King's Business - 1958-11

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O nly a few years ago a group of nations was called the Big Five. Later we read about the Big Four. Until very recent years it looked like the Big Three. Today, although the term may not be used, it appears that world dominion is largely under the control of the Big Two. Now comes the question, When will it be the Big One? Bible prophecy is not given to us in order that we may prophesy com­ ing events. Rather, it is given to us that when these things come to pass, God’s believing people may know and understand that history is being poured into the mold of prophecy. We cannot look out on unfolding events and give a date when there will be one world or one government or one great dictator over all the na­ tions of the earth, but one fact cer­ tainly faces all of us. There will be a world ruler on this earth! Concern­ ing that world potentate and his iron rule, the Apostle John saw in vision: “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and na­ tions” (Rev. 13:7). Back in the days of Woodrow Wil­ son’s fourteen points the blueprint was drawn for a League of Nations. It was not yet God’s time. The Kaiser, M u s s o l i n i , Hitler and Stalin, no doubt, had aspirations toward world government. Although each of these men must have had his own blue­ print for a world government, the time had not arrived for the structure to be erected. Since World War II a universal change has been apparent. Woodrow Wilson’s own nation which refused his plan has now assumed a place of leadership in promoting what we call the United Nations. It is well for students of prophecy to make it per­ fectly clear that, although the Bible teaches there will come a world gov­ ernment or a “united nations,” this does not mean that the present United

his inspiration, and the common peo­ ple are favorable to the U. N., it re­ quires little discernment to see that we are moving rapidly in the direc­ tion of one world. 3. The atom bomb and the discov­ ery of atomic energy in general have caused multitudes to reason that the only solution for world peace is one world government. We are told that as long as there are two governments, one will battle the other and nations cannot survive a full-scale atomic war. It is not our purpose to criticize these reasons nor to propose some­ thing different. We would rather say: Right or wrong, a world government is coming, not because of the above, but because the Bible so reveals it. Across our nation there are many discussion groups and political action groups promoting world government. When it finally comes, many will be surprised to discover that the head of this world government will have no place for Christianity or the testi­ mony of the gospel. Why Bible-believ- ing people should waste their time in promoting world government, and talking about the merits and superior­ ities of the U.N., is difficult to under­ stand. The people of America will be fur­ ther surprised to realize that in the world government real liberty will be unknown. If we cherish our freedoms in America today, we must remember that the 170 million people in our nation are practically nothing as com­ pared to 2700 million people who would compose the one-world gov­ ernment. Americans in general, and Chris­ tians in particular, have everything to lose and nothing to gain by a world government. The standard of liberty of other nations will not be lifted up to ours, but ours will be lowered to theirs. One world must be one world economically, politically, education- Surprises Concerning World Government

Nations m u s t b e c ome t h e final “united nations.” Plans for world gov­ ernment have collapsed in genera­ tions past, and it might happen again. However, it now appears that the present defenders and promoters of world government are found in the grass roots as never before. Men of the street and the common people have been putting forth reasons al­ most universally accepted as to why we must have world government. 1. To prove the need of world gov­ ernment, both politicians and com­ mon people everywhere point to the universal travel and communication. Also, the promoters'' of the social gos­ pel have said, “The world is now a neighborhood; we must make it a brotherhood.” To the natural man, lacking the knowledge of divine reve­ lation, a world government seems to be the logical answer. 2. The common people have also come to feel that the principle of iso­ lation practiced by one nation is im­ possible. Even old-fashioned isolation Republicanism has practically ceased to exist, in favor of the New Repub­ licanism promoted by the late Wen­ dell L. Wilkie who wrote the book One World. At the close of World War II the U. S. was totally conditioned to ac­ cept any plan which promised peace for the world. The plan for a United Nations seems to be it. Regardless of how honeycombed with subversive elements it might be, the majority was for it. When President Eisenhower ex­ plained why he sent U. S. Marines into Lebanon on July 15, 1958, he did not justify his decision by appealing to the Constituion of the United States, which he is sworn to preserve, defend, protect and follow. Instead, he found his inspiration in the Char­ ter of the U. N. Without passing any judgment upon the action of our president, it is perfectly clear that the U. N. is rapidly superseding the U. S. If the president looks to the U. N. for



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