King's Business - 1958-11

to send money to America. I know you cannot help everyone, but ap­ preciate what you have done. Matagangtang, Placer, Rev. Solomon Canillas Masbate, Philippines ED. NOTE: Through the dedi­ cated special gifts of readers, we are able to send the K in g ’ s B u s i ­ ness to worthy missionaries, pastors and Christian workers in all parts of the world. Investments in this project should be marked for “for­ eign subscriptions.” Suggestions for names of same may be included. Every month we receive here copies of the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . I read each issue from cover to cover. I was saved since coming to San Quentin the second time. I don’t know who is responsible for our re­ ceiving the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss here, but my sincere thanks to whoever makes it possible. San Quentin, Calif. V.S.H., A-18210 ED. NOTE: Reader V.S.H. has also sent in a poem which may be printed in a forthcoming issue of T h e K in g ’ s B u sin e s s . Again, spe­ cial gifts from interested friends make possible the sending of this magazine not only to the foreign field, but also to prisons, hospitals and armed forces installations. SETTING THE CAPTIVES FREE Gentlemen:


Dear Sirs: I just had to let you know how thrilled I am to see Merv Rosell’s articles appearing in the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . T o me he is tops, and I can imagine a lot of readers would say “amen” to this. I enjoy all of your magazine from cover to cover each time it arrives. I look forward to the prophecy section with Dr. Charles L. Feinberg. God bless you abundantly who are about “the King’s Business.” Bell, California Muriel Sabin Bell ED. NOTE: W e are happy to re­ port that more articles will be ap­ pearing in the K in g ’ s B u sin ess by Dr. Rosell. Also watch for a stimu­ lating photographic interview with this o u t s t a n d i n g evangelist and spiritual leader. PHILIPPINE PASTOR ASKS FOR MAGAZINE Dear Brothers in Christ: I have been receiving the K in g ’ s B u sin ess every month and really this is “Christian” reading. The articles have helped greatly in my work. I long to have the magazine monthly. I am not able to pay for a subscription, and it is very hard

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