King's Business - 1958-11

JR. KING'S BUSINESS (continued)

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Around the basket of fruit we will place at least three candles, one a tall white one, the two smaller ones of autumn colors. The tall white can­ dle will tell us of Him, the Holy One, who said, “I am the light of the world,” (John 8:12.) The two smaller colored ones will tell of all believers, no matter the color or age, who are called to be lights in this dark world. (See Matthew 5:14,16.) Around the candles and basket of fruit, we will lay some pretty autumn leaves, reminding us of the fig tree on which our Lord found leaves but no fruit. (Matthew 13:28-33.) How careful we should be, not only to pro­ fess but also to possess. How sad are the words, “Nothing but leaves!” Our Lord seeks the fruit of the Spirit today in each bora again one. We will next place the silver upon the table. Throughout the Old Testa­ ment and especially in our study of the tabernacle, we have learned that silver, obtained from the ransom money, is a symbol of redemption. In I Peter 1:18,19, we are told that the price paid for our redemption is the precious blood of the Lord Jesus. There will no doubt be a glass of water at each place on the Thanks­ giving table. Water is a picture of the Word ministered by the Holy Spirit (see Psalms 119:9; Ephesians 5:26, and John 7:37-39.) Water in the natural refreshes, cleanses, and satis­ fies thirst. So in the spiritual, God’s Word ministered by the Holy Spirit cleanses, refreshes, and satisfies. There will be milk for some on the Thanksgiving table. Many enjoy milk no matter what other food is served, and we are sure there will be milk for the children. In I Peter 2:2 we are told to “desire the sincere milk of the Word that [we] may grow there­ by.” (See also Hebrews 5:13 and I Corinthians 3:1,2.) Of course there will be bread on the table and this will remind us of our Lord Jesus who said, “I am the bread of life.” (John 6:48,51.) What satisfaction a piece of bread gives to us physically. It satisfies hunger. So the Lord Jesus satisfies the hungry, longing heart and is the answer to every problem. Next we will place some meat on the table. Meat is generally the most important food on the Thanksgiving table. (This may be a can of meat, or a picture of meat or turkey.) Again we find in God’s Word that meat is a picture of the Word. Meat is for those who have cut their spiritual teeth and are “of full age.” (Hebrews 5:14.) We must not forget the salt which

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Bible Time

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Bible Verse


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Garden Full of

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