King's Business - 1964-07

Be assured of a GENEROUS UNCHANGING INCOME e * — . . . for both 1 YOU and a 1 LOVED ONE with a JM moody m SURVIVORSHIP ANNUITY! With a Moody Survivorship Annuity you can relax . . . confident that as long as you live there will be regular, generous dividends . . . and that when you go to be with the Lord, your surviving loved one will continue to re­ ceive the same unchanging income from this investment. We live in a changing world. Returns from securities and other investments fluctuate, but not Moody Survivorship Annuities. Pay­ ments are always constant, assured, for you and your survivor. This has been true for more than a half century . . . the Institute has paid all returns, and on time. Annuities are not subject to legal controversies—another guarantee that they will be paid in full—and without the de­ lay so often experienced in the administra­ tion of estates. . . . and you get “ Double Dividends" The gift-investment story does not end here. While your dollars are assuring you and yours a generous income, they will also be invested in the gospel ministry of the Moody Bible Institute. They will be used to train missionaries, pastors and other Christian workers tuition free! They will also be used in the Institute’s many soul-winning minis­ tries, including gospel-science films, radio and worldwide distribution of gospel litera­ ture. You will have a share in all of these— that’s why we say a Moody Annuity pays “ Double Dividends.” Write today for free booklet, giving the complete details on “Double Dividends.” Moody Science Films at (SgRg the World's Fair Back in 1893 at the Chicago World’s Fair, D. L. Moody led his students in a summer-long evangelistic effort that reached two million people with the gospel . . . Today, at the New York World’s Fair, MBI continues this purposeful ministry, using modem tools, science films and dem­ onstrations in a 500-seat, air-conditioned au­ ditorium. Visit MBI’s Sermons from Science International Pavilion. For thousands of visi­ tors, the most important discovery at the Fair will center about a new-found faith. C LIP AND MAIL COUPON TODAY WRITE: Annuity Department MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE Dept. 7K4 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago, Illinois 60610 Please send me, without obligation, □ double dividends , story of M oody Annuity Plan. G Please send folder, where there ’ s a w ill , relating to stewardship. Name------------------------------------------------ Age ------------ Address -------------------------------------------------—— — — City ____________ State ______ Zip Code ------- Moody Annuities are Safe, Sound and Satisfying!

whole book a rather huge joke were it not written from such a serious point o f view and by serious-minded men o f science. Let it be said, first o f all, that the title o f the book is a com­ plete misnomer. Immortality is a long, long time. Even if a human being could be put into a "deep freeze” for a hundred years or more and then revived, after a short period o f time he would need to be frozen all over again or his demise would surely take place after all. The problem o f storage for frozen bodies soon would take on rather staggering proportions. I f one’s mind were allowed to indulge in a little fanciful contemplation, he might conclude that the vast continent o f Antarctica would become a huge deep freeze for such a program. It is well that Admiral Byrd made his several trips to the land way down under and laid claim to vast areas for the United States! On the other hand, as astronomers advise that one side o f the moon is in perpetual darkness, that is, the sun never hits it and nobody knows how many hundreds o f degrees below zero is the temperature on the dark side o f the moon, perhaps that is another good reason for the United States getting to the moon as soon as possible and laying claim to the frozen catacombs for the temporary resting place o f frozen bodies until such time as it is deemed advisable to revive them! Imagination conjures up the possibility o f reducing a body to an infinitestimal part o f its normal size during the period o f freezing by means o f an unknown process, soon to be discovered, o f course. This process might be compared with the present process o f microfilming books. Or, better yet, the newer process for conserving space in libraries as has been devised. (The editor recently saw an article describing a process whereby the whole Bible could be reduced in size so that the entire volume might be reproduced on a piece o f paper the size o f a postage stamp.) It would be quite a development to re­ duce the human body to those proportions! It would be merely a further development o f the head-shrinking skill o f the South American Jivaros. This is not intended to ridicule a serious treatise on the part o f a man o f science. We appreciate more than we can ever tell the contributions o f science to the physical well-being o f the hu­ man race, and we are thankful for every genuine scientific ad­ vance that has been and is being made. However, certain rather sobering questions come to mind when one considers the problem o f the prospect o f man-made immortality. The Word o f God very clearly states, "It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment.” Unsaved men may long for immortality in this life because they instinctively know that when this life is finished there is a time o f judgment by a holy God which will not go well with them, based upon their own life and works. Hence it is conceivable that man might wish never to face that time o f judgment. But a state o f suspended animation through the process o f freezing would merely prolong the inevitable end o f this life in the flesh and bring one face to face with his Creator. (continued on page 31)


JU L Y , 1964

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