King's Business - 1913-07

ON THE ATONEMENT AND THE HOLY SPIRIT « Those who are interested in knowing the fullness of the privileges of the Chris­ tian through Christ’s death upon Calvary, will find in this list of books just the help they need. The Cross of Calvary and Its Message. Mrs. Penn-Lewis. Cloth, 75c; paper .40 Fullness of Life. J. Stuart Holden........40 Emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit both in life and service. Spirit of Life. J. Stuart Holden..........40 Useful to those who are endeavor­ ing to instruct others in the work of the Holy Spirit. A Help to the Study of the Holy’ Spirit. Dr. W. E. Biederwolf............. 75

This is a book that ought to be in the hands of every Christian who wishes to know the true teaching of the Cross. The Greatest Theme in the World. By Rev. F. E. Marsh. Cloth......... . .75 The atonement of Christ treated in its various relations to the church and the individual. The Cross in Christian Experience. By Rev. W. M. Clow............. ............ .........50 A study of the devotional life and religious thought of the century. The Atonement. By Archibald Alex­ ander Hodge, D.D............. ................ , .50 T h e n a tu re o f th e aton em en t, and d esign or in ten d ed a p p lica tio n o f th e aton em en t. The School of Calvary. By J. H. Jowett ....... ........ .............................;... .50 A sp len d id b ook on th e aton em en t, p erm eated w ith th e th o u g h t and sp irit o f th is g r e a t p reach er. The Heart of the Gospel. James M. Campbell ............. ............... .............. 1.26 -A con cep tion o f th e ato n em en t w h ich is a t once v ita l, re a so n ab le and p ra ctica l. The Atonement and the Modem Mind. James Denny ............. .....,..... ...... . 1.00 • W ritte n ■ to w in th e m ind fo r th e tru th o f th e aton em en t. The Cross in Human Life. James Little ......... .'.__ _ ________ ___1.00 T h is b o o k sets fo rth in p la in la n ­ g u a g e th e fa c t th a t th e b lood o f Jesu s C h rist e n tire ly c le a n ses th e sin n er from e v e ry spot and sta in o f sin b oth fo r tim e an d e te rn ity . The Meaning and Message of the Cross. Henry C. Mabie........... ........ 1.25 A ca lm and c o n c ilia to ry e ffo rt to "set -forth th e sig n ifican ce o f th e cross as a re d e em in g a ch ievem en t. The Divine Reason for the Cross. H. C. Mabie ........................... .......:....__ 1.00 A stu d y o f th e a to n em en t in w h ich fa ith an d p h ilo so p h y a re h arm o n ­ ized. How Does the Death of Christ Save Us? H. C. Mabie.................... ................50 A p lain , co n cise sc rip tu ra l a n sw e r to th is a ll im p o rta n t question.

“It is the most charming and most readable presentation-of the subject I have ever seen.”—George I. Rob­ inson. Things of the Spirit. By G. H. C. MacGregor,- M. A. Cloth....................... 35. The teaching of the word of God about the Spirit of God. How Do We Receive the Holy Spirit. By Pastor O. Stockmayer..................... 10 The Tongue of Fire. By William Arthur ...... ..................| .............. ................60 Or the true power of Christianity. Our Silent Partner. Prof. Alva S. Ho­ bart. Cloth _............... :............................40 The Spirit Filled Life. John McNeil, B. A. Introduction by Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth —........... L ............ . .35 The Spirit of Christ. By Rev. An­ drew Murray. Cloth .;.............. |— .35 A most helpful treatise on the Holy Spirit in the believer and the Church. The Master’s Indwelling. By Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth.,..............._,... .35 The Real Holy Spirit. By Cortland Meyers. Cloth ................ .50 The greatest reality in the world today. The Acts, of the Holy Spirit. By A. T. Pierson, D.D................ ........................ 75 A splendid interpretation. The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. R. A. Torrey, D.D. Cloth.... 1.00 As revealed in the scriptures and from personal experience. The Baptism With the Holy Spirit. By Dr. R. A. Torrey, D.D................. 1.00 This book is especially valuable be­ cause of its firm adherance to scripture teaching. Grieving the Spirit. By Robert F. Sample, D.D..— ...............................05 A message to the thoughtful. The Ministry of the Spirit. By A. J. Gordon, D.D.................... 50 Emphasizes and magnifies this great truth th at the Paraclete is now present in the Church.


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