King's Business - 1913-07


35 Beaches every practical rule which can be of use in a teacher’s work. Just Over the Hill. By Margaret Slat­ tery ......................... Answers many troublesome ques­ tions and gives many new and vital ideas to boys and girls between 16 and 20. The Teacher That Teaches. By Amos R. W ells........................... ...»............. , .50 Pull, of happy ideas for m aking the class hour interesting and in­ structive. Talks With the Training Class. By Margaret Slattery ........... ...................... 50 Gives lots of good, sound, practical advice in Miss Slattery’s inim itable style. A Guide for Teachers of Training Classes. By Margaret Slattery.___ .50 Gives direct and sympathetic aid to the teacher of the training class. The Ideal Adult Class. By Amos R. Wells .............................. 50 Over 100 short, pithy paragraphs or “receipts” for m aking the adult class go. Stories an dtory Telling. E. P. St. John .........................................................50 A magnificent book that w il accom­ plish great results w ith younger scholars. .35 It has been our aim to get together the very best helps for Sunday school super­ intendents, teachers and workers. The fol­ lowing list should commend itself to you. 500 Ways to Help Your Church. By Theresa H. Wolcott ......................... 1.00 A w ealth of su ggestion s for w h ole­ some entertainm ent for the young people. Training the Teacher. By four au­ thors ------- ..................................§£ j$ .35 In four parts—The Book, The Pupil, The Teacher, The Sunday School. Young People and the Church. By Woodrow Wilson. Paper, 10c; cloth .50 One of the most significant and searching utterances on this subject that has ever appeared. The Boy and the Church. By Eugene C. Foster ... 75 A study of the boy’s religious life, habits, grow th, etc. The Girl in Her Teens. By Margaret Slattery .............. 50 The Seven Laws of Teaching. John M. Gregory........... ,...... ................. §j .50 75

W e c a rry a fu ll lin e o f th e U n ite d S o ­ c ie ty o f C h ristia n E n d e a v o r's p u b lication s. Am o n g th ese, th e fo llo w in g should com ­ m end th em selves to you : Expert Endeavor. Amos R. Wells....... $ .35 A g r e a t com m en tary on efficiency. No E n d e a v o rer sh ou ld be w ith o u t it. The Christian Endeavor Manual. Fran- ; cis E. Clark, D. D.............................. 1.00 A com p lete m an u al o f th e h isto ry and p ra ctice o f C h ristia n E n d eavor. A h elp to a n y so ciety . Eighty Pleasant Evenings. Lillian M. Heath ..... .................,........................... .35 F o re v e r does a w a y w ith th e p ro b ­ lem o f the so cia l com m ittee. Fifty Missionary Programmes. By Belle M. B rain ............ .................... .35 C an be u sed fo r a n y m issio n a ry m eetin gs. C o vers th e m ission s o f th e w h o le w orld . Fuel for Missionary Fires. Belle M. B rain ..... ..................................J............. .35 T e lls y o u “ h o w to do it.” M ak es th e m issio n a ry m ee tin g in te re stin g . The Missionary Manual. Amos R. Wells .................................... A fu ll an d sy ste m a tic m an u al o f d ire ctio n s and su g g e stio n s fo r m is­ sio n a ry w o rk e rs. Officers’ Handbook. Amos R. Wells.... .35 ''Sh ould be in th e h an d s o f e v e ry o f­ ficer and com m ittee ch airm an . Prayer Meeting Methods. Amos R. Wells .................................... In te re stin g p la n s fo r e v e ry p h ase o f E n d e a v o r m eetin gs. C an n o t b u t be a h elp to a n y so ciety. Social Evenings. AmosR.Wells.................35 A la rg e n um b er o f d e lig h tfu l fe a ­ tu re s fo r e v e n in g en tertainm en ts. 78 gam es, 82 com p lete so cia ls, 190 se p a ra te a rticle s. Social to- Save. AmosR.Wells.................... 35 A com pan ion vo lu m e to “ S ocial E v e n in g s.” E v e r y th in g new . Weapons for Temperance Warfare. Belle M. B rain ...........................................35 H u n d red s o f su g g e stio n s fo r th e tem p eran ce m eetin g. On the Lookout............................. ........... .10 Do y o u w a n t to in crea se y o u r a t ­ ten d a n ce? . T h is b o o k w ill te ll y o u how . Our Crowning Meeting —................ :.............. 10 T h e co n secra tio n m ee tin g is a p rob ­ lem . E lim in a te th e p roblem and m a k e it, in tru th ,*th e “c ro w n in g m ee tin g .”


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