King's Business - 1913-07


Power Through Prayer. By Kev. B. M. Bounds.... .............................. 1.00 Touches the weak points of our public as well as private prayer life and gives excellent counsel. A splendid book. How Can God Answer, Prayer? By Dr. W. E. Biederwolf, cloth............... 1.25 "Learned, yet popular." Answers to Prayer. From the Experi­ ences of George Muller............................ 50 A helpful book. The Practice of Prayer. By G. Camp­ bell Morgan, D. D........... .....r.__ _____ 75 Encourages t® pray in private, in family and elsewhere. George Muller. The Modem Apostle of Faith, and H^is Witness to a Prayer Hearing and Prayer Answer­ ing God. By A. T. Pierson. Cloth.... 1.50 The Ministry of Intercession. A plea for More Prayer. By Rev. Andrew Murray, D.D. Cloth.............. :................ 75 Real Prayer. By Cortland Meyers. Cloth............................ ............. .50 T h e r e a lity o f th is d yn am ic s p irit­ u a l fo rc e is c le a rly se t fo rth . How to Pray. R. A. Torrey, D.D. Cloth, 50c; paper............................ .15 T h is .b o o k sh ou ld h a v e a w id e c ir ­ c u la tio n am o n g C h ristian s. Prayer, a Mighty Force in the Work of Soul Saving................................ .15 A splendid small book which tells its own story in the title. What Is Your Prayer Life? Mrs. Penn Lewis ............................................. ... .Iff A sp len d id sm a ll b o o k th a t is p a r­ tic u la r ly h e a rt se a rch in g . The Preacher and Prayer. E. M. Bounds. Paper, 15c; cloth...................25 This is an Amèrican reprint of “Power Thru Prayer,” issued in cheap form. The Law of Prayer. Henry Ostrom........50 P r a y e r is a la w in th e sp iritu a l w orld , ju s t a s v e g e ta tio n an d g r a v i­ ta tio n a re la w s in th e p h y sic a l w orld . Let Us Pray. W. W. Comaby........... 1.00 A sp len d id b o o k on th e scien ce and a rt o f su p p lication . Individual Prayer, a Working Force. David Gregg .......................—................60 A stro n g b o o k on a stro n g th em e b y a s tro n g m an. The Wonders of Prayer. Major D. W. Whittle ----- -------- ............................ 1.00 A b o o k o f g r e a t com fo rt and en - • co u ra g em en t to C h ristia n s— a re c ­ ord o f u n dou bted fa cts.

Those who have heard and wish to obey the Olivet command will find in this list of books on Evangelism and Personal Work just the help they need The Passion for Souls. J. H .Jowett. Cloth ...................... ........ .......... .50 This book should be in the hands of every preacher, teacher and Chris­ tian worker. •God’s Plan With Men. By T. T. Mar­ tin. Cloth ................. - v~.:......... :.... 1.00 A message th at has given new di- ■rection to thousands of lives. Recruiting for Christ. By John Tim­ othy Stone. Cloth .............. ............. 1.00 Hand-to-hand methods with men. How to Work for Christ. R .A. Tor­ rey, D.D. ................!.... ...................... 2.60 A compendium of helpful methods. How to Bring Men to Christ. R. A. Torrey, D.D. Paper, 15c; cloth...... .75 A' plain, simple, forceful treatise, simple and practical. Twice-Born Men. Harold Begbie........... 50 A clinic in regeneration. Individual Work for Individuals. By H. C. Trumbull............. ..........................25 The personal experience of one of the best known workers of modern times. The Art of Soul Winning. By J. W. Mahood ........ ....................... ......................25 For personal workers. Salvation from Start to Finish. By James M. Gray, D. D............................... 50 A series of chapters designed to build up young converts in the great doctrines of the Christian faith. God’s Methods With Man. In Time Past, Present and Future. By G. Campbell Morgan. Cloth ............... 1.00 Many Infalliable Proofs. The Evi­ dence of Christianity. By Arthur T. Pierson ........... .......................................50 Practical and Perplexing Questions An­ swered. R. A. Torrey, D.D. Cloth.. .50 Covers nearly the whole range of theology and practical life. How to Obtain Fullness of Power. R. A. Torrey, D.D............. ....................... 50 Every Christian should read this— and then obey its teachings. Evangelism Through Bible Study. By Frederic S. Goodman...................... ..........25 A brief urgent appeal for individ­ ual soul-winning through Bible class fellowship and study.


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