While visiting or living in Los Angeles, plan to stay at BIOLA HOTEL. Clean, com fortable, convenient. Reason able rates by day-week-month or permanent. Dining Room. Next to the Church of the Open Door, to the Central Public Library, and the hub of the Greater Los An geles Freeway Network. Oper ated as a public service by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. 536 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90017 MAdison 7-9941 Harold F. Churchill, Mgr. BiolaHotel RATES FROM NOVEMBER 1963 Without SIN6LE DOUBLE Bath DoLuxo Twin Bods Day S 2.50 $ 3.50 Week 13.50 18.50 Month 52.50 57.50 Hot and cold wafer in every room. Complete rest room facilities nearby. With Bath SINGLE DOUBLE Day $ 3.50 $ 5.00 Week 22.00 31.00 Month 67.50 77.50 Reservations generally necessary. write or telephone fo r reservations
R O O M R E S E R V A T I O N N ote : Please fill in as much information as possible Name ......................................................................... Arrival Date ....................................... Address ................................................................... Day of Week ........................................ City ........................................................................... Time of Day ........................ .............. Accommodations Desired With Bath .......................Without Bath ......................... Amount enclosed as confirmation of reservation $................................................. Number of Guests ......................... Adults .......................... Children .......................... Plan to Stay: Day(s) ......................... Week .......................... Month .......................... Desire Information Concerning Permanent Residence ........................................ Signed ............................................................. D a te ................. Phone...................................
JULY, 1964
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