King's Business - 1958-11

NOVEMBER, 1958 25c ''Talking Platters" b y J o y H i d d e r h o f 'Stars and Sorrows'


"W h e n is T H A N K S - y iv in y ? ” by Dr. Don Hillis

55 Features • 7 Great Departments Make THE NEW CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE Truly a Bible P/u* a Biblical Library in One Volume (Edited by Rev. F. C. Thompson, D.D., Ph.D.) READ WHAT OTHERS SAY:

Justice Glenn Terrell, Form er Chief Justice of th e Surprem e C ourt of Florida : “The inscription over the entrance of the Library of the Florida State College for Women in Tallahassee, Florida, is: ‘T he Half of Knowledge Is to Know Where to Find Knowledge.' The New Chain Reference Bible is the ‘Where’ to find the fullest spiritual truths and to gain the most complete knowledge of the Bible in the easiest way. For the past two years I have used the New Chain Reference Bible and I have found it the best of them all.’’ Dr. Robert G. Lee: “This is to testify that I have used the Thompson Chain Reference Bible for several years in my study of the Bible. I believe it is the best on the market today. 1 wish that every reader of the Bible and every student of the Bible had a copy of this unusually helpful Bible." Dr. J. A. Huffm an: “I have never seen so much splendid help crowded into a single volume ofthe Bible." The Late Dr. J . B. Tidw ell: “The New Chain Reference Bible is the best yet. It has more helps than any other Bible." Evang. Dr. W alter L. Wilson: “This New Chain Reference Bible is better than I thought. I am using it frequently: in fact, daily, and find that the unusual grouping of the Scriptures is a wonderful timesaver for me. I have spoken of the value of it to many others and shall continue to do so." Dr. Charles E. Fuller: “I wish every preacher and teacher of the Word had a copy of this most usable and logical reference work." T he L ate Dr. W alter A. Maier: “I use the New Chain Reference Bible with continued delight and would not be without it. I recommend it highly to pastors, teachers, students, and Bible readers." Dr. Harry R imm er: “I feel that no student should be without this splendid aid to Bible study and instruction." Dr. H. Fram er Sm ith: “I find that it surpasses them all for real practical helps. To anyone desiring a better knowledge of the Scriptures I would say, examine this work before buying any other Bible." Rapidly Replacing Other Bibles —Has So Many More New Helpsl 1. Uniquechartshowing Origin and Growth of the English Bible. | H . 2. The Outline Studies of Bible Periods, comparing Bib* Seal History with Contcm|*orary Secular history. 3. The Analysisof the Bibleasa Whole. 4. The Analysis ofeach of the G6Books of the Bible. 6. The Analysis of every Chapter ol the New Testament. The Revised Version is given in the wide margin opposite the verses, wherever an im­ portant difference in meaning occurs.

Í ou to study the Constructive and Destructive Forces of ife, with the Bible verses printed out in full under such sub* jects as Faith—Unbelief, Love—-Hatred, Courage—Fear, etc. 33. Life Studies, such as Business Life, Home Life, Devo­ tional Life,The Surrendered Life, etc. _ 34. Bible Stories for Children. A list of 56 stories to be lead from the Bibleitself. 35. Miraelcs of both the Old and New Testaments listed In Chronological Order. 36. Parables of the Old Testament. Parables of the New Testament, listing those given in One Gospel Only, those given in Two, and those given in Three. . 37. Titles and Names ofChrist; of the Holy Spirit; ofGod the Father; and of Satan. 38. General Bible Prophecies. 39. A List of the Prophets of the Bible. , 40. List ofJudges of Israel and Judah given in Chronolog­ ical Order. 41. Listof the Notable Women of the Bible. . 42. Mountains and Hills referred to in Bible, listing the Scenes ofGreat Events. 43. Dictionary Material. 44. Tables ofTime, Money, Weights and Measures. Eleven New Features Added in the Third Improved Edition 45. The Historical Bridge, covering interval between the Old and New Testaments. 46. Chartshowing the History of the Apostles., 47. Harmony of the Gospels, citing references in different Go-pcIs whereeventsare given. 48. Calendar of the Christian Era. 49. The Post-Resurrection Appearances of Jesus, illus­ trated with well-known paintings. 50. Chart of the Seven Churches of Asia, described by John. 51. An Outline History of the Evangelistic and Missionary Work of the Early Church. 52. Theprophcsies Concerning Jesus and their Fulfillment, arranged Chronologically, with principal verses printed out in full. 53. Map Showing Approximate Distances from Jerusalem to Various Historical Points. 54. ChartShowingthe Interior Arrangementof the Temple at Jerusalem, 55. Thirteen Special Illustrated Maps Showing the Jour­

