King's Business - 1958-11

some will need for seasoning. In Mat­ thew 5:13, our Lord Jesus said, “Ye are the salt of the earth.” All that salt means as a seasoning and as a preservative we should mean to others spiritually. As a bit of salt quickly permeates an article of food, so our Christian influence should be felt. Our lives and testimony should make a difference in any circumstance in which we find ourselves. We must not forget the dessert. For no matter how filling thé first part of the Thanksgiving meal has been every one seems to want something sweet at the end. As the sweet for this meal, we shall choose honey. Honey is mentioned several times in God’s Word. This is again a symbol of the Word of God. According to Psalm 19:19 the psalmist declares that God’s Word is “sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.” How sweet is His Word to each of us? What a challenging question! Our Thanksgiving table is set and we are now ready to partake or appro­ priate and make real in our lives the spiritual blessings set forth by these common things, (see Jeremiah 15:16.) SEND FOR YOUR FREE COPY TODAY Bible Institute • Los Angeles 17,


SCIENCE & THE BIBLE by Bolton Davidheiser, Ph.D., Chairman of the Science Division, Biola College

Transmutation of Species

been reduced to a single species. There are two species of birds that are distinguished by the lengths of their tails, though the difference is so slight it can be ascertained only when the birds are captured and measured. Two species of a water plant are characterized by their rates of respiration. Some species are iden­ tical in form so far as known and are recognized as different species be­ cause they will not produce fertile hybrids. On the other hand, a num­ ber of easily recognized species do produce fertile hybrids. Whether or not new species have been produced by man depends on how one chooses to define the term. The classical example is the cabbage- radish hybrid accomplished by the doubling of chromosomes. It is fertile but will not cross with either the cabbage or radish. Unfortunately it has a cabbage-like root and a radish­ like top. Thus, since species cannot be ac­ curately defined and since variations may occur which are greater than specific differences, to hold that every species is as created is an untenable position. It is just as untenable to hold that because of this one must accept evolution from lower forms of life. Another notable thing in the ad­ vertisement of this film is the blas­ phemous statement concerning the fly, “It Challenged the Supreme Pow­ er of the Universe!” Beelzebub, a name of Satan, is said to be derived from a Hebrew word meaning “Lord of flies.” We know that Satan has challenged God and he is the adver­ sary of those who are bom into the family of God through faith in Jesus Christ. His promise to man was, “Ye shall be as gods,” by heeding him in disobedience to God’s word. One finds a surprising parallel to this when one reads what the evolutionists say the future holds for mankind through his own efforts and natural laws. 35

A c u r r e n t film has to do with a man who expe r imen t ed with atoms and as a result he turned into an insect — a fly. The advertisement states that $100 will be paid to the first person who proves it can’t hap­ pen. This amount means nothing to the film producers and if such adver­ tising is profitable it merely reflects the gullibility of a portion of the public. Probably the closest thing to this in sober thinking is the belief that human beings have been pro­ duced by r andom va r i a t i on s in worms and still lower forms of life over a long period of time. Most sci­ entists today accept this as truth. Many college textbooks tell us that one must either accept evolution from lower forms of life or else believe that every species is as it was created. One can hardly consider such a statement as honest, for the authors who say this are in a position to know very well that the term species cannot be accurately defined and the differ­ ences between recognized species are often quite trivial. Carl von Linne, the great Swedish botanist who originated our system of classifying animals and plants, be­ lieved that “species” represent the “kinds” created by God. Although he changed his mind about this, he was quoted as the chief authority by the opponents of evolution in the contro­ versy which arose nearly a century after his death. This seems to be the background of the misunderstanding which has persisted to the present day. At one time Jordan’s list of fishes contained 670 species. Ten years later it had been reduced to 599, although 125 new species had been added. This was because during that time 196 formerly accepted species were no longer accepted as species. In the same way during a certain period 19,000 species of birds were reduced to 8,500, in spite of the addition of 8,000 new species. Some 250 species of a certain fresh-water clam have

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