Read for Free: 2024 State of the UK Fitness Industry Report


We need to better showcase all the different activities we offer, says Dillon

POWERING THE FUTURE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY The UK's largest annual trade event dedicated to physical activity, health and performance.

We outlined some impacts our sector can have, and described to government the types of intervention and support they could give to help us achieve them

Now, if we want to make a case, we can ask the Workforce Observatory for data to prove our argument. Rather than everyone going to local or national government with different data sets and different messages, we can speak with one voice. But it does rely on the whole sector sharing its data. We also need to bring together examples where we’re positively impacting people’s health. There are some great case studies from across the UK, where people who normally wouldn’t dream of going to one of our centres are doing so because they see them as places of rehab and therapy. If we can bring these case studies together into a compendium of brilliance, we can use this to help turn the political tanker. The National Sector Partners Group (NSPG) is also crucial to having one united voice. It includes CIMSPA, ukactive, Sport England, the Sport & Recreation Alliance, Youth Sport Trust, Active Partnership Network, Local Government Association and the Sports Development Coalition – and together, we represent our sector to government.

Now, if government has a question for the active wellbeing sector, it comes to the Group. Collectively, we can make a difference – for example, with the Treasury’s investment in the swimming pool support fund. The NSPG also produced a report – Unlocking the Potential – in which we outlined some short-, medium- and long-term impacts we believe our sector can have, and described to government the types of intervention and support they could give to help us achieve them. So, we’re driving greater understanding within government, but it’s a pincer movement, with the sector also taking accountability for shouting louder about the great collaboration and innovation going on around the country. Challenges remain within the sector and, with a General Election imminent, at a government level we may not see progress in the short-term. However, we’re determined to still keep pushing and challenging government to commit to further change.




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