The “After-Glow* lingers On. ..
On the morning of May 7, 1964 an airliner on its way to San Francisco crashed. Miss Polly Johnson, gospel singer, was among the 44 persons killed instantly in the crash. This was the fatal flight that captured the headlines because the pilot was shot by one of the passengers:
radiance of her testimony and the vibrance of her life made a lasting impact. For a long time Polly and her friend, Mary Jane Gaietke, wanted to multiply their ministry of music through record ings. This major goal was achieved just a few months be fore her promising career came to its unexpected end. Polly was especially thrilled that her WORD album with Mary Jayne was coming to reality and ordered the first copies to be sent to her in care of Meadville, Pennsylvania Youth for Christ. She was en route there when her life was ended. The album was released the following week. Among thewreckage were parts of her guitar, her Bible and a record label. In addition to the album with Mary Jayne, Polly had recorded her own testimony in song and this al bum is being released as a memorial to Polly with the ap propriate title: “ I Found the Answer.” This record is truly an “after-glow” of a brilliant Christian career and will point the way for those seeking the “answer” for years to come. One of those who knew Polly best said: “ She was the best Christian I ever knew.” It is a privilege to share the Polly Johnson story with you.
Polly was born and reared in South Dakota. Her career in professional music beganat the age of 12 when she entered and won a talent contest in Rapid City, her home town. While'still in high school she became a well-known radio and television personality and received national acclaim as a guest on the Lawrence Welk television show. Following her high school graduation, Polly became music director for a local radio station. She edited and moderated a women’s program, produced singing commercials, had a daily disc- jockey show called “ Country Junction,” and headed her own 5-piece orchestra. Her ambition to achieve acclaim in the entertainment field led Polly to California early in 1961. There she was con fronted with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Polly accepted the invitation to become a Christian almost immediately. She said: “When I realized the world didn’t offer the glitter and satisfaction I thought it would, I real ized that Christ was the only One that could fill the void in my life and give me the peace and joy that I had sought so long in the world.” From the day she became a Christian in February 1961, Polly Johnson dedicated her time and tal ents to her Lord. She appeared in church services, and Youth Rallies across America. Everywhere she went the
Even though Polly Johnson has been taken, the two albums that she left behind will continue to communicate to others the message of hope and faith that she found in Christ. You may have either or both of these albums by filling out the coupon below.
•“ SINGING TOGETHER . . . LIKE WE DID BACK HOME” POLLY and MARY JAYNE and the Dick Bolk Singers The songs: I'll Never Be Lonely • A Place That I Know • I’ll Be Somewhere Listening • The Haven o f Rest • Since I Believed • Night Watch • Down the Sawdust Trail • Precious Memories • His Hand In Mine • The Ninety and Nine • What a Precious Friend • Whispering Hope W-3300-LP HiFi 33.98 WST-8300-LP Stereo $4.98 “ I FOUND THE ANSW ER" The songs: I Found the Answer • He Loved Me • W ayfaring Pilgrim' • In the Sweet By and By • He Was There • Did You Stop to Pray This Morning? • It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn • Closer Than a Brother • Mansion Over the Hilltop • Do Lord • Since the Savior Came In Search o f Me • Pass Me Not W -3331-LP HiFi $3.98 WST-8331-LP Stereo $4.98
THIS COUPON IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WORD Records Box 1790 Waco, Texas Please send me the Polly Johnson albums checked below so that I may receive Inspiration from her talented testimony. Send □ High Fidelity @ $3.98 ea. □ Stereo @ $4.98 ea. (Check one) Enclosed Is total payment of $__________________ for __________ Albums. Mam» Address______________________________ City.----- —.......... State— KB 7 □ "Singing Together" (----------Albums) □ "I Found the Answer" (_______Albums)
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