Statement of Accuracy - Comparator Systems Except HE4…

Reg. No.02541574 (England)

Statement of Accuracy for Starrett Optical Comparators This statement of accuracy applies to the following Starrett Kinemetric Engineering optical comparators: • HB400 • HD400 • HF600 • HF750 • HS600 • HS750 Magnification Accuracy: All the above Starrett Optical Projectors have lens magnifications set and calibrated to the following accuracies: Profile: +/-0.05%. Surface Illumination: +/-0.10%. Linear Accuracy: U1 (microns) = (3 + L/33) + (W x 3). Where: U1 = Maximum measured Deviation in microns (μm). L = Distance Measured in millimetres (mm). W = Weight in Kgs of Load on stage. Uncertainty of measurement is +/- 2 microns (μm). Notes: • Load on stage is to be uniformly distributed across and within work stage top footprint. • Best Known Practice (BKP) Linear accuracy attainable if re-calibration is performed with the weight on the stage.

• For the Profile and Surface Illumination measurements: ± 0.05% and ± 0.10% o Units are calibrated to the lens magnification accuracy using the profile light source with a master 10X lens. o A calibrated PGR 100 x 100mm graticule grid is used with a series of both 1mm squares and 10mm squares. o When measuring a distance of 100mm on the screen with the graticules, the actual distance on the graticule is only 10mm due to the 10X magnification. o Formula used to calculate allowed accuracy: 10 x ±0.05% = 0.005. Where 0.005 is equal to 0.005mm (5µ). o For every 100mm measured on screen with a 10X lens the accuracy is ±0.005mm. For example, the accuracy of 300mm would be ±0.015mm.


1000 0092 Revision B

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