King's Business - 1913-07

Books tha t Will be Especially Valuable to thoseWho are Interested in Bible Study Knowing the Scriptures. Dr. A. T. Pierson. Cloth............ 1...........................$1.50 Fifty laws and methods of Bible study which will lead readers to a more reverent and thoughtful appreciation of the Word. The Characteristic Differences of the Four Gospels. By Andrew Jukes............. 75 Christ in the Tabernacle. By Eev. A. B. Simpson. Paper.................................. 15 The whole plan of salvation is outlined in this little boqk. From Reason to, Bevelation. Py Philip Mauro. Cloth..............................................50 Quite an unusual book—shows the utter fallacy of man’s seeking by reason to find out God. 500 Bible Studies. Compiled by Harold P. Sayles. lamp cloth cover............... 25 A splendid collection of short, sharp, concise outline Bible readings. Progressive Bible Studies. F. S. Goodwin.........................................!................ -.15 Nine introductory lessons to the Bible and its use. The Temple. Alfred Erdersheim........................... ..................................................... 50 Synthetic Bible Studies. By James M. Gray, D. D. Cloth............................. 1.00 ■ A study of the Bible by books. Notes on the Pentateuch. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deu­ teronomy. (2 vols.) By C. H. McIntosh. Cloth, each 50c; the set, boxed.. 3.00 More than mere commentaries. Bightly Dividing the Word of Truth. C. I. Scofield, D. D.................................. 50 Correctly states all the great doctrinal truths. What the Bible Teaches. By B. A. Torrey, D. D............ ............;............2.50 A thorough and comprehensive study of all the Bible has to say on the great doctrines which it treats. How to Study the Bible for Greatest Profit. By B. A. Torrey, D. D....................75 States the methods and fundamental conditions that yield the best results. Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. Cloth........................................................ . 2.00 Contains every reference to each verse in the whole Bible. The Study of the Types. By Ada B. Habershon.............................................. 1.00 Very exhaustive yet entertaining and certainly exceedingly instructive. Dated Events of the Old Testament. By Willis J. Beecher...........-.......................50 An indispensable hand book for the careful student, teacher or preacher. Panorama of Creation. By David L. Hollbrook................ ....... .............................50 A clear exposition of the relation between the Bible story of creation and the records as deciphered by scientists. How to Master the English Bible. By James M. Gray-..!......................................40 Gives the author’s experience as a Bible student and teacher, states his method, speaks of results which may'be obtained by the study of the Word. 250 Special Bible Readings. By Evangelist E. B. Beveridge. Limp Cloth......... 25 Has abundant scriptural references to open and develop each subject treated. A Dictionary of the Bible. Its Antiquity, Biography, Geography and Nat­ ural History, with numerous illustrations and maps. Cloth.......................... 1.50

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