King's Business - 1964-07

Peopkh théNews


MARRIED COUPLES ELOHIM BIBLE INSTITUTE Castile, New Y o rk Family Bible School for Married Folks! One of thO' Church's greatest potentials for Christ's service is in the Bible believing mar­ ried couples of America who are willing to dedicate their lives to HIM and follow that dedication with thorough Bible preparation. 152 graduates serving CHRIST on 74 home and foreign fields. Couples with children accepted. If you mean business with God, write Rev. Donald M. Perkins, Box 415, Castile, N.Y. 'SEVEN DAYS A WEEK" Christian Witnessing i An Excellent Film 1 Time—30 minutes » n v R C H Rental—$15 F ILMS Catalog on request (Give name of church)

named executive director for the Na­ tional Association of Evangelicals.

Rev. Joe Mason, director of Prison Mission Association, Inc. o f Phoenix, Arizona, has announced the develop­ ment of a program whereby small Christian libraries will be placed in County jails. Major prisons general­ ly have a library, but hundreds of County jails are lacking any reading material of any value. The project has been presented to the authorities, and they are very receptive to the idea. This can be a means of getting the Gospel mes­ sage to hungry minds. Raymond J. Davis, general director of the Sudan Interior Mission, re­

Mr. Ciimenhaga is a former mission­ ary to Africa and has been serving as p r e s i d e n t of Messiah Co l l ege , Grantham, Penn ­ sylvania. He wi l l share responsibili­ ties of the general

Dr. Ciimenhaga director, Dr. Clyde W. Taylor, who has charge of the N.A.E. public affairs office in Washington. Dr. Jared F. Gerig of Fort Wayne, Indiana, has been chosen as the new president of the association to suc­ ceed Dr. Robert A. Cook, president of King’s Col l ege, Briarcliff Manor, New York. Mr. Gerig also heads Fort Wayne Bible College, and has served as a pastor. Mr. Carl A. Gundersen, honored in 1962 as the “ Layman o f the Year”

ceived the honor­ ary doctor of di­ vinity degree from Talbot Theological S e m i n a r y last month at the com­ mencement e x e r ­ c i s e s f o r t h e schools of the Bi­ ble Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc., La Mirada, California.

6045 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. HOIlywood 3-3155

by th e National A s s o c i a t i o n of Evangelicals, died Sunday , May 3, 1964, at the age of 69. Mr. Gunder - sen’s life was pri­ marily committed to the furtherance of the Gospel. His successful c a r e e r as a builder and

Dr. Davis


Dr. Davis entered missionary service in Ethiopia under SIM, and has worked in the West Africa and Ni­ geria fields also. Vernon Mortenson, general director of T h e Evangelical Alliance Mi s s i on , also received the honorary doctor of d i v i n i t y degree from Talbot Theo­ logical Seminary. D r. Mo r t e n s o n served with TEAM in China, and has been general director of TEAM since 1961. Claude W. Edwards, president of Alpha Beta Acme Markets, Inc., La Dr. Mortenson,

Just write asking for our illustrated folder “ Informa­ t io n About Sponsoring Korean Orphans’*— we’ll send these colorful Korean Baby Shoes. (The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn., Inc.) 7774 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, III. 60634


Dept. K74

Mr. Gundersen.

real estate developer was secondary to his interests as a Christian lay­ man. During the past years he has made numerous trips to the various mission fields of the world. These trips were directly related to the ministry of The Evangelical Alliance Mission on whose board Mr. Gunder­ sen served for 35 years, and as chair­ man of the board for the past 12 years. Mr. Herman Baker, founder of the Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, celebrates the 24th anni­ versary of the publishing firm which started out as a one-man Christian bookstore. The firm is still at its original location in the evangelical publishing hub of Grand Rapids. Mr. Harold W. Eavey of Glen Ellyn, Illinois, has been named General Sales Manager of Scripture Press Publications, Inc., Wheaton. Mr. Eavey joined Scripture Press in 1953 where he has served in several capa­ cities prior to his present appoint­ ment.


Habra, California, received the honor­ ary doctor of laws degree from Biola C o l l e g e in La Mirada. Dr. Ed­ wards entered the food business more than 40 years ago following his grad­ uation from high school. He heads a

• A com pletely new series of one and two bedroom units • Fully air conditioned (heated and re­ frigerated) • Lease available com pletely furnished or unfurnished • Complete recreational facilitiest chib house and chapel • Three miles from center of Phoenix. New shopping centers close to door for a descriptive brochure, write: SHARON GARDENS 3025 West McDowell Road Phoenix, Arizona

Dr. Edwards

chain of more than 100 supermarkets serving five Southern California counties. Dr. Arthur M. Ciimenhaga has been



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