Garry F. Liday Corporation September 2018

When Your Funds Are Lower Than They Should Be HOW TO BOOST YOUR RETIREMENT FUNDS

Having money saved is crucial for adults aged 50 or older who plan to retire in the near future. Some people are prepared for retirement, having saved a sufficient amount throughout their lives. However, there are people who, despite having tried to save, come up short in their retirement funds. This can send them into a panic. Women account for the largest percentage of people who don’t have enough money in their retirement savings by the time they reach the age of 50. A survey produced by the nonprofit Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies shows that many women who reach retirement age will not have adequate funds to support themselves. Despite having a higher savings rate, the average amount women have saved at the age of 50 is about $35,000, compared to $120,000 for men. What’s the reason behind this?

to work part time or stop going to work to take care of family members in need. By working less, women tend to earn less money, which prevents them from putting away sufficient funds for their retirement. This also affects whether or not they are covered by their employer’s retirement benefits, since most employees are required to be full-time in order to receive any benefits. If you’re nearing retirement age, don’t fret — you still have options available to you. If you’re working, look into your company’s retirement plan, especially if they offer a 401(k). According to the IRS, those who qualify (i.e., someone who joins the plan and is 50 years or older) can contribute up to $24,500 a year. To learn more about what options are available, call our office. By working with someone who understands retirement, you’ll create a solid plan and ensure that you successfully enter and enjoy your retirement.

According to the survey, women often have a large gap in their financial savings at some point in their lives. They are more likely

PREPARE YOUR GARDEN Autumn Steps for a Better Spring Garden

With fall just ahead, it’s a good time to think about your spring garden. For a beautiful garden next year, begin preparing this fall. Here are a few ways to get a head start! PLANTING BULBS If you want beautiful flowers in April, you should start planting bulbs now. Many flower bulbs need to be in the ground before winter settles in; this helps activate the bulbs’ biochemical process that allows them to bloom. Getting the bulbs into the ground before it freezes allows their roots to grow deep enough to protect them from the biting winter weather. Among the flower bulbs you should plant soon are tulips, daffodils, irises, and hyacinths. CHICKEN WIRE After you’ve planted your bulbs, there’s a risk that uninvited guests will dig them up. There are a few ways you can ensure that your bulbs remain undisturbed throughout the fall. One way is to place chicken wire over your

bulbs after they’ve been planted. This keeps rodents from digging them up and allows the plants to grow through the gaps in the wire.

KEEP YOUR GARDEN TIDY Once you’ve harvested your best fruits and vegetables, go back through and harvest the rest, even if you don’t plan to eat them. Make sure your garden is clear of old vegetables, fallen leaves, and weeds. Leaving decaying plants in or on top of the ground can spread diseases into the soil and attract unwanted pests to your garden. HEALTHY SOIL Pulling up weeds and all of your vegetables can help keep the earth free from rotting plants, but there are other steps you can take to ensure that your soil stays full of nutrients. Pick up a kit to test the pH levels of your soil. Most gardens thrive in soil with a pH of 6.5. Add compost to your soil supply now to give it time to break down during the winter months.

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