N o, d ie photograph is not missing. YOU , Christian young person, are the subject. DEDICATION IS THE QUESTION.
all, further consideration o f Bob Jones University might be one o f the most important steps o f your life. The well-trained man catches the world’s eye. The dedicated man wins the world’s respect. The Christian message that "Christ died for the ungodly” answers the world’s need. Bob Jones University is committed to the task o f producing highly trained, dedicated graduates to carry forth this message. UNIVERSITY ” and the absolute authority o f the Bible.
Dedication is a frightening word. In it are the elements o f work, sacrifice, separation, singlemind' edness, and loyalty. Dedication is hard; but with out it, nothing o f consequence is gained for God. I f you are a selfishly ambitious, slothful, undis ciplined, "arm-chair” Christian, stop reading here. N ot even the f lOtrJd* /J)o.T ¿Jnuxu-tU can "make something out o f nothing.” If, on the other hand, you are interested in giving Christ your BOB JONES S lands w ithout apology for the
" old-time religion
Music, speech, and art without additional cost above regular academ ic tuition. Institute of Ch ristian Service, Academy, and seventh and eighth grades in connection. Graduate Schools of Religion and Fine Arts. G R E E N V I L L E , S O U T H C A R O L I N A
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