6. The Analysis of the Verses of the entire Bible. 7. The Numericaland Chain Refcrencc Syslcms. 8. Special Analysis of the Important Bible Characters. 9. Contrast between the Old and New Testaments. 10. The Topical Treasury New Topics for Prayer Meet* ings, Men's Meetings, Women's Meetings, Missionary Meet­ ings, Young People's Meetings,etc. # 11. Special Bible Readings for private devotions and pub* lie services. New and differentsubject';. 12. Bible Harmonies of the Lives of Moses and Paul. 13. Special Portraits ofJesus. 14. Chart of the Messianic Stars. 15. Chartshowing cause of the Babylonian Captivity 16. Chart of the Temple of Truth, illustrating the Ser* mon on the Mount. 17. Chdrt ofJesus' Hours on theCross. 18. The Christian Workers' Outfit. Ofspecial value to soul winners. . 19. All Prominent Bible Characters Classified, listing the Patriarchs, Leaders in Early Hebrew History, Courageous Reformers, etc., with meaning of their names given. 20. Golden Chapters of the Bible. 21. A Complete General Index of over seven thousand topics, names and places. 22. Special Memory Versesselected from each Book of the Bible. 'fy i -MS . . 23. Chart Showing Seven Editions of Divine Law. 24. Graph of the ProdigaISon. 25. Bible Mnemonics, or how to memorize., 26. The Principles and Best Methods of Bible Study 27. Pictorial Illustration of the River of Inspiration. 28. Bible Markings, Explaining best methods of marking one's Bible. 29. Concordance. 30. Atlas of 12 colored maps with index for quickly locat­ ing places. Other Features in Text Cyclopedia 31. Topical Study of the Bible. Correlated Scriptures printed out in full under 2467 topics and 6ub*topics. Three times as many as in any other Bible. 32. Contrast Study of Great Truths of the Bible. Enables

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to send money to America. I know you cannot help everyone, but ap­ preciate what you have done. Matagangtang, Placer, Rev. Solomon Canillas Masbate, Philippines ED. NOTE: Through the dedi­ cated special gifts of readers, we are able to send the K in g ’ s B u s i ­ ness to worthy missionaries, pastors and Christian workers in all parts of the world. Investments in this project should be marked for “for­ eign subscriptions.” Suggestions for names of same may be included. Every month we receive here copies of the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . I read each issue from cover to cover. I was saved since coming to San Quentin the second time. I don’t know who is responsible for our re­ ceiving the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss here, but my sincere thanks to whoever makes it possible. San Quentin, Calif. V.S.H., A-18210 ED. NOTE: Reader V.S.H. has also sent in a poem which may be printed in a forthcoming issue of T h e K in g ’ s B u sin e s s . Again, spe­ cial gifts from interested friends make possible the sending of this magazine not only to the foreign field, but also to prisons, hospitals and armed forces installations. SETTING THE CAPTIVES FREE Gentlemen:


Dear Sirs: I just had to let you know how thrilled I am to see Merv Rosell’s articles appearing in the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . T o me he is tops, and I can imagine a lot of readers would say “amen” to this. I enjoy all of your magazine from cover to cover each time it arrives. I look forward to the prophecy section with Dr. Charles L. Feinberg. God bless you abundantly who are about “the King’s Business.” Bell, California Muriel Sabin Bell ED. NOTE: W e are happy to re­ port that more articles will be ap­ pearing in the K in g ’ s B u sin ess by Dr. Rosell. Also watch for a stimu­ lating photographic interview with this o u t s t a n d i n g evangelist and spiritual leader. PHILIPPINE PASTOR ASKS FOR MAGAZINE Dear Brothers in Christ: I have been receiving the K in g ’ s B u sin ess every month and really this is “Christian” reading. The articles have helped greatly in my work. I long to have the magazine monthly. I am not able to pay for a subscription, and it is very hard

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A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

