King's Business - 1913-07


10 By many regarded as the most help­ ful book in the English language on the subject of prayer and the deeper Christian life. Oneness With Christ. By Rev. W .R. Nicholson, D. D. ....______ ............... 1.00 Expository lectures, on the epistle . to the Colossians.. The Gospel of Healing. By Rev. A. B. Simpson ...._.............,................... -.25 Divine Life for the Body. By Ken­ neth McKenzie, J r.................................. 25 A book th at has been helpful to many hundreds of people and con­ tinues still to be in great demand. The Crisis of the Deeper Life. By Rev. A. B. Simpson. Paper.............. .10 Deals with our union with Him as the source of salvation and every­ thing else th a t we may need in life. Kept for the Master’s Use. By Frances Ridley Havergal. Decorated cover design, 50c; plain cloth...................... .35 Like Christ. By Rev. Andrew Mur­ ray . Cloth........... .........1,....................... 35 The blessed life of conformity to the Son. Absolute Surrender. Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth, 35c; paper.......................1 Why necessary? How attained? Grace Abounding. By John Bunyan. Cloth - ..........—................&— - ........ 75 This book is second only in import­ ance to Pilgrim’s Progress. Scripture Promises; or the Christian’s Inheritance. By Samuel Clark, D.D. Cloth, 35c; leather............................... 75 All the promises in the Bible clas­ sified and arranged under proper headings.: The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life. By Hanna Whiteall Smith. Cloth, 75c; decorated white vellum 1.00 War on the Saints. By Mrs. Penn- Lewis in collaboration with Evan Roberts On the work of deceiving spirits among the children of God. My Brother and I. By Peter Ainslee. Boards A brief manual of the principles th at make for a wider brotherhood with all mankind. God and Me. By Peter Ainslee. White boards .................................................... 25 Deals with our relation to God, and is very helpful. Makes a splendid gift book. The Hidden Life. By Adolph Saphir.. .50 ...................__ __ ______ 2.00 .............................................25

The following list of books will be found to be helpful in combatting the many ’isins, false religions, and present day heresies. Every book listed is worth your careful consideration. The Signs of the Times. Dr. I. M. Haldeman .75 S h o w s up p resen t d a y h ere sie s in th e ir tru e lig h t. The World and Its God. By Philip Mauro. Antique paper............ ........... .10 Is a sp len d id c h a ra cte riza tio n o f “ T h is E v il A g e .’ The New Religion . By Dr. I. M. Hal­ deman ................. ....................1_____ .... .10 O r A th e n ia n C u ltu re an d R e lig io n . The Devil’s Righteousness. By Dr, I. M. Haldeman ........................... Or, C ain Com e to T o w n A g a in . S a ­ tan e x p lo itin g h im se lf a s an a n g e l o f lig h t. Delusions of the Last Days. By Rev. J. H. Ballard ..... .............................. .05 Antichrist ............ ......,...................................15 W ho is h e? W h a t w ill h e do? W ho are h is a g e n ts an d fo reru n n e rs? The Great Apostacy Set in.... ..................15 H as it? I f so, b y w h a t sig n s do w e re co g n ize it? The Coming Crash Between Capital and Labor ............................................. .10 Mental Assassination. By Dr. I. M. Haldeman ...... ........ : ............................. ,10 Or, C h ristia n Science, a p h ysica l, in te lle ctu a l, m oral and sp iritu a l peril. What Christian Science Really Is. By John Gordon, D. D......................... 05 Philosophy of Christian Science. By Borden P. Bowne....................................10 A thoughtful consideration of the subject. Christian Science. By Ray C. Har­ ker. P ap e r.................... ...... ............. .10 A brief compact statement of what it is in reality. Christian Science in the Light of the Holy Scriptures. By Dr. I .M. Hal- deman v............................................... 1.50 The best thing on the subject. Can a Christian be a Socialist? By W. Robertson ......................................... 05 An “eye-opener” to any truly born- again person who has any leanings toward Socialism. Seventh Day Adventists. Their Ori­ gin, History and Erroneous Doc­ trines ..........................................—........05


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