King's Business - 1913-07

Questions and Answers R. A. TORREY

Q. Is the present “Tongues Movement of God?” A. It is not. This is clear from the fol­ lowing facts: First—The present “Tongues Movement” makes speaking with tongues the one and only decisive evidence thSt one has the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The “Tongues” people constantly declare that if one has not spoken with tongues he has not as yet received the baptism with the Holy Spirit. This constant declaration of the “Tongues” people contradicts the very explicit and plain teaching of the Bible. The Word of God teaches in words that cannot be mistaken by anyone who sin­ cerely desires to know the mind of God as revealed in the Word, and who is not sim­ ply trying to maintain a theory, that while there is but one baptism with the Spirit, and but one Holy Spirit, that there are many different ways in which this baptism manifests itself. You will see this for yourself if you will carefully read 1 Corin­ thians 12:4-ll. Further on in this same chapter the Spirit of God speaking through the Apostle Paul asks those whom he de­ clares to have been “baptized in the Spirit” (v. 13) “Do all speak with tongues?” (v. 30). The plain implication of which is that all did not speak with tongues._ So this chapter states in the most unmistak­ able terms that one may have been baptized with the Holy Spirit and yet not speak with tongues. Therefore, it is clear as day that the position of the “Tongues” people that anyone who has not spoken with tongues has not been baptized with the Holy Spirit contradicts the plain teaching of God’s Word. Second-r-The practical effect of the teach­ ing of the “Tongues Movement” is to make speaking with tongues the most im­ portant of all manifestations of the Spirit’s presence and power, j This again is con­ trary to the plain teaching of the Word of God. The Word of God declares in most unmistakable terms that speaking with tongues is one of the least important of the

manifestations of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit,. In tlje list given fn the twelfth chapter of 1 Corinthians, “Kinds of tongues,” verse 10, is put next to the bottom of the list of the gifts bestowed by the Spirit on believers. Again in verses 29, 30 of the same chapter speaking with tongues is given the same place, next to the bottom of the list. In the list given in Ephesians of gifts bestowed by the as­ cended Christ through his Holy Spirit upon the Church there is,no. mention whatever of sneaking with tongues (Eph. 4:7-12). Furthermore, in 1 Corinthians 14:5 we are distinctly told that he that prophesieth is greater than the one that speaks with tongues, and in verse 19 the Apostle Paul, himself declares that he had rather speak five words with his understanding that he might teach others than 10,000 words in a tongue (see especially R. V.). Third—The “Tongues Movement” leads its followers to seek for speaking with tongues more than any .other gift, while the Bible plainly teaches us" that we ought rather to seek some other gift than this. In 1 Corinthians 12:31 the Bible says, “Covet earnestly (or desire earnestly) the best gifts.” The words here used if translated literally would be “the greater gifts” (see R. V.), and the context clearly shows that what, is meant by the “greater gifts” is some other gift /than speaking with tongues. The fourteenth chapter and the first verse says, “Desire earnestly spiritual gifts but rather that ye may prophesy;’’ then m the following verses Paul tells us why we should rather choose to prophesy than to speak with tongues. So this seek­ ing for and waiting for tongues which is such a prominent feature in “the Tongues Movement” is 'utterly unscriptural in direct opposition to the plain teaching of God’s Word. ■Fourth—-The leaders of the “Tongues Movement” persistently disobey the plain teaching of God’s Word in the matter of speaking with tongues in public assemblies.

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