S. H. Sutherland, President

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

In America the need of the Jew Is spiritual — and it is a deep need. In other parts of the world persecution and discrim ination s till cause that anguished cry, “ 0 Lord, how long, how long?” As your prayers and partnership enable us, we seek to render spiritual and material aid to these suffering ones, and to present Christ their Messiah to multitudes of Jews throughout the world. Keep in touch with the plight and progress of world Jewry through our quarterly maga­ zine, THE EVERLASTING NATION. Till further notice, we are offering FREE with each sub­ scription ($1.00 per year) two short, fascinat­ ing books, "The Jew and Jesus Christ” and “ The Jewish Passover” . Make sure of your copies by subscribing today. Jacob Gartenhaus, D.O., Litt.D., President Dr. Robert G. Lee, Ph.D., Chairman, Advisory Council (Past President, Southern Baptist Convention) NTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, INC. Box 1256, Atlanta 1, Ga. Subscriptions to King's Business make excellent gifts. — see Pages 2 6 - 2 7 —

NOVEMBER, In the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Vol. 49, No. 11

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Features TALKING PLATTERS — Joy Ridderhof .................................................. TO STARS AND SORROWS — Arthur B. Whiting ................................... 14 A FAITHFUL SERVANT FINISHES HER COURSE — Betty Bruechert 16 WHEN IS THANKS-giving — Don Hillis ............................................... 17 PROPHECY — Charles Moyes ..................................................................... 18 TROPHIES OF GOD'S GRACE — Doris Gould ...................................... 38 THE NARCOTICS TRAFFIC — Roger Arnebergh ................................. 39 AHOY SHIPMATES— Paul Myers ........................................................... 46 Articles UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ....................... 6 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ........................................................... 7 EDITORIALS — S. H. Sutherland .............................................................. 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ........... .................................................... 23 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Boyles ............................................... 24 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ...................................... 29 JR. KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ........................................ 32 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davldheiser .............................. 35 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ........................................................... 36 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde Narramore ............................................... 40 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — J. O. Henry .................................................... 42 ACCENT ON YOUTH — Ken Poure' ....................................................... 50 Columns READERS REACTION .................................................................................... 5 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ............................................................................... 9 TOWN AND CAMPUS ................................................................................... 25 ALUMNI ....................................................................................................... 38 RECORDS ........................................................................................................... 43 NUGGETS OF GOLD ....................................................................................... 44 Cover "Thanksgiving Back on the Farm" might well be the title of the cover picture for this November. In these days of rush and turmoil, one quickly forgets to enjoy the beauty of God's beautiful out-of-doors and abundant harvest.

On tWHÌr '.'tSt'l •„ from Times Square!

W y r t z e n ^ l America's Only Coast to Coast Gospel k Youth Broadcast

S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor IRENE BOYD: copy editor JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

PAUL SCHWEPKER: advertising manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business' manager ROBERT MILLSPAUGH: coordinator

editorial board Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, Edward Hayes, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Chester J. Padgett, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, ond Canada, $3.00, one yeor; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/' ADVERTISING— For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

MANUSCRIPTS *— "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

every Saturday night x J S A S T .......................7 : 3 0 C E N T R A L . . . . 6 : 3 0 F .M , M O U N T A IN . . . 7 : 0 0 P .M , P A C I F I C ............... 7 : 0 0 P .M NOTE: Som e stations at different tinu



Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller LOVE'S FREEDOM “ U " s n ’ t that music beautiful and rest- ful?” Daddy’s eyes shone as he asked his wife the question. “It’s all right, but I’m afraid I cannot work up your enthusiasm for Hawaiian music. A little of it goes a long way. Come to think of it, Robert Miller, I have a new sense of freedom which is sweet, a sort of emancipa­ tion in not agreeing with you about this particular type of music. Give me symphonies any day.” “What do you mean by freedom? I’ve never tried to dictate your tastes in music.” The smile on his face had a “what will she come up with next?” expression. “I know you have not ordered my musical life. But in every other phase of our married life where principle or philosophy have been involved, if we have not been agreed, I have de- fererd to your decision as my head. But since likes and dislikes in music are a matter of personal taste (al­ though music does reflect philosophy and principle) I have no fears that I am out-of-bounds in disagreeing. In fact, I feel light-headed with joy,” Mother concluded as she gave the man of her heart a resounding kiss. “Why are you two arguing?” our stormy six year old demanded. “We’re not arguing. Your Mother is just disagreeing with me.” The twinkle in Daddy’s eyes proved he was enjoying the events of the mo­ ment. “Well, when I get married I will never argue with my husband.” “Ha,” a s k e p t i c a l M o t h e r re­ sponded, “that’ll be the day. What will you do when you and your hus­ band don’t agree?” “I’ll put him to bed and get a switch.” With a toss of her head Ardyth sashayed out of the room. When the parents had gotten their breath after laughing, Daddy in­ quired, “How is it that you never thought of that angle?” “Life’s problems and differences are not resolved so easily. I wish they were. But I praise the Lord that every problem of our family and marital life can be resolved because Jesus Christ loves us and gave Himself for us. I’ll never cease to thank Him that our love is centered in our mutual Lord.” Read the new “Christian Home” column in this month’s King’s Business. See Page 24 for “Are You the Same Person Your Partner Married?”

/ / ¿A r y • . . i f n>e hai * This is what the lady said in a letter in Russian from behind the Iron Curtain. " I have heard your voice on the radio inviting sinners to come to the Saviour, and I am asking you to s e n d m e t h a t b o o k from which you read. I now believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. Pray for me and for m y hus­ band and children. "I f w e h a d t h a t B o o k , we could read it to sinners and also invite them to the Lord Jesus. Friends come regularly to our home to listen to your invitation to come to the Saviour.” We at HLKX are reaching folk far beyond the horizon through the daily gospel broadcasts in Russian, Chinese, Korean, Mongolian and English. Your gifts npw will help keep this ministry on the air. t l i c L t We quote: TEAM Radio-Korea THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE M ISSION 2845 W. McLEAN AVE. CHICAGO 47, ILL. *Your gifts enabled us to get "th a t Book" into the lady's hands. Now she is sharing God's precious Word with others. Mail gifts regularly to:

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The Scroll is the most sacred thing In the Jewish Synagogue. Christ read His introductory message from the Scroll in the Synagogue. Every Bible student ought to have one of these miniature scrolls OUR OFFER We want you to read THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, considered by many Bible stu­ dents the most helpful paper on prophecy and the Jew published in America. It gives you inspiring reports of the world­ wide activities of the American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. Also, we want you to read the life story of Ex-Rabbi Leopold Cohn, written by himself in a sixty-page booklet — one of the most thrilling stories you have ever read. Jews are really accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. The price of the Scroll is $1.50, and THE CHOSEN PEOPLE is $1 a year (published September through June). Mr. Cohn's autobiography is 50 cents. Send us $2 and we will mail you ALL and enter your name for a years subscription for THE CHOSEN PEOPLE; if not satisfied, we'll return your money without a question. Our work merits your every confidence. It is a program of world-wide Gospel tes­ timony to the Jews. Your fellowship in prayer is always welcomed and appre­ ciated. THE CHOSEN PEOPLE is, of course, sent to all contributors. I enclose $2 for which please send me your Hebrew Miniature Scroll Combina­ tion. Use the enclosed $............................... for mission work among Jews. Name..................................................... Address City........................ Zone.... State........... In Canada 39 King W illiam St., Hamilton, Ont. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS, INC. 236 W. 72nd St., Dept. 8, New York 23, N.Y.


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by Phil Kerr

"RESCUE THE PERISHING" Words by Fanny Crosby Music by William H. Doane The story of the writing of this song can best be told in Fanny Cros­ by’s own words, as reported in Story of Ninety-Four Years: “It was written in the year 1869. Many of my hymns were written after experiences in New York mis­ sion work. This one was thus writ­ ten. I was addressing a large com­ pany of working men one hot summer evening, when the thought kept forc­ ing itself on my mind that some mother’s boy must be rescued that night or not at all. So I made a press­ ing plea that if there was a boy pres­ ent who had wandered from his mother’s home and t each ing , he would come to me at the close of the service. A young man of eighteen came forward and said, ‘Did you mean me? I promised my mother to meet her in heaven, but as I am now living that will be impossible.’ We prayed for him and he finally arose with a new ligljLt in his eyes and exclaimed in triumph, ‘Now I can meet my mother in heaven, for I have found God!’ “A few days before, Mr. Doane had sent me a theme for a new song, Rescue the Perishing, and while I sat in the mission that evening the line came to me, Rescue the perish­ ing, care for the dying. I could think of nothing else that night. When I retired it was ready for the melody. The next day my song was written out and forwarded to Mr. Doane, who wrote the beautiful and touching music as it now stands.” The song was first published in 1870 in Doane’s Songs Of Devotion. Southern California residents and visitors are reminded of the special MUSICALES directed by Phil Kerr. Every Monday night at 7:30 P.M. in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, and the second Sunday afternoon of each month in the new auditorium o f the BIOLA Campus in La Mirada at 2:30 P.M. Always a rich i n s p i r a t i o n in musical testimony.

