King's Business - 1913-07


365 years, but not one of them has interfered with the regular meeting of the Fisher­ men's Club. Three hundred and sixty-four Monday nights without an omission is a good record for a Bible class. Can you hold young men in a Bible class? Ask any one of the 150 fellows who are mem­ bers. How do you do it? We don’t do it. The Bible does it. Strange, isn't it, that people try all sorts of things to in­ terest young men in a Bible study except­ ing the Bible itself. The Fishermen's Club is an illustration of what God can do with a bunch of strong, virile, healthy Christian fellows with red blood in their veins when that bood pulses in hearts that beat against the throbbing heart of the Son of God. There has never been any weak, senti­ mental, goody-goody teaching in this class. There has never been a coaxing of fellows to come and trimming of the Gospel for fear of hurting their feelings. There have been straight, shoulder hitting messages given in love. There has been abundant and abiding evidence of the tremendous grip of the Gospel upon the hearts of young men. Men have been faithfully and fearlessly .and lovingly dealt with. The club has produced some young men whose faces have been set like a flint for right­ eousness. Preachers, teachers, evangelists and missionaries have grown out of the class as naturally as the oak springs from the acorn. Years have not diminished its influence. It grows sturdier and stronger. It is getting a broader, new and wide vision of the call of God. It is rising to a higher estimate of the purposes of the Master. It has learned through the life of sur­ render to God how to stand with heart bared and head bowed in the sacred pres­ ence of the Captain and to do with loyal obedience His loving will. There has never been any boasting nor parading of ‘its vir­ tues, Never any attempt to exalt if. The club has honestly and heartily sought to magnify the name and glorify the person of Christ the Lord. Briefly this may be said of the club: It has never known any holidays. It has never had any secular lectures.

Christians and are proving in their different churches the value of Bible instruction in rightly directed zeal. The attendance va­ ries, but averages from one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and fifty each Tuesday night, though the club is in touch with between five and six hundred young women constantly. At the close of the les­ son at eight o’clock, a Personal Worker’s class of those who desire it is assembled, where a young Bible woman gives the girls the benefit of a two years’ training in this branch pf work, while personal workers are occupied, in the main room, with those whom the Spirit' of God has touched. Many are busy during the week visiting the strangers, reading to the blind, taking flowers and sympathy to the invalid and in many varied forms of activity proving their title. There is no club girl but is active in some Christian work and getting in close touch with that “other girl,” who needs her, and she never rests until the girl is saved. The club is a beehive of industry in the best things, and it has been proven a blessing to hundreds of the young women of our city and visitors from other places, as well as an incentive to other bands o f :workers. It is the purpose of a missionary returning to South America to organize such a band on her field as a means of helping and holding the girls who have been graduated from school and have no special interest in life beyond them­ selves. Other workers from various parts of the world have felt the force of the work in the club and in their own corner of the vineyard mean to follow our lines and methods. Nothing pays Or interests as does the Word of God, and nothing can be found that will so hold young women together. Dancing, cards, theaters finally become matters of indifference, but the Word of God well assimilated, never fails to satisfy them. The Fishermen’s Club is a Unique Young Men’s Bible Class There have been a good many holidays occurring on Monday during the past seven

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