King's Business - 1964-07

Evangelize India N ow im S Mission dollars win far more souls to Christ when used to train nationals in thorough heart and head preparation. $10 a month pays for room and board for a student at Hindustan Bible Institute, Madras, India. Dr. William W. Orr, Dr. Hugh Murchison, Rev. Clinton Goodwin, Chairman of Board Vice-Chairman Treasurer

I mi l L T S C R I T I Q U E by Betty Bruechert

Gentlemen: □ Please send information. □ Enclosed find $........... for student support. □ W e would like to have Dr. Gupta speak on (date) ..— (hour) ¿^„ Second choice ___ ........................«........ . N am e...... .................................... .................. Address ..........................................................

HINDUSTAN BIBLE INSTITUTE, INC. Dsp». K Box 2815 Terminal Annex Los Angelos, Calif. 90054

I n T he D iscerner published by Re­ ligion Analysis Service, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minn., Dr. John E. Dahlin makes the following astute observation: In an evaluation of the cultists’ dis­ tortion of Scripture, we usually dis­ cover that each group tends to stress one particular point excessively. To illustrate: Christian Science puts the emphasis on health, Seventh-Day Ad­ ventists on Sabbath observance, and Spiritualists stress communication with the departed. None of the cults with which I am familiar, manifests a regard for such basic principles as Bible exegesis, his­ torical setting, context, and dispensa- tional matters. In fact, they select from the Scriptures whatever phrases or sentences that seem to fit their purposes, and build them into their warped systems. All religious cults or isms may find that kind of “ support” from Scripture when the selections are made without regard for the con­ text. Even Communists are able to wrench from Acts 4:32 some support for their ideology and apply it in a world-wide manner. But they fail to recognize or point out that in Acts 4, the e a r l y Christians voluntarily pooled their possessions because they believed the Lord’s return was im­ minent and that time was short. The arrangements of these Christians were entirely local, or limited and alto­ gether voluntary in origin. What a contrast to the present-day atheistic Communists who ruthlessly take over and plow under every basic right of man and suppress individualism al­ together! Cultists are not interested in Bibli­ cal theology, neither do they desire to follow the law of hermeneutics in Bible studies. Instead, they select cer­ tain passages from both the Old and New Testaments which seem to fit their particular interest, and thus build elaborate systems around scat­ tered phrases which they isolate and utilize without the slightest regard for the context, or the clearly revealed doctrines of the whole Bible. How truly the great Shakespeare spoke when he said, “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” He does it every day through the false religious systems.

Dr. N. Paul V. Gupta, President and Director, is available now for speaking engagements

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