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In Glendale BIOLA BOOKROOM "The Complete Christian Supply Center" 121 W. Wilson - Glendale, Calif.





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It would appear that there is a growing tend­ ency in certain circles of Bible-believing Christians to shy away from the term “fundamentalist.” It does not seem that the reasons for declining to be classified as a fundamentalist, however, are alto­ gether valid. A fundamentalist is one who thor­ oughly believes in the great fundamentals of our Christian faith. Some of the greatest heroes of the faith have been identified with the proclamation of these fundamentals. There is no reason what­ ever for being ashamed to be identified with men of the caliber of Moody, Torrey, Scofield, Riley, Machen, Gaebelein, Pettingill, Gray, and a host of other valiant warriors of the Christian faith who lived during the latter part of the last century and the first part of our present century. It is to be regretted that there have been and that there are at the present time certain individuals who classify themselves as fundamental­ ists and by their actions and attitudes bring the name into disrepute. But this has been true in every movement and every Christian group from the earliest beginnings of church history. Just because some people go to extremes in espousing a certain cause is no reason whatever for repudiating the cause itself. Bible-believing Christians today should be proud to identify them­ selves with the leaders of the past generations. To try to classify oneself as a Bible-believing Christian and at the same time disassociate himself from these great warriors of the Christian faith can only lead to doubts in the minds of others concerning his own avowed position. Furthermore, repudiation of the word “fundamentalist” would appear as a repudiation of the men and the cause which they espoused in the early years of the great fundamentalist-modem controversy. There is no evidence to in­ dicate that there is any leader or group of leaders in conservative Chris­ tian circles today who is qualified to lead the great host of Bible-believing Christians away from the well-known fundamentalist position into any other similar position to be known by another name. We of this generation have been given a glorious heritage by the men who have preceded us. We can do no better today than to proclaim to our own generation the magnificent scriptural truths which have already been proclaimed to previous generations. Certainly the system of un ­ belief-modernism—which the fundamentalists have so vigorously opposed is still in existence today. There is no reason whatever therefore for repudiating the word or that for which it stands. I AM A FUNDA­ MENTALIST. * * * * * * In a constant effort to bring readers of the 48-year-old K in g ’ s B u s i ­ ness the very finest of articles, features and columns, we are happy to present this November issue, “dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home..” We have appreciated the assistance of Mr. Lloyd Hamill and his staff, and wish them God’s very best in their new areas of service for Christ. Suggestions, comments and ideas from readers will be gratefully received. Earnest prayers will mean much during these days when we strengthen the m inistry of the printed page for the spiritual benefit of the many people who, in coming months, will be receiving copies of T h e K in g ’ s B u sin e s s . Dr. S. H. Sutherland President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

If there is one class poorer and more in need of the Gospel than another in Greece, it is the gypsies. One of their own number confessed to our native worker: “Unfortu­ nately we use any means whatever, whether legal or illegal, from steal­ ing to witchcraft, to earn our liv­ ing. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t want to change our way of life and become honest people and good Christians. But today is the first time we have heard of Christ and the Gospel.” Here is what our Gospel worker says about one poor family: “Naf- sika Sankouri is the sick mother of 5 children. I found her washing outside her hut which is made of sundried bricks. I asked her about her children and herself, and then I spoke to her of the love of Jesus. At this her eyes filled with tears. ‘I am tired of this miserable life, she said between sobs. ‘Poverty, hunger and sickness are our con­ stant companions. I have 5 chil­ dren who never get enough bread to satisfy their hunger. Recently I underwent a serious operation and was told by the doctors that I must have wholesome food, but how can I get it when my children are deprived of even their daily bread? I need injections, too, but they are very expensive. I don’t care for myself as much as for my children, and the idea that I may die and leave them all alone is torture to me. What is going to be­ come of them? May God help me to learn how to obey and trust in Him as you advise me to do. At least then my soul will be saved so that I will not go to hell and be lost forever.’ ” We cannot conceive such bitter poverty and need in this country. As the holiday season approaches, when we rejoice in the good things the Lord has provided for our en­ joyment, let us heed the words of Philippians 2:4: “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” Help to spread a table for the needy in the land of Greece through the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.0. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.). (Advertisement)



