King's Business - 1964-07


THE CONVERSION CENTER Inc. A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 138,000 nuns dedicated to “ MAKE AMER­ ICA CATHOLIC.” W ill you help keep America free to evangelize the world? Pray, give, write for soul-winning material. 18 W. Eagle Rd., Havertown, Pennsylvania Rev. Afex O. Dunlap, Director



Join us in our fight against fake ideolo­ gies in sending Christian literature to the missionaries. Tons o f literature is being sent by the ENEMY all over the world. Can w e do less fo r C hrist? Write to: LITERATURE for the MILLIONS, Inc. P.O. Box 677, Wichita^ Kan., U.S.A, 67201


CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION and Pakistan Christian Fellowship Our m inistry includes READING ROOMS

i HE TITLE OF this editorial is the title o f a book published by Doubleday & Co. in June o f this year, carrying the sub­ title, "Successful Preservation o f Human Body Feasible in 1964 .” Unfortunately this editorial must go to the printer before the pub­ lication date o f the book. But from advance promotional litera­ ture the book promises to be one o f the most widely discussed books o f the year. A scientist friend o f the author states, in the preface, “ It is important to realize that Mr. Ettinger (the author o f the book) is, in the strictest biological section o f the book, carrying to its logical conclusion an argument for which he has unimpeachable premises. He realizes the job cannot be done over­ night. What he is telling us is that we must begin. The job will be done some day and for every day that we put it off, untold thou­ sands are going to an unnecessary grave.” According to news re­ leases, the book, "The Prospect o f Immortality” begins with the sober explanation o f the scientific probabilities. It is explained that many lower forms o f life have already been frozen and revived and also many human tissues. "Complete mammals cannot yet be frozen and revived but it should be possible soon. Many individual scientists in this country and Europe are working on the problem. Freezing damage will be overcome in the near future, according to these scientists, and medical science will develop cures for most fatal diseases including old age. An individual dying o f kidney failure may elect to enter frozen 'sleep’ and be revived in later years when repair o f the kidneys is as simple as an appendectomy is today.” The second part o f the book deals mainly with the religious, legal and economic problems which are raised by the theme o f the book. Among the questions the author endeavors to answer are: What about the population growth? What happens to the soul? What about wills, property and insurance? Who decides whom to freeze? And who decides whom and when to thaw? How and where will the bodies be filed? What about a widow who is re­ married and is revived to confront two husbands? Contemplation upon the theme o f the book would lead one to a number o f most ludicrous conclusions and we would be inclined to consider the

Member I.F.M.A. Write for Free literature 107-K N. Hale Street, Wheaton, III. 60187

Little Giant Hotomatic Gas Water Heater No. 3 Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in tempera­ ture. Write for free folders on water heaters, Fiberglass Bap­ tistries, spires and crosses. LITTLE GIANT MFG. CO. 907 7th Street, Orange, Texas

W A N T E D ! ! Used ears for use by Missionaries on furlough. In donating your used car for this worthwhile purpose, you w ill receive a tax-deductible receipt for top re­ tail value. W rite: ASSISTANCE TO MISSIONS, Inc. Box 3232, Glendale, Calif.

Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam

I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen

Martin Luther Write for Catalogue Phone: 691-77B5

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