King's Business - 1964-07

2 WONDERFUL G IDES to a richer vacation. . . YOURS FREE! Vacationing with a Purpose”

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A 64-page booklet of De- votionals and Prayers to give meaning and bless­ ing to family worship. 18 color photos. ‘‘Times of Refreshment” A rich source of inspira­ tion for your holidays. 24-pages; 21 devotionals.

Science, God, and You by Enno Wolthuis The Twilight of Evolution by Henry Morris

up the concept of vitalism in favor of a mechanistic view of life, they left no doubt (if there was any before) that the second law of ther­ modynamics applies here as well as in the physical world. This is one of the most basic laws of nature, and the theory of evolution is con­ trary to it. Important parts of the book sum­ marize parts of The Genesis Flood, which he wrote in collaboration with Dr. John C. Whitcomb. It has less than a hundred pages of text, is not difficult to read and is recommended for Christians who need to know more about evolution with respect to Christian faith. — Reviewed by Bolton Davidheiser. Science, God, and You: 121 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. The Twilight of Evolution: 103 pages; with indexes; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. BOOK ENDS________ (A Review of Current* Publications) LARRY AND KATHY MILLER by Esther Eby Glass. 138 pages; paper over boards; Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa.; $2.50. Third in a five-book series of the Miller family, Christian novels. SIGNS OF THE SECOND COMING by Glenn V. Tingley. 24 pages; paper; Radio Revival Book Room, Box 1928, 'Birmingham, Ala.: 35c. A sermon on a fascinating subject. Sets forth many concrete statistics and facts that bring this subject down to date. BELLS STILL ARE CALLING: CHURCH AND MISSION IN INDIA TODAY by Kristofer Hagen. 175 pages; paper; Augsburg Pub. House, Minne­ apolis, Minn.; $3.00. The author has served 8’/j years as a medical missionary in India. He has sensed the changing patterns of need and re­ lated them to the challenge of missions in America, which he feels has waned recently. FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT; A VERSE-BY-VERSE COMMENTARY ON THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES by John R. Rice. 555 pages; paper over boards; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Wheaton, III.; $4.50. A plain and vigorous exposition of this important book. Dr. Rice has spent more study on this book than on any other book in the Bible. His readers will not agree with him at all points, but will be stimulated by the power of the presentation. THE INFALLIBLE WORD by N. A. Woychuk. 77 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; 29c. One of the Moody Compact series. The author is Director of the Bible Memory Associa­ tion, International, and is a lucid writer. There is much good material condensed here. HANDBOOK OF BIBLE HISTORY, BOOK III: THE GOSPELS, by George Stob. 178 pages, paper, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $1.50. Part of a series that is designed to pro­ mote a careful study of the Bible in private or classroom situations. Factual and theological matters are included. There are graded ques­ tions and the material is in outline form follow­ ing the text portions. WHERE IT HAPPENED IN BIBLE TIMES, by Merrill T. Gilbertson. Edited by Harriet L. Over­ holt. 168 pages; Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis; $1.75. An attractive, popular hand­ book of Bible geography for the Bible reader and teacher. It should be read all the way through and then kept handy for reference. An index and maps make it very usable.

These two books deal with the re­ lationships between the Christian and science. The approach of Dr. Wolthuis is more philosophical than that of Dr. Morris, and he considers origins and the implications of the scientific method at some length. Some say that scientific truth is based upon facts alone and that re­ ligious truth is entirely a matter of fact. But this is not so, because the scientific method is based upon faith in the uniformity o f nature — that under the same circumstances the same cause will always produce the same effect. This is routine labora­ tory practice, but the trouble comes with the scientist incorporates this faith into his philosophy of life, for it denies the supernatural acts of God. Information about creation can come only through revelation, for it is beyond the scope of the scientific method. Science can only speculate about the chance origin of a purpose­ less world. The Christian learns from revelation that there was a creation with a purpose. Science has nothing to say about that purpose. In this age of increasing apostasy it may be considered weakness, as Dr. Wolthuis himself admits, that his book merely points out that Bibli­ cal scholars do not agree on what the Bible says about creation, in­ stead of warning his readers about the dangerous compromising which is going on. While he asserts that “ although we do not accept the evolu­ tionary theory as a fact, we would be quick to admit that it has been a productive theory in the area of biology,” he fails to contrast this with the untold damage it has done in the area of morals and Christian faith. Dr. Morris explains that the title of his book does not mean to imply that non-Christian men of science are giving up the theory of evolu­ tion. What he means is that scientific progress has made it more evident that Christianity may boldly oppose this theory and need not retreat be­ fore it or compromise with it. He points out that when biologists gave

Get both of these worthwhile booklets designed especially to help vacationing Christians deepen their appreciation of the Lord’s glorious creation and His gifts to us. Your Christian bookseller display­ ing the CBA emblem has both booklets— both free for the asking. . . . and while you’re browsing through his store, may we suggest you select several g o o d b o o k s for enjoyment, relaxation and spiritual refreshment

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