Read for Free: 2024 State of the UK Fitness Industry Report



or video appointment with a GP within 24 hours, and prescriptions delivered to your door within a further 24 hours. You also get access to our Everyone On Demand digital platform, 14-day booking and other club perks. Those who want all these benefits plus UK-wide access to all our sites, including our 15 spas, can choose our Wellness Platinum membership for £56 a month. With long waits for GP appointments these days, we saw an opportunity to offer our members something different, something ahead of the curve. In the four months we’ve been selling these new wellness memberships – which included the quiet time over Christmas – we’ve sold nearly 20,000, with wellness memberships now accounting for approximately 25 per cent of all adult fitness sales. Evolution of our fitness offering is another big focus: we’ve spent nearly £10m redeveloping and rebranding our product over the last few years. With mental health and recovery rising up the agenda, we’ve introduced pre- and post-workout relaxation to our fitness spaces and have brought in Therabody massage devices. We’re partway through a three-year roll-out that will see this concept introduced to all our centres. And we’ll continue to do a lot of work in this area, ensuring we aren’t just thinking of fitness in a silo but as part of a continuum that includes relaxation and recovery too. For around 100 of our larger sites, we’re also in the process of launching cold therapy options, from cryotherapy to cold baths. It’s early days, but we see this as a real opportunity within this financial year. We’ll continue to explore other technologies, too; infrared is certainly very interesting. Where the demographics are right, we’ll also do more full spas.

People want relaxation as well as fitness, so where the demographics are right, Everyone Active will launch more full spas


Everyone Active is having ‘an excellent year’, and there are exciting growth opportunities for the whole sector, says the company’s regional director - South East

In four months, we sold nearly 20,000 wellness memberships. They now account for around 25 per cent of all adult fitness sales.

What’s the news from Everyone Active? We’ve had an excellent year, with turnover and number of sites growing. Our financial year runs 1 April to 31 March, so we’ve just finished the last one [interview conducted 11 April 2024] and to put some figures on it, last year’s turnover was just shy of £330m. When I started with the business in 2005, turnover was £30m; over the last 10 years, we’ve seen almost 12 per cent year-on-year growth in turnover. We have 230 sites now, with more outside of core leisure than used to be the case. Five years ago, we had just one or

two golf clubs and no theatres. Now we have 10 golf clubs and five theatres. That’s down to a broadening of what local authorities are looking to outsource, and our desire to expand the scope of our business. Our growth in turnover isn’t just down to portfolio growth, however, but also increasing yield. At the end of last year, we partnered with Health Hero to launch a new wellness membership. For an additional £9.99 a month on top of your existing membership – which might typically be around £25 – you’re guaranteed a telephone





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