O N th e front of Union Station in Washington is carved an inscription eulogizing man for the dis covery of fire and electricity and ending with the Bible quotation: “ Thou hast put all things under his feet.” Whoever prepared that inscription did not understand his Bible for the verse quoted refers, in its final appli cation, not to man but to Jesus Christ, the Son of man. God indeed made man to have dominion over creation 8
but he lost it and the only way he will ever regain it is through the last Adam, our Saviour. We certainly do not see all things put under man. True, he has come from tallow candles to television, from Kitty Hawk to outer space, but as Chancellor Hutchens put it: “ The world we have created is too much for us-. The wisdom of the race has failed before the problems which the race has raised.” The trail THE KING'S BUSINESS
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