King's Business - 1913-07



A Divine Saviour Necessary We find a very striking quotation from a sermon preached by the late Dr. Parker, quoted by a contemporary. It is worth reading and pondering and we quote it be­ low : “We have been to hear Paderewski play. It was wonderful, superb, magnificent. Then we went home and looked at the' piano. We would have sold it to the first man who would have been fool enough to buy it. That is the effect of your great example upon me. I want not only a great Example, but a great Savior, One who can deliver me from my weakness and my sin. To follow a good example in the future will not blot out the black record of the past, we need the blood of Christ’s atoning sac­ rifice to accomplish that. Another thing, to hear a Paderewski play will not make us play like a Paderewski. Could a Pad­ erewski incarnate himself within one, he could play like himself. So the Christian life is not Christ and me, but Christ in me. We need Christ within to live the Christ without.” Bread Cast Upon the Waters Returns When speaking at the W. F. M. S. con­ ference, Dr. Allen, who introduced me, told how herself and Miss Simmons both de­ cided to give their lives to mission work when hearing me speak at Chautauqua, N. Y., in 1886. I well remember the service, for it seemed one of the most unpropitious I ever had. Dr. Vincent, who failed to give me a chance in the great congregation, appointed the service at 5 o’clock, and there were but very few people there. I do re­ member that Bishop Ninde came up from Jamestown especially to hear me, and I was comforted by the interest he manifested. But I never knew anything about the de­ cision of these ladies all these twenty-six years until now. They spent three years in preparation, including C. T. S., and then went to Japan, serving ten years there, when in an accident Miss Simmons was killed and Dr. Allen injured, so that she took a furlough of three years and then

came to India and has put in ten years here. If our God does like this with what we think our failure, O what will the har­ vest be!— Extract from a letter of W. E. Blackstone dated March 26 , 1913 . Is This Worth Thinking About? Thirty billion is a fair estimate of the number of cigarettes consumed in the United States in 1912. Ggars and the pipé yield more nicotine than the cigarette. But nicotine is not the most dangerous element in cigarette smoke. Furfural, the principal “aldehyde’ in cigarettes, is said to be fifty times as poison­ ous as ordinary alcohol. A single cigarette yields as much furfural as is present in. a couple of fluid ounces of whiskey. It is altogether absent from the smoke of a cigar. Harriman, the railroad king, once said, “I would just as soon think of getting my em­ ployees out of the insane asylum as to employ cigarette users.” Three-fourths of the boys over eleven years of age attending the public schools in one section of our country are addicted to the use of cigarettes or tobacco in some form. Twelve years ago the use of cigarettes was about as prevalent in the schools of Japan as it is today in the United States. And in 1900 Japan by law prohibited the use of cigarettes by boys under twenty-one years.— D. H. Kress, M. D., in the S. S.. T. •Keep Thou Our Lips Keep Thou our lips and check the hasty word Our fev’rish, untrained souls would send through them. Keep Thou our lips from speaking guile, O Lord, Who by our words doth judge, by them condemn. Dear Lord, teach us to use aright Thine own Great gift of speech : cool Thou our an­ ger’s heat. O set Thy seal on ev’ry word and tone, Till we in ev’rything Thy praise repeat.

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