1 . For one pen­ ny a day you can become one of the supporters of our Is­ abelle Orphanage at Pusan, Korea. 2 . Our 300 orph­ ans need your gifts and prayers. I t you wish we will send you a bank mounted with a beauti­ ful wooden figure. 3* “ Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.“ Galatians 6:2

in the n ew s

DR. BOB PIERCE, President of World Vision, Inc., has been invited to conduct a major evangelistic crusade in Ghana (Africa) next February. This will be a part of the country's observance of its second year of independence. MR. JACK SONNEVELDT, former president of the Sonneveldt Paper Company of Grand Rapids, has been appointed president of Gospel Films, Inc. One of the film leader's new responsibilities will be the photographing of a new production aimed at reaching teenagers around the world. Shooting will begin February 1 in Singapore. DR. H. WILBERT NORTON, president of Trinity Seminary and Bible College in Chicago (educational institute of the Evangelical Free Church of America) has returned from a seven-week missionary survey trip of Central and South American countries. DR. THEODORE W . ANDERSON, president of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Churches, will be one of the special speakers at the 90th anniversary celebration of that organization in Chicago on December 26, 27, and 28. Dr. Anderson's father was the first secretary of the church back in the days before the Chicago fire. Meetings will be held in the church pastored by DR. HAROLD L. LINDQUIST, with a special emphasis made toward reaching the Jewish people of the area. REV. RANSOM D. MARVIN, former Spokane, Washington pastor, has accepted a position with the National Sunday School Association in Chicago as executive assistant. DR. CLATE A. RISLEY is executive secretary. Mr. Marvin, who received his training at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, was a former illustrator for the "KING'S BUSI­ NESS/' MR. ARTHUR REIMER, former director of music for the Church of the Open Door, passed away in September. Mr. Reimer was a member of the faculty of the Inglewood City Schools and noted for his outstanding work with the Laudisti Choir. MANKAMU and MINTAKA, the two Auca women who left their tribe for civilization have declared that they are now planning to return to the jungles shortly. Both of them accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour during their time with the missionaries. Their avowed purpose: "to take the gospel back to our people." MR. RUSSELL HITT, editor of "Eternity" magazine has spent several months in Ecuador gathering material for a new book concerning the life of one of the five martyred men, NATE SAINT. REV. W. DOUGLAS ROE, executive secretary of the Montrose Bible Conference led an extensive program of activities for the organization during its 50th anniversary celebration. Started on August 21, 1908 the work was originated by DR. RUEBEN ARCHER TORREY. (BIOLA's founding was just six months previous to this and Dr. Torrey was one of the first deans of the Bible Institute.) MR. A. P. FRYE, chief engineer of WMBI, radio voice of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, one of the original staff members of the broadcast facility, was on hand when the Chicagoland station recently marked its 100,000th hour of broadcasting the Gospel message. MR. ROBERT PARSONS, program director of the station stated that the pioneer voice of Christian radio continues to originate more than 150 programs each week. Some of these broadcasts are released on 50 stations in this country and around the world. REV. THOMAS "ED" STEELE has been appointed director of extension for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. He was formerly pastor of the First Baptist Churches of Anderson and Hemet, Calif. Mr. Steele's work will be in radio, meetings, alumni, and publicity. REV. C. ALLEN TAFF, former pastor of the First Baptist Church of Richland, Washing­ ton, has been appointed western representative of the General Association of Regular Baptists. DR. R. T. KETCHAM is the national representative. REV. PAUL B., SMITH , associate pastor of the People's Church, Toronto, Canada, continues a special series of evangelistic meetings in the Far East during November. Meetings are being held in Japan, Korea and Hong Kong. A t the conclusion of the crusades, the team will go to Moscow for five days. DR. JOHN R. RICE, editor of the Sword of the Lord, has announced the fifth annual Evangelistic Sermon Contest, with awards totalling $1,600. Entries are to be submitted before December 1, 1958. Rules are available upon request. MR. HAROLD VAN BROEKHOVEN, d¡rector of Radio Europe, has left for the continent to continue survey work preliminary to the establishment of an evangelical radio station in that important area of the world. The project is sponsored by WRMF, Inc. (The Voice of the Andes.)

