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REAPING THE HARVEST Your ministry had a great part in my accepting the Lord on July 14, 1961. Someone (and I still don’t know who) subscribed to THE KING’S BUSINESS for us, and as I read it from cover to cover and studied it with my Bible, the Holy Spirit brought me to full repentance and I was truly born again. I was a church member for several years, but lacked a new nature and complete surrender to our precious Lord. Just this week I received a let ter from a dear friend in Washington, and her testimony also praised God’s ministry of THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine, because it brought her also to see her need of the Saviour. May God continue to bless and use your work. Mrs. Jack Rogers, San Jose, California DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX I have been interested in your min istry for many years. In the December 1963 issue Dr. Talbot’s answer to a question puzzles me. He states “ The thief on the cross was a murderer” but I cannot find any place in the Bible where it says this. I am a Sunday school teacher, not someone just idly wondering. I always read the Question Box with interest. C. E., Harlingen, Texas E ditor ’ s N o t e : This reader reads not only with interest, but with intelli gence and discernment. We appreciate such alertness on the part of our read ers. Dr. Talbot replies as follows: “ I should not have stated this so positive ly although there is ground for suppos ing that these men may have been guilty of killing in their pursuit of crime. The American Standard Version translates the Greek word ‘robbers’ which indicates that these were not petty thieves, but men who belonged to those armed bands of violent men who roamed the highways and countryside, pillaging the innocent. The same word is used to describe Barabbas, who is also plainly called ‘a murderer ’ by Peter (A cts 3 :H) . Men engaged in this kind of life seldom stopped at killing. However, it is not a provable fact and I am glad to be checked on it. “I .trust the whole point of my an swer to the question of capital punish ment was not lost. I believe God in stituted execution for first-degree mur der and I also believe that murderers may be saved if they repent and receive the Saviour of sinners before they die.”
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" F or Christ and H is Kingdom ” . ..S ince 1860
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JULY, 1964
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