionary Review of the World. It is stated that Mr. W. J. Bryan, after a journey around the world, in which he visited many parts of Asia, took up eight bovs and girls in different mission fields, all of whom he is supporting and educat­ ing. A tablet on the wall of a Presbyterian church in Aneityum contains the follow­ ing inscription: When the Rev. John Ged- die, D. D., came here in 1846 there were no Christians, and when he left in 1872 there were no heathen. “In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand, for how knowest thou which shall prosper, this or that?” After many fruitless years the M. E. missions among the Telugus, of India, in five years made 8000 converts and added SO per cent to that in 1912. A native of India said of medical mis­ sions: “We are not afraid of your books, for we need not read them. We are not afraid of your Schools, for we need not send our children to them; we are not afraid of your ■ preaching, for we need not listen; but your Zenana workers get at our .homes, and when you have our homes and our hearts, you have ajj.” The growth of the entire Christian force in China has been as follows: No. of Mis- Chinese sionaries Helpers 1877 ................. 473 744 1890 .............1................ 1,296 7,657 1907 3,445 9,906 1912 ..... 5.144 15,501 The Greek government forbids the dis­ tribution of the Old and New Testaments in modern Greek (the language of the peo­

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