Write to: The Korea Gospel Mission, Inc. P. 0 . Box 291, Inglewood, California Penny a day bank HONG ICONG is the GATEWAY to Asia GOSPEL PREACHING — Emmanual Church holding regular services in English and Chinese in the heart of the colony and the Countryside. MEDICAL M IN ISTRY — Emmanual Clinic with two doctors and a regular staff of nurses and evangelists, treating over 1,500 monthly. PRINTED PAGE — Biola Book Room, o large evangelical book store in downtown Kowloon distributing Bibles and literature in English and Chinese. YOUTH CENTER — Recently built in the New Territories. Primary and Evening Schools for factory workers and their chil­ dren. Summer and winter Bible Confer­ ences. Charles A. Roberts, D.D., Supt. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Hong Kong Department 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California New Release T2" LP High Fidelity Recording J O H N G U S T A F S O N Tenor with Ralph Carmichael Orchestra

The Haven of Rest Peace in the Valley God is Everywhere I Have Been Born Again Jacob Wrestled W ith An Angel Lord I'm Coming Home Let God Tune Your Heartstrings Show a Little Love If I Gained the World The Things I Have Left Undone A t your Book Store or order from CHRISTIAN FAITH RECORDINGS Reseda • California






illnesses. A doctor friend said to me, “Joy, you will never be able to re­ turn to your mission field,” and this proved to be true. Those two years and more of illness and weakness were a period of severe testing. I de­ sired above all else to return to my field of labor and continue to travel on my little mule over the mountains of Honduras, giving the life-saving message to those who needed it. As it became apparent that this was not to be, p r om i s e s f r om Scripture

As had been promised, there was much opposition to the Gospel in this place, but always the Lord was faith­ ful to His pledge and I was delivered out of every scheme or plot to harm me. On the other hand, it proved to be an open door for there were many whose lives were completely trans­ formed by the power of the Gospel. When I returned to the United States for furlough nearly six years after going out, it was in a weary body, the worse for many tropical

JOY RIDDERHOF (right) and ANN SHER­ WOOD. "The attic bedroom where I stayed at the old home place on Witmer Street was all too small, for it had to serve as an office and storage place for records as well." A verse of Scripture which has had an influence in my own life and in the life of Gospel Recordings is found in Revelation 3:8. It says, “Behold, I have set before thee an open door, which no man can shut.”' As a young missionary in Honduras in 1931,1 was to go up into the moun­ tains and work in an area where there was no resident missionary. I was f o r e w a r n e d , however, that there would be many dangers and attempts would be made to take my life. I could have been intimidated by these threats but for the promises, such as I have just quoted, which assured me of the companionship of One who would protect me.

"While looking around I noticed an old shack bordering the back alley. It had been a small stable many years before, then a garage; but now it was in disuse except for one end used for storage."



strengthened me and filled me with real hope for the future. “Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.” These same words of assurance made me know that whether I was sick or well, at home or abroad, God’s power was the same. He knew my desire to see the Gospel spread and His coming has­ tened. He had not forgotten the prayer of years, “How can these peo­ ple who have no one to go to them and who cannot even read, hear the Gospel?” Little by little the answer clarified itself. “Why don’t you send records which preach the Gospel, and sing, and explain the way of salvation?” I thought of the many phonographs scattered throughout the country — little spring-wound ones. If only we could make records in the Spanish language they could go anywhere. Many months after the time this idea first presented itself, the hour was at last ripe. True, I did not have very much money. My entire capital for the undertaking was just $15.00. This had come to me in several gifts over a period of about eight months. Now I was brought in touch with a Christian technician, who not only had the “know how” for making rec­ ords, but the equipment for it, and was glad to help me on a non-profit basis. The money I had was sufficient for the first record, which was made in the early part of the year 1939. When I listened back to the song of redemption it contained, to the verses of Scripture, and to the invitation to receive Christ, I knew that my prayer had been answered and that there was before me an “open door” indeed. In fact, I believed that multitudes might eventually be brought in touch wih the light of the Gospel through this medium.

