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I. Faith That Sees. (Hebrews 11:13) II. Faith That Knows. Hebrews 11:1) III. Faith That Does. (James 2:26) BACKSLIDING: PREVENTION AND CURE Acts 8:21, 22 Introduction A. Hideousness of sin: like leprosy. B. Two ways to treat a disease. 1. Prevent it. 2. Heal it. C. A question of salvation. I. The Causes of Backsliding. A. Satan’s immediate onslaught. 1. Jesus’ temptation in the wil derness immediately after baptism. 2. Simon Peter’s experience im mediately after making the good confession. 3. Simon the magician’s experi ence. (Acts 8) B. Friendly temptations. 1. Invitation of old prophet to younger, “Come home with me.” 2. Sanballat’s and Tobiah’s in vitation to Nehemiah. C. Desires of the flesh. 1. Children of Israel in wilder ness. 2. Paul’s battle. 3. The battle of all Christians. II. The Horrible Condition of the Backslider. A. Sickening in God’s sight. (II Peter 2:22) B. Remaining without further sac rifice for sins. (Hebrews 10: 26-31) C. Approaching th e unpardoned state. (Hebrews 10:26-31; 6:4- 8 ) III. The Prevention of Backsliding. A. Service. 1. Saved to serve. 2. Fishers of men. B. Fellowship and worship. (He brews 10:25) C. Prayer. D. Bible study. 1. II Timothy 2:15. 2. II Timothy 3:16, 17. E. Lord’s Supper. IV. The Cure for Backsliding. A. Necessity for repentance for sin. (Luke 13:3) B. Place of prayer for forgiveness in the Christian life. (I John 1 : 8 - 10 )
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I Corinthians 16:13.
JULY, 1964
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