" It had an uneven dirt floor, the walls were all askew. Perhaps this could be made into a studio — the roof seemed to be pretty good." (Note door in corner — the first contribution toward the studio.)

looking around I noticed an old shack bordering the back alley. It had been

Now that the work was launched in this small way, there were other barriers and closed doors which pre­ sented themselves from time to time. The original capital was gone so that there was need of money as well as helpers and equipment. But we could always tell our needs to our Heav­ enly Father and through our trust in Christ every one was supplied. After the war started we found ourselves without a studio, without equipment, and without expert tech­ nical assistance. We were at an im­ passe. The attic bedroom where I stayed at the old home place on Wit- mer Street was all too small. It had to serve as an office and storage place for records as well. We had already exhausted all the extra space around my father’s p r o p e r t y , or so we thought. One day, however, while



" It was not long before this old shack had been transformed into a neat little sound­ proofed studio."

Later, a second technical room was added and the sides were shingled.



ish and the work which had been Spanish Gospel Recordings now was Gospel Recordings, Incorporated. We saw our pile of acetate record blanks diminishing and we could not get any more; every door was tightly barred. We were on our knees for we only had one record blank left, not enough even for a day’s work. We were in earnest prayer about it when there was a knock at our little studio. We disregarded the interruption and con­ tinued to pray. Soon we heard a knock at the other door. Upon opening it, there stood a delivery truck in the alley and before us one of those lady delivery men they had during the war, coldly announcing that she had brought us an order from the whole­ sale supply house. It proved to be a large stack of record acetates, just exactly what we needed, three hun­ dred dollars’ worth, and we had the money to pay for them! We then knelt to thank God for this wonderful answer to our prayers. Another door had swung open. As the work grew end there were more demands, my strength also in­ creased, and with it a desire which reiterated in our hearts until we felt it was a call. It was to step out to Mexico to make recordings of lan­ guages of tribes where Wycliffe Bible Translators were working, but where the people did not have a written Bible or Gospel they could read. Hitherto most of the languages we had recorded were for nations or tribes where they had little or nothing at all. Thereupon Ann Sherwood and I made plans to go and make record­ ings in cooperation with the Trans­ lators. This was an impossible undertak­ ing for war time. We would need

The station wagon which came supplied with gasoline ration coupons — donated for for the Mexico trip. This made it possible for them to get recordings in 33 languages.

a small stable many years before. But now it was in disuse, except for one section which was storage space. It had an uneven dirt floor, the walls were all askew and the broken doors hung on their hinges. Perhaps this could be made into a studio. The roof seemed to be pretty good. But of course we had no money, no mater­ ials, no carpenter, nor did we have the recording equipment necessary for this project. We didn’t even have The first piece of recording equipment was donated. This disc recorder was taken on the first field trip — to Mexico. (Joy Rid- derhof, left, and Ann Sherwood.)

the furniture to put into it. But soon after this a friend invited me to visit their home outside of Los Angeles. While there she said, “We want to make a contribution towards your studio.” They took me over to the wrecking yard and said, “We have de­ cided that we would like to buy you a door.” So I was given a used door. Frankly I could not see how it would lit in, but received it thankfully. As I rattled home in my old Ford over the 25 miles with this wooden door banging up and down on the roof, I thought, “After all, we have the door, and it is an open one.” Needless to say with that begin­ ning it was not long before this old shack had been transformed into a neat little sound-proofed studio and by the time it was finished, door in place, we had a desk (for this was to be office and headquarters as well), excellent recording equipment, all donated, a technician who came from time to time to oversee the work and a neat piano with excellent tone! There were many good reasons why our work just could not “carry on” during the war. Everything was tied up. It took high military priorities to be able to get some of the supplies needed, but we always had the open door of communication with the Chief of Staff who is really at the top, and it was to Him that we went at all times, and on Him we depended for every need. I remember once when it looked as though we would have to stop unless a miracle were performed quickly. By this time we were work­ ing in other languages besides Span­

Zopoteco child shows how she practiced with a tin can tor a microphone before making the recordings in her